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1682 results found.
169 pages of results. 661. Were All Dinosaurs Reptiles? [Journals] [Kronos]
... coal when ablaze, only a few hours are needed. When footprints of pre-historic animals are found in the coal surface of quarries, it is not necessary to assume that millions of years must be involved in the calculations. Continents appeared and disappeared; mountains rose and fell; rivers lost their beds; and deep within the Earth, all geological strata boiled and turned over. An animal fled upon the ground to save itself, or hid in a cave. The woods burned; the air high above was in flames; the ground became soft from the inside. The animal perished, but before perishing it left its mark- its footprints. The antiquity of the geological strata ...
662. Book Review [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of the Tertiary Period, became connected to Central and North America via the Panamanian Isthmus during the Pliocene Epoch. The preconceived orthodox idea is that in the resulting mammalian exchanges and consequent Darwinian struggle for existence the northern types proved superior and caused the extinction of many southern types. Myers, after incorrectly inferring that Simpson is telling how the "geologic joining of South and North America during the Pliocene" was responsible for "a climax of extinctions and speciation some 5 million years ago", finally laments Simpson's lack of comment about the workings of evolution and the causes of these extinctions: "After 50 years of chipping away at his subject, this distinguished scientist must surely have some ...
663. H. H. Hess and My Memoranda [Journals] [Pensee]
... At the Woods Hole meeting Hess had intended to discuss the role of thermoluminescence (TL) tests in the lunar programs, an issue I had discussed with him. When I moved from Manhattan to Princeton in the early summer of 1952, I became steeped in library work for Earth in Upheaval, and the library of Guyot Hall (Princeton's geology department) was a place I frequented. Already known for my Worlds in Collision and the discussion it provoked, I caused some curiosity among the numerous faculty members of the department. I do not remember my first contact with Hess, but from our first meeting something in both of us attracted each other. Hess was the chairman of ...
664. Darwin. Ch.2 To Know And Not To Know (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... over it in silence in the Origin of Species. He wrote: "The extinction of species has been involved in the most gratuitous mystery...No one can have marvelled more than I have done at the extinction of species." But then he chose to find an explanation in "wide intervals of time between our consecutive [geological] formations; and in these intervals there may have been much slow extermination."[26] This explanation, assuming lacunae in the geological record, without which there would have been found evidences of gradual extinction of "unfit" species, does not help to explain the observed hecatombs of animals, not only of extinct species but ...
665. Velikovsky on the Formation of Coal [Journals] [Pensee]
... the metamorphism of coal has been reconsidered in the light of the evidence available in the technical literature. The review of this literature has been made retrospective and extensive in an endeavour to ascertain how far modern work takes into consideration past experience and, particularly, to ascertain whether the modern trend follows a set pattern based upon the orthodox teaching of geology, biology and chemistry, which sometimes ignores evidence that cannot easily be reconciled with theory, or whether the modern outlook is sufficiently flexible to amend classical doctrines when these are not in accord with facts. The result of this search has been to confirm the views expressed by some scientists that alternative hypotheses can explain many of the phenomena associated ...
666. Book Review [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Origins simply has to be it. The style is attractive and readable, yet does not take short-cuts in the presentation of the arguments. The illustrations and production are magnificent. Most of all, the history and development of the evolutionary hypothesis is admirably set forth. Leakey deserves credit for recognising the often-overlooked importance of Sir Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology , first published in 1830, which established the Uniformitarian thesis as the accepted orthodoxy of geology - that the forces which shaped the surface of the earth throughout its history are the same which we see at work today. Charles Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus, and Jean Baptiste Lemarck are given their full credit as the intellectual forebears of evolution; ...
667. A Personal Reminiscence [Journals] [Aeon]
... acts of the cosmic drama. A few earlier acts- one of them known as the Deluge- will be the subject of another volume of natural history. It is clear from this passage that his principal concern initially was to set the historical record straight as far as the Exodus from Egypt is concerned. But he was soon led to geological and astronomical conclusions that are completely at variance with the gravitational dynamics of the solar system, and he thus decided to construct his own planetary dynamics. A hint of this is given in the third sentence of the above passage where he states that in the fall of 1940 he "had acquired an understanding of the real nature and extent ...
668. The Science of Catastrophism [Articles]
... many are. Our purpose is rather to explore what he began, to look at what different paths have been taken from his origin, what different concepts have been developed (and there are many) to account for the wealth of data (and there is much) which seems to indicate that, at more than one time in the geologically recent past, immense earthly catastrophes did occur. From the evidence, it seems that at different times the Earth was seared and scarred and rent and overturned, and the sky was filled with darkness and light, blazing heat and choking dust, rains of fire and overwhelming thunder, unstoppable, unpredictable and colossal. We who are catastrophists ...
669. Earth in Upheaval by Immanuel Velikovsky [Books]
... as a point of departure, Dr. Velikovsky presented in his second work, Ages in Chaos (1952), a reconstruction of ancient history. By its realignment of great segments of history, it enlarged the controversy as scholars from other fields joined the debate. In recent years a wealth of new finds in the fields of archaeology, geology, and astronomy have given dramatic support to the revolutionary Velikovsky theory. EARTH IN UPHEAVAL presents documentation of global catastrophes in prehistorical and in historical times — the clear, unequivocal testimony of bones and stones. Significantly, this evidence from the natural sciences indicates that these great disturbances which rocked our globe were caused by forces outside the earth itself ...
670. Cataclysm Chronicles [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1998:1 (June 1998) Home | Issue Contents Cataclysm Chronicles http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/7611/Earth's forgotten past and uncertain future. The information presented here is, although startling, based as much as possible on competent scientific investigation in the fields of geology, astronomy, archaeology, palaeontology, and other relevant domains. This data base does not rely on psychic predictions, channelled information, remote viewing, alien contactees, or other speculative forms of data collection. The Cataclysm Chronicles does not wish to discredit all such speculative sources out-of-hand, but it is my intention to present information which is ...
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