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1682 results found.
169 pages of results. 571. Reexamination of the Foundations [Journals] [Pensee]
... The strong reaction to Dr. Velikovsky is understandable to one who has done research in the history of science. Velikovsky has taken a look at the foundations of astronomy and geology, hitting at those very sensitive spots which were never empirically established. Uniformitarianism in geology was basically a political doctrine; it was never one that was verified empirically. ... through habit, but there is very little justification for it. Second, I've already mentioned the uniformitarian hypothesis, which was introduced by a lawyer, not by a professional geologist. Lyell argued the uniformitarian case like a lawyer would argue it; it was not something that issued from research. Third, and most controversial is the evolutionary question ...
572. Sean Mewhinney's Critique Based On Bombastic Subterfuge, Evasion And Denial [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... hundred years up to several hundred thousand years for distal and proximal tephra layers. ' (Glen W. Berger, "Dating volcanic Ash by Use of Thermoluminescence," Geology, Vol 20, (Jan 1992), p. 11) "As late as 1992 [two years after Mewhinney claimed volcanic eruptions could be dated], ... during the glacial period shifting as much as [10 to 12o C] in just decades and remaining in place for as little as 70 years. Although climate modelers and geologists are racing to understand and test the implication of the new ice core data, one thing seems certain - the heat carrying capacity of the Atlantic Ocean must somehow be ...
573. Thoth Vol V, No 12: November 30, 2001 [Journals] [Thoth]
... . . . . .Wal Thornhill- From the study of ancient beliefs, a big picture emerges, a picture that contrasts with the uniformist beliefs of modern astronomy and geology. This is a picture of instability in our solar system- of planets run amok within the memory of human beings. Unlike me, Cochrane talks about it first ... the crater chain to the right of center which curves sharply and terminates on a larger crater. Note the similar morphology to Schröter's Valley. Crater chains are routinely misinterpreted by geologists as indicative of sub- surface faults. Neither impacts nor faults explain this feature. Comet Borrelly was 200 million kilometres from the Sun at the end of September 2001 ...
574. Scientists, Journalists and Editors as Suppressors (Part II) [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... reasons detailed in his books, Velikovsky suggested (1 ) that the planets in the solar system were not formed in their present orbits, (2 ) that not all geological features on the Earth were formed over long periods by processes internal to the Earth, and (3 ) that Egyptian chronology before 687 B.C . was not ... and opponents of Immanuel Velikovsky and the supporters and opponents of Carl Sagan, but that it will also be of great interest to astronomers, historians, psychologists, theologians, geologists, biologists and physicists, as well as to the general public. Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky, by Charles Ginenthal, is a book of solid integrity and quality ...
575. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... are in excess of 4,000 kilograms per square kilometre. Fairly frequent falls of this magnitude could make a considerable difference to the analysis of present day soils in a geological context. So the possibility of older sediments having been similarly contaminated should not be discounted. It is interesting to note that sedimentary deposits from the Tertiary period in south-east ... From: SIS Workshop Vol 6 No 3 (Feb 1986) Home | Issue Contents Monitor Gold on Petroleum source: TIME 9.9 .85 Practically all geologists believe that terrestrial deposits of oil and natural gas occur as the breakdown products of organisms which lived on Earth. After being buried for millions of years the organic matter is ...
576. Catastrophe, Collective Trauma, and the Origin of Civilization [Articles]
... turned to or avoided at will. But disasters also played a role: "The second millennium B.C . was heavy laden with profound and irreversible changes. Vast geological catastrophes occurred. Civilizations perished. Half the world's population became refugees. And wars, previously sporadic, came with hastening and ferocious frequency..." The gods ... violent storms, and volcanic eruptions known to have occurred during the past 10,000 years are far too numerous to list here, and it seems likely that archeologists and geologists have discovered and interpreted evidence of only a fraction of such disasters that actually took place. Many of these events may have been endogenous in nature. But in the ...
... particles, although of very considerable extent, are attracted into the meteor stream. It is very possible that by some such circumstances as outlined here have come about the various geological ages when very considerable deposits were flung on the earth. Whatever the actual modus operandi, at least certain specific factors enter into such appulsions which point to the general ... gravel, chalk and sand- when follows the gaseous tail according to the specific gravity of its gases and spreads, perhaps, over an area of millions of miles. If geologists would study this aspect of astronomy they would, perhaps, revise their estimates of the origin of the sandstone and chalk hills in various parts. Chalk may be the ...
... , via the Saya de Malha and Nazareth Banks, to the Mascarenes in the south (Diagram 23.) Diagram 24 - The Bismarck Archipelago The former are of peculiar geological formation, mostly consisting of ancient rocks, which, because they do not at all fit in with the arrangement of similar rocks in either south-eastern Africa or in Madagascar ... are smaller deposits. All these were obviously strewn by the Tertiary satellite, as they lie within the area where most of its debris must have fallen. Indeed, many geologists are of opinion nowadays that the great rich ore deposits at least must have been brought into being through strictly localized, exceptional, and briefly operative causes. Hoerbiger's Cosmogonic ...
579. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... final words are: "we may in the near future see a great deal more attention paid to catastrophic theories in general, not just as an explanation of one striking geological boundary. The new catastrophism has arrived and achieved respectability." Sure enough, absent from mention once again is our friend Dr Velikovsky, although Alvarez, Napier, ... upset. Gradually, the ring was swept away by the solar wind. Evidence for the first ring derives from the findings of B.P . Glass, a marine geologist, who noticed tektites in association with four important species of extinct one-celled plankton in sediment cores from the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. O'Keefe also postulates the formation of ...
580. Conclusion [Books] [de Grazia books]
... events is, of course, a provocative issue in scientific quarters. A few rears later, Dorothy Vitaliano, in Legends of the Earth [11] stresses again a geological approach in attempting to restrain popular faith in ancient and folk accounts of unusual natural events. Vitaliano confronts causation directly, like Hort and unlike Gaster. She offers to ... Biblical scholars may join with specialists of other cultures throughout the world in reviewing materials of this electrical period of Exodus. It is, furthermore, that natural scientists, especially geologists and meteorologists, may lend their skills as historians of nature to the researchers in human history. I have no doubt that my book is to be corrected in many ...
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