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447 results found.
45 pages of results. 151. Purple Salt & Tiny Drops of Water in Meteorites [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2000:1 (May 2000) Home | Issue Contents Purple Salt & Tiny Drops of Water in Meteorites CCNet, 29 November 1999 From Ron Baalke <baalke@ssd.jpl.nasa.gov> Written by G. Jeffrey Taylor Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology November 24, 1999 Some meteorites, especially those called carbonaceous chondrites, have been greatly affected by reaction with water on the asteroids in which they formed. These reactions, which took place during the first 10 million years of the Solar System's history, formed assorted water-bearing minerals, but nobody has found any of the water that caused the alteration. Nobody, that is, until ...
152. "And The Terror Of God Was Upon The Cities" [Books]
... ' crater of Canada was produced by an impacting body releasing 869 X 1025 ergs: this is the energy released by an A-bomb of 2,100 megatons. The diameter of the striking meteorite would not have exceeded 300 m. The feature of Hudson Bay would require an asteroid generating the same energy as an A-bomb of 210 million megatons. Geophysicists have calculated that the energy released by the most devastating earthquakes experienced in modern times is of the order of 1027 ergs 26.27 This represents the total energy produced by an A-bomb of about 23,000 megatons. The effects of such seisms may be felt in a radius exceeding 3,000 km. from the epicentre. We ...
153. More Doubts About Small-comet Hypothesis [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1998:1 (June 1998) Home | Issue Contents More Doubts About Small-comet Hypothesis 27 January 1998 Small comets: Naked-eye visibility. B. Rizk & A.J . Dessler. Geophysical Research Letters, 1997, Vol.24, No.24, pp.3121-3124. University of Arizona, Lunar & Planetary Lab, Tucson, AZ 85721. We investigate an obvious consequence of the small-comet hypothesis. We find that the 30-ton cloud of water-ice particles formed by a small comet would survive long enough to be an unmistakably bright object. The visual magnitude of such clouds would be between that of a bright star and the full Moon. The ...
154. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... American astronomy. He suggests the indigenous world view may turn out to be the correct one. Also shares stories medicine men have told him. His books include "Red Earth, White Lies", and "Evolution, Creationism, and Other Modern Myths." 1 Apr. Marvin Herndon: "When Science Suppresses New Theories". Geophysicist whose theory took 30 years to gain wide recognition describes the anonymous review process that all too often suppresses new theories from the open debate and discussion that should go on if the scientific process was truly working for the benefit of society. 6 Dec 2002. Vine Deloria: " Giants & Little People". Vine shares Native Elders' ...
155. Sir Fred Hoyle Vindicated After 60 Years [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... new Bartol computer simulation shows. BOSTON, MASS.- A colorful new computer animation- created by Gary P. Zank of the Bartol Research Institute at the University of Delaware- shows how even a small cosmic cloud could suddenly burst the "breathing bubble" that protects life on our planet. The simulation, presented today during the American Geophysical Union's Spring meeting, also should help guide the spacecraft, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, through a series of shock waves and a massive "wall" in space nearly two decades from now, says Zank, an associate professor at Bartol and a leading theoretical astrophysicist. Ongoing studies of Earth's "cocoon" might someday reveal whether close ...
156. The Rotating Crust. Ch.8 Poles Displaced (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... inside of the crust, there are reversed mountains, immersed in the heavier magma, which would account for the lack of gravitational pull by mountains.1 This is the theory of isostasy. To the study of isostasy and its anomalies (gravitation is, strangely, stronger over deep seas), F. A. Vening Meinesz, Dutch geophysicist and explorer of oceans, made many important contributions. He found in the very structure of the terrestrial crust signs of some violent displacements on a global scale. Thus it is not merely in order to explain the climates of the past that the dislocation of the crust is postulated. In 1943, Vening Mcinesz analyzed "the stresses brought ...
157. Velikovsky: The Score of Success [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the ultrared, near infrared, infrared, and deep infrared can be accounted for by organic matter, as can the volatility and index of refraction. The retrograde, backward rotation of Venus was confirmed by the Goldstone Radar Tracking Station in 1962. This was absolutely inconceivable under the accepted uniformitarian model of the Solar System. The best the American Geophysical Union could come up with was: "Maybe Venus was created apart from the other planets, perhaps as a secondary solar explosion, or perhaps in a collision of planets." (4 ) Velikovsky's model, of course, was not recognised. Further, UCLA astronomers P. Goldreich and S. J. Peale discovered in 1966 ...
158. Doubt Cast on Frank's Small-comet Theory [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1998:1 (June 1998) Home | Issue Contents Doubt Cast on Frank's Small-comet Theory 27 January 1998 The small-comet hypothesis: An upper limit to the current impact rate on the Moon. J.A . Grier* & A.S . McEwen. Geophysical Research Letters, 1997, Vol.24, No.24, pp.3105-3108. *University of Arizona, Lunar & Planetary Lab, Tucson, AZ 85721. Frank et al. [1986b] and Frank and Sigwarth [1993] hypothesized the intense bombardment of the terrestrial atmosphere by small comets. Their model requires that the Moon is impacted by small comets (10( ...
159. Catastrophist Geology [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... Catastrophist Geology 1976 - 1978 [Back to CD-Rom Contents ] Catastrophist Geology Year 1 No 1 Scientific Censorship and Thought Control, Horace C. Dudley Whimsical Aspects of Scientific Theory, Norman MacBeth Actualism in Geology and in Geography, W. J. Jong Geophysical Time Series and Catastrophism, Vít Klemeš June 1976 Catastrophist Geology Year 1 No 2 Ferralite events - a discussion What has happened to Worzel's deep-sea ash? Johan B.Kloosterman Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism, Alistair F.Pitty Horizontal Landslides during the 1960 Chile Earthquake, Haroun Tazieff Mass movements in level areas, Doeko Goosen Overnight Valley Formation in Siă Nicolau, Johan B. Kloosterman The Yuty crater on Mars, V.Axel Firsoff ...
160. An Extraterrestrial Hypothesis [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... and a global disaster of about 10,000 years BP, caused by collision of the Earth with a comet. E. P. Izokh*. GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKA, 1997, Vol.38, No.3 , pp.628-660 [in Russian]. *Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Division, Joint Institute of Geological Geophysics & Mineralogy, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia. About 10,000 years ago, at the Pleistocene-Holocene border, some important events occurred: the glaciation stopped abruptly; the sea level elevated, and quick (for 20-50 years) climatic and ecological changes took place, leading to the extinction of "mammoth fauna" and exerting a direct effect ...
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