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169 pages of results. 61. Scientific Dating Problems: The Radiometric Dating Of Earth's Rocks [Journals] [SIS Review]
... undergo little further change [Britannica 2002]. However, if organisms undergo little change, how do we know that periods of stasis are long? Geologists know' because geological uniformitarianism says so - but is that belief well founded? It derives from the radiometric dating of fossiliferous rocks, so the dependability of that discipline is fundamental to geology ... stability during which organisms undergo little further change [Britannica 2002]. However, if organisms undergo little change, how do we know that periods of stasis are long? Geologists know' because geological uniformitarianism says so - but is that belief well founded? It derives from the radiometric dating of fossiliferous rocks, so the dependability of that discipline ...
62. Shifting Poles. Ch.8 Poles Displaced (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... would be found in the assumption that the earth's axis of rotation has not always had the same position, but that it may have changed its position as a result of geological processes, such as extended rearrangement of land and water."1 For decades in the second half of the nineteenth century many scientists participated in the debate centring round ... Contents Shifting Poles All other theories of the origin of the Ice Age having failed, there remained an avenue of approach which already early in the discussion was chosen by several geologists: a shift of the terrestrial poles. If for some reason the poles had moved from their original positions, old polar ice would have moved out of the Arctic ...
63. Chapter 2 The Sphinx [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... , standing on the Giza Plateau, subject to an arid wind- blown environment, should certainly not exhibit clear evidence of rainfall erosion, but in 1992, Professor of Geology Robert M. Schoch, of Boston University, stated that the evidence of erosion, which he observed, clearly indicated that the Sphinx and Valley Temple had been sculpted ... forming an outward rounded surface but an inward concave curve on the softer layers. The distinction between these two different forms of weathering is relatively easy to identify by any trained geologist. The Sphinx and the Valley Temple associated with it, standing on the Giza Plateau, subject to an arid wind- blown environment, should certainly not exhibit clear ...
64. Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 1 No. 2 (Dec 1976) Home | Issue Contents Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism Alistair F, Pitty Department of Geography, University of Hull, Great Britain The view of earth history proposed by the Catastrophists of the early nineteenth century was of a succession of abrupt upheavals culminating in a great Flood. These paroxysms ... sometimes less consistent with Geike's maxim, now essentially of historical interest, than its frequent quotation may suggest.. For example, since endogenic processes are unobservable, for many geologists the present is not so much a key as one number in a combination lock, geomorphologists have reconstructed many ancient peneplains without the aid of an uncontroversial present-day example to ...
65. Wegener Legacy [Journals] [SIS Review]
... evidence (including Taylor's) together at length, in his book Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane (1915); it was Wegener who was vilified by almost the entire geological community during the 1920s; it was Wegener whose influence was remembered when the tide began to turn in his favour, posthumously alas during the 1950s; and Wegenerian is ... having discovered continental drift. He did no such thing. A number of scientists had earlier put forward the drift hypothesis in one form or another - most notably the American geologist Frank Bursley Taylor, who published his first paper on the subject two years before Wegener's Frankfurt lecture of 1912. But it was Wegener who first drew the global evidence ...
66. The Misread Record by Isaac Vail [Books]
... , from the perilous standpoint of miraculous intervention, as taken by one of the most competent advocates of that school, who has presented some quieting assurances that in very modern geologic times, a terrific sweep of waves has involved all the northern and northwestern slopes of the Asiatic continent. As the years go by the Deluge asserts its immortality. ... I need not bring testimony to prove to any intelligent audience that those waters floated as a measureless ocean of vapors on the very outskirts of the molten sphere. When the geologist finds a "lost rock" a great boulder lying far out on the plain, he knows that by some transporting medium it has been carried from its original home ...
67. Chapter VII: The Earth [The Age of Velikovsky] [Books]
... . 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Appendix | Notes The Age of Velikovsky Chapter VII: The Earth Terrestrial geologic data are more easily obtainable than data from other planets, but they are also subject to interpretation. Some of the geologic data and some of the interpretations that are ... was issued in 1975 from the Institute of Geology in Uppsala, Sweden. It stated, "Analytical methods of experimental psychology applied to observations of geological data reveal that what geologists perceive in, and remember of, rocks is not necessarily the same as what is actually there."1 The next year the same writer discussed certain illusions in ...
68. The Recency of the Surface [Books] [de Grazia books]
... queen of clockmakers. Quantavolution should be embarrassed to joke so, if science were not on some occasions a theatre of the absurd. One can reflect upon the history of geology when, blessed by the nihil obstat of Lyell, geologists would simply draw upon time without end to do away with complexities and perplexities. When Poulett Scrope prepared his ... studies of the volcanoes of Auvergne (France), his theories might be liberated from temporal restraints, such that a recent commentator on his work, Rudwick, could refer to "unlimited drafts upon antiquity" as his necessary and useful tool [2 ]. Continuing until today, the time scales have been even more expanded, much more ...
... how any geologists can place a term to it, since their whole assumption is based on an initial fallacy. A writer in recent years, discussing the new theories on geology, says that a leading Swedish geologist has produced overwhelming evidence of an Ice Age in Scandinavia not more than 10,000 years ago, and traces of a smaller ... From: The Riddle of the Earth by Appian Way CD Home | Contents Chapter XI When The Comet Fell GEOLOGISTS' STRANGE IDEAS ON THE DRIFT AGE THERE is little in common with the views of geologists in regard to the Drift, and the conclusions reached in this work. Much as astronomers talk lightly of a comet having an orbit ...
70. Evidence of Careenings of the Globe [Books]
... for all of the changes in the surface of the globe. Since then, the scientific world has become, in its beliefs, wholly uniformitarian; the cataclysmic theory of geological changes through the caprice of nature has been gradually abandoned. The missing link, which kept cataclysmists and uniformitarians separated, is simply an acceptance as a basic scientific truth ... years. A diminution of forty feet in the perpendicular height of the Falls for every mile that they receded southward is pointed out in a survey made by New York State Geologist James Hall, as recorded by Sir Charles Lyell. Hall states that the southward dip of the rock strata from Lewiston to the Falls is about 25 feet per mile ...
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