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45 pages of results. 161. Ocean Sediments, Circumpolar Muck, Erratics, Buried Forests, and Loess as Evidence of Global Floods [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... encountered high mountain ranges, one would expect a second northward counterflow toward the Arctic Ocean. That this analysis of these sedimentary materials is confirmed by the evidence will be outlined below as a form of proof that great global deluges occurred in historic and prehistoric times. Before proceeding, it should also be noted that, although this paper deals with geophysical evidence, there are numerous ancient legendary and historical documents that speak of one of these global floods. Several authors and scientists of the past discussed this, of whom the first may have been William Whiston in New Theory of the Earth, where he claimed in 1696 that a great comet nearing the Earth in ancient times caused the Biblical ...
162. Conclusion: Entropy [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... `He is a great scientist who was treated very badly around here. ' The statement did not surprise me, but I can never forget the fearful whisper in which it was spoken, as if we were in some kind of occupied country. 314 Raymond A. Lyttleton, the English cosmologist, emphatically states in an article entitled "Geophysics the Sick Man of Science," "In order to be a famed . . . scientist and belong to the inclusive club of fully accepted . . . scientists in their unknown thousands, one must kneel on the hassock and swear allegiance to certain tenets regardless of any scientific consideration .. .. "These [tenets, one ...
163. The Science of Catastrophism [Articles]
... is the puzzle we are all at work on together. The result is the science of catastrophism. It is highly interdisciplinary, for the speakers you will hear this weekend come from many fields and from many countries on three continents. To give you an idea of the areas which catastrophism involves, they include astronomy and physics and astrophysics and geophysics, myth and folklore and religion and classical literature, mathematics and linguistics and statistics, palaeontology and archaeology and archaeoastronomy and calendrics, and literature, history, politics and psychology, (and that is only a partial list). From each of these fields, a stream of evidence is being accumulated which seems to indicate that several catastrophic ...
164. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... as molten materials thrown out of the Earth's atmosphere by a large meteorite impact and reentered shortly afterwards. But the Australasian tektite field has no associated impact feature and the Tunguska object was also described with strange "accuracy" considering it is still a matter of debate. Alvarez had stressed an apparent connection between impact events and geomagnetic reversals. The geophysicists are hard put to explain these random reversals - could they be triggered by the massive shock wave of a large impact? suggested Hindley, assuming the usual internally, core-generated E-M field. Then, when the dust settles and life already decimated by starvation - can begin to pick up the pieces, it is faced with yet another hazard ...
165. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Dead Sea Reprised Dear Sir, The evidence cited by W. G. Shannon (WORKSHOP 6:2 , p.27) which has hitherto been considered to support a major geologico-climatological boundary about 4000 years ago simply does not survive inspection. (Incidentally, Mr. Shannon's "1968 Geographical Physical Year" almost certainly refers to the International Geophysical Year of 1957-58 which began with Antarctic research.) Perhaps some ice flows became active 4000 years ago, but the Antarctic ice cap itself, with an average thickness of 2200 meters, predates the last ice age. At Dome C, where the ice is almost 3000m thick, at a depth of 950m the ice is 32, ...
166. Built Before the Flood [Books]
... is actually a vast, intimately and intricately interrelated group of problems. Hence the first approach must be general, not special. The whole range of questions must be marshalled in conspectus and a leading line for their solution laid down. Only then the individual special questions can be dealt with by the various branches of science concerned: geography, geophysics, hydrology, geology; biology, oecology, palaeontology,anthropology; archaeology, architecture, technology; mythology, philology, astronomy, etc. Hitherto the Tiahuanaco Problem has been approached from practically one angle only - that of archaeology - and even this only in a very desultory manner. The various findings have served only to deepen the ...
167. Life History of Our Earth [Books]
... Period to the Breakdown Period Migrations of the Anchorage Bollard The Anchorage Bollards of the different Satellites and the Continental Tables raised by them The newly Captured Satellite Luna Throwing Water on our Earth Path of the North Pole after the Capture of Luna Sketch Map of the North Sea in the Post-Tertiary Asatellitic Age PREFACE As I am neither a geologist nor a geophysicist it is legitimate to ask what business had I to trespass into an alien preserve, and to write a life history of our Earth? Should I not have done better to stick to my last and write another book on some mythological subject? That, however, would mean that the purpose of this book had been misunderstood from the ...
... submergence must have been sudden, and quite recent, for, if the land had sunk imperceptibly slowly for many millions of years, the submerged canyon or channel would have long ago been filled with silt, sand, and other sediments. The west coast of Africa must therefore have been suddenly plunged into the sea, or, as no geophysical evidence of such a local or regional descent can be found, the sea must have suddenly risen 8,ooo feet and more. Only if we accept the capture of the planet Luna, some 13 500years ago, as having caused the submergence of the Congo Canyon or Fiord, can we explain its present existence below sea-level. It ...
169. Chaos and Creation by Alfred de Grazia [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Nova and Deluge; The Poseidon Phase; Survivors and Saturnalia. Chapter Nine: The Olympian Rulers The Devil Seth; The Bonds of Saturn and Jupiter; The Lightning God; The Behavior of Planet Jupiter; End of the "Golden Age"; Monumentalism; Repeated Disasters; Gods Not Invented; Apollo Explosion and Asteroids; Mercury; Mercury's Geophysics. Chapter Ten: Venus and Mars Career of an Androgyne; The Heat of Venus; Hundres of Identities; The Plot of the Iliad; Global Ruination and its Perpetrator; The Devi and the Mexican Ballplayer; A Longer Day; The Explosion of Thira; Martia; Carpenter's "Soft" Catastrophism; Nergal, the "Treacherous Dealer ...
170. Sinking and Rising Lands [Books] [de Grazia books]
... west. The frightful blow drove the land into the sea in the east like the prow of a boat, while in the west it flew into the air like a boat's stern. Since then all the rivers in China have flowed eastwards. Kondratov inquired of geologist Yuri Reshetov concerning this myth and received the following in reply: Geological, geophysical, paleontological, archaeological and anthropological studies have shown that up until at least the middle of the last Ice Age the Japanese Islands and Indonesia were Asian peninsulas. During the second half of the Ice Age (from 40,000 to 20,000 years ago), vast areas of land subsided into the sea and were replaced by ...
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