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447 results found.
45 pages of results. 131. The Cycle of 320 Days [Journals] [Aeon]
... have belonged to shortly after the Old Kingdom, reports everything as having been leveled- bar such sturdy monuments as pyramids. Tefibi's son, Kheti, seems to have contributed to the reconstruction. It may thus be concluded that Tefibi lived before the destruction, but after the end of Dynasty 6. The unusually violent event may have been the geophysical counterpart of a cosmic event, either nearby or through the mechanism of the Sun. In that case, Tefibi would have lived in the last part of an old era with its special cycles of time, such as would relate to Earth's rotation and other factors. The Persistence of the Year of 320 Days It seems that the available ...
132. Lunar Rocks and Velikovsky's Claims [Journals] [Pensee]
... From: Pensée Vol. 2 No 2: (May 1972) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered I" Home | Issue Contents Lunar Rocks and Velikovsky's Claims Derek York An associate professor of physics in the geophysics division, University of Toronto, Dr. Derek York is analyzing lunar samples as a Foreign Principal Investigator, Apollo Project. In 1896, a 44-year old French professor, Henri Becquerel discovered that uranium compounds emitted rays which penetrated glass and paper and blackened photographic plates. Becquerel had discovered what we call radioactivity. Uranium atoms are unstable and a group of them will very slowly (that is over hundreds of millions of years) spontaneously change into the stable element lead. This ...
133. Pole-Shift [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History VIII:1 (Jan 1986) Home | Issue Contents Pole-Shift Richard W. Noone During the International Geophysical Year (1958), Charles H. Hapgood published a book entitled Earth's Shifting Crust that was highly praised by Harvard geology professor Kirtley F. Mather and Albert Einstein. It set forth the idea that a great many problems which have remained unsolved in the history of the earth could be explained by the assumption that the earth's outer shell has slipped over the interior, thus changing the positions of the poles relative to the earth's surface. In the last two and a half decades anenormous amount of new data has reinforced this view. In ...
134. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in Whole Earth Review (Fall 1987), pp. 70-73. 6. M. W. Herron and C. C. Langway Jr: Chloride, Nitrate and Sulfate in the Dye 3 and Camp Century, Greenland Ice Cores', in C. C. Langway et al. (eds.): Greenland Ice Core: Geophysics, Geochemistry, and the Environment, Geophysical Monograph 33 (Washington DC, 1985), pp. 77-84 7. C. U. Hammer et al.: The Minoan Eruption of Santorini in Greece Dated to 1645 BC? ', Nature 328 (1987), pp. 518-9; T. Risbo et al.: Supernovae ...
135. Thoth Vol IV, No 9: May 31, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... an article in Science of 19 December 1997, titled "New View of Asteroids", Erik Asphaug writes: "Last June, NEAR flew by the main belt asteroid 233 Mathilde .. . Although the resolution was 50 times as coarse as expected at Eros, the images of Mathilde reveal some surprises and provoke an overdue reevaluation of asteroid geophysics. Mathilde has survived blow after blow with almost farcical impunity, accommodating five great craters with diameters from 3/4 to 5/4 the asteroids mean radius, and none leaving any hint of global devastation. Given that one of these great craters was last to form, preexisting craters ought to bear major scars of seismic degradation, ...
136. Mapping Bombastic Evasion, Denial And Subterfuge [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... valid' (Charles Hapgood, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, revised ed., (NY 1966), p. 224-225). "Jolley [and Mewhinney] also .. . [do] not discuss the fact that these cartographers based their conclusion on the accuracy of the Oronteus Fineus map "further supported by the International Geophysical Year teams in their measurements of the subglacial topography. 216 Mewhinney, further omitted the research carried out by Paul Emile Victor's French Polar expedition to Greenland which made seismic soundings of the subglacial topography of Greenland and confirmed that it matched the Zeno map analyzed by Mallery. The subglacial topography of all these maps are correct because the maps themselves ...
137. Earth's Gaseous Core (Comments) [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... , 17, 34, .. . volts, even were it in the form of free atoms, the degree of ionization would be very small. The same applies to any other abundant element. So at the quoted density, it is seen that the atoms would be tightly packed together. They could not behave like a gas. Geophysicists can, of course, say more about the state of the material. All I am concerned to remark is that the basis of the reasoning that long ago enabled Eddington, following the suggestion of Jeans, to infer that material at densities as high as those involved here could behave as a gas in the case of a star, ...
138. The Not So Stable Sun [Journals] [Kronos]
... .244. 33. A.J . Hundhausen, "Direct Observation of Solar Wind Particles," Space Science Review 8, 690-749 (1968), see: pp.702-3, 721. 34. A.J . Hundhausen and J.T . Gosling, "Solar Wind Structure at Large Heliocentric Distances," Journal of Geophysical Research 81 (7 ), 1436-40 (1976, March). 35. James van Allen, "Interplanetary Particles and Fields" in The Solar System, I:reeman (San Francisco, 1975), p.127. 36. Ralph E. Juergens, "Galactic Space Charge and Solar Energy," Society for Interdisciplinary ...
139. An Integrated Model for an Earthwide Event at 2300 BC. Part II: The Climatological Evidence [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . Sarma, "Holocene Paleoecology of South Coastal Ecuador", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 118 (1974), p.96; and C. P. Idyll, "The Anchovy Crisis", Scientific American 228 (1973), p.26 14. S. L. Valley (ed.), Handbook of Geophysics and Space Environments (McGraw-Hill, 1965), pp.5-15 15. J. W. King, E. Hurst, A. J. Slater, P. A. Smith & B. Tamkin, "Agriculture and Sunspots", Nature 252 (1974), pp.2 , 3: see also W. Dansgaard ...
140. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , new axis and orb 75: split axis and enclosure, new axis and orb 76: split spiralling axis and enclosure, new axis and orb 77: split spiralling axis and enclosure, new axis and revolving orb New Lightning phenomenon: Tigers spaceflightnow.com/news/n0501/18columbia/ Columbia caught possible new luminous flash event American Geophysical Union News Release Posted: January 18, 2005. An unprecedented flash observed by the space shuttle Columbia crew in 2003 over the Indian Ocean may be a new type of transient luminous event, like lightning sprites, but one that is not necessarily caused by a thunderstorm. The discharge was observed less than two weeks before the shuttle was ...
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