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1682 results found.
169 pages of results. 641. Foreword by Prof. Theodore Monod [Books]
... Geographical Society, and American Geographical Society. If M. GALLANT has asked a simple amateur-geologist to write these introductory comments, it is probably because he wishes to acquaint his readers with the opinion of a non-specialist. In fact, I have but slight qualifications to judge with any competence a work that will provoke both very vigorous criticism from many geologists, and also imprudent comments from those whose minds are still insufficiently prepared to distinguish between fact and hypothesis. My interest in circular structures and their genesis, arose some thirty years ago with the study of one of the most important ones in the Western Sahara. This is 50 km. in diameter and its origin still remains unexplained. ...
642. The Rise and Fall of Man (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... way of a branching off from the stem of the anthropoid apes. This separation into pithecoids and anthropoids was believed to have taken place in the Miocene Period, while the rise of man proper was said to have taken place much later, at the end of the Tertiary Age, that is, at a not so very distant time, geologically speaking. Nowadays the direct derivation of man from a pithecord line of animals is no longer generally accepted. The views of scientists seem to tend rather to the idea of the independent ascent of a special anthropoid stem from the general theroid root-plexus. Viewed from this angle the higher apes would be rather of the nature of "suckers" ...
... Anchorings of the Satellite The Tertiary Age The Ice Age The Abluvial Period The Pluvial Period The Formation of Mineral Deposits The Satellites and Life on our Earth The Breakdown of the Satellite The Migrations of the Anchorage Bollard Evidences of Earlier Satellites The Continental Tables The Capture of Luna Chapter XIII The Migrations of the Anchorage Bollard One of the greatest problems in geology is the vexed question: have the rotatory poles of our Earth always remained constant (apart from some very slight wobbling, such as also takes place at present), or have they not? If they have not-as would appear to be the case from the traces of polar' glaciations in tropical districts, the remains of tropical' ...
644. An Allerød Conflagration? [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 2 No. 1 (June 1977) Home | Issue Contents An Allerød Conflagration?( COMMENTS ON APOPHORETA-II) I think that the basic point I made in my 1975 paper in SCIENCE was not the behavior of Globorotalia inflata but the huge ice melting that took place about 11,600 years ago. Question: did the ice melt by surging under its own weight (mechanical collapse) and therefore temperature rose (Alleröd), OR did temperature rise and therefore ice melted? If the latter alternative is correct, what produced the extremely rapid temperature rise? Something unusual, in any case, seems to have happened at that time. I have ...
645. Chapter 17 Corroboration, Convergence, Analysis [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... and Wisdom of Mark Twain (NY 1989) Bahn, Paul G., ed.: The Atlas of World Archaeology, (London 2002) Bahn, Paul G.: The Archaeology Detectives (Lewes, East Sussex, England, 2001) Bates, Richard, and Jackson, J.A ., eds.: Dictionary of Geological Terms, 3rd ed. (NY 1984) Baumann, Hans: In the Land of Ur, transl. Stella Humphries (NY and Oxford 1969) Bell, Barbara: "The Dark Ages in Ancient History", American Journal of Archaeology, vol. 75 (1971) Bentham, Jeremy: "Fallacies of Anti-Reformers," ...
646. Index of Authors
... Venus' Heat Charles Ginenthal, The Origin Of The Moon Charles Ginenthal, The Solar System and Electro-Gravitic Theory Charles Ginenthal, The Surface Of Venus- "A Newborn Babe" Charles Ginenthal, The Youthful Atmosphere Of Venus Charles Ginenthal, William H. Stiebing, Jr., and Immanuel Velikovsky Charles H. Hapgood, The Punctuation Marks of Geological History Charles H. Seitz, The Sacred Mountain Charles McDowell, Solomon's Temple: An Astronomical Observatory Charles McDowell, The Egyptian Prince Moses Charles Raspil, Archetypes Showing The Presence of Anomalous Electromagnetic Activity Charles Raspil, Observations of Venus by James I Charles Raspil, Snapshots of the Gods? Charles Raspil, Solar Eclipses and the Historical Record Charles ...
647. Chapter 4 Scientific ? Radiocarbon Dating [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... by many researchers as a scientific process that can also deliver absolute dates for organizing the chronology of the ancient world. What is rarely presented to the public is that there are a significant number of researchers who are adamant in rejecting the validity of this method of dating. As Gwen Schultz remarked, dating via radiocarbon has "a host of geologic Charles Ginenthal, Pillars of the Past 119 believers . . . [and] a host of geologic doubters."1 She was citing William T. Pecora and Meyer Rubin of the U.S . Geologic Survey who admit that with the various dating schemes "The possibility that all methods used today are wrong must be acknowledged. ...
648. Earth in Upheaval by Immanuel Velikovsky [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... as a point of departure, Dr. Velikovsky presented in his second work, Ages in Chaos (1952), a reconstruction of ancient history. By its realignment of great segments of history, it enlarged the controversy as scholars from other fields joined the debate. In recent years a wealth of new finds in the fields of archaeology, geology, and astronomy have given dramatic support to the revolutionary Velikovsky theory. EARTH IN UPHEAVAL presents documentation of global catastrophes in prehistorical and in historical times — the clear, unequivocal testimony of bones and stones. Significantly, this evidence from the natural sciences indicates that these great disturbances which rocked our globe were caused by forces outside the earth itself ...
649. The Abluvial Period (Life History of Our Earth) [Books]
... Age The Ice Age The Abluvial Period The Pluvial Period The Formation of Mineral Deposits The Satellites and Life on our Earth The Breakdown of the Satellite The Migrations of the Anchorage Bollard Evidences of Earlier Satellites The Continental Tables The Capture of Luna Chapter VIII The Abluvial Period If the problem of strata deposition and mountain formation is formidable, a much greater geological enigma is the manner in which a major part of the ranges has been removed. The strata of sedimentary rock were originally deposited horizontally, or practically so, and orogenetic processes caused them to be raised into folds and loops, sometimes of great complexity, and to be overthrust, crumpled, broken, displaced, faulted. But all ...
650. 1895 And 1950: The Time Was Ripe For A Heresy. Ch.17 Supplement (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... From "Earth in Upheaval" © 1955 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Worlds in Collision' in the Light of Recent Finds in Archaeology, Geology, and Astronomy AN ADDRESS BEFORE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE FORUM OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY ON OCTOBER 14 1953 (revised version) 1895 And 1950: The Time Was Ripe For A Heresy ONE HUNDRED and eighty years ago, in 1773, Pierre Simon de Laplace (1748 -1927), then twenty-three years old, stood before the Academie des Sciences in Paris and read a paper in which he proved the stability of the solar system: all deflections of the planets from their paths are only periodic oscillations from their mean courses; ...
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