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1682 results found.
169 pages of results. 501. Evaporating Oceans. Ch.9 Axis Shifted (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... glacial periods in the recent [Quaternary] Ice Age, in each of which the ice grew and then retreated in the interglacial stage, the globe, in a recent geological epoch, must have been repeatedly so hot that the portion of the heat the oceans received would have sufficed to turn an immense mountain of iron, five times the ... , a quantity of heat was needed that would raise to the melting point a mass of iron five times greater than the mass of the ice. Tyndall argued that the geologists should substitute the hot iron for the cold ice, and they would get an idea of the high temperature immediately preceding the Ice Age and the formation of the glacial ...
502. Arabia. Ch.7 Deserts And Oceans (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... the whole width of the [Arabian] Peninsula." So wrote Philby in his book Arabia.1 There was also a large lake in Arabia that disappeared in some geological or climatal change.2 At present, from Palmyra to Mecca and beyond, the Arabian Peninsula is a waterless desert, interspersed with volcanoes active not so long ago ... C. M. Doughty and by B. Moritz. The latter's book, Arabien, contains a close-up photograph of a harra. 5. R. Schwinner, Physikalische Geologie (1936), I, 114, 163; L. J. Spencer, "Meteoric Iron and Silica Glass from the Craters of Henbury (Central Australia) ...
503. Cosmic and Terrestrial Lightning [Books] [de Grazia books]
... potential has not been uniform throughout its history, an idea that I repeat in this book several times; consider its consequences for another insistent idea of these pages, that geological time may be grossly exaggerated. Juergens argues that the Earth's surface potential is highly negative and low [26]. Suppose that it is lowered further. Rampant radioactivity ... fugitives from grave disasters in the Near East [8 ]. The famous Seven Hills of Rome themselves may be a set of extinct volcanos, according to an early French geologist. Since few scientists believe in cosmic thunderbolts, this report of Lake Bolsena has never been thoroughly investigated. The Italian anthropologist-geologist Leonardi assured me that the lake basin is ...
504. Greenland. Ch.4 Ice (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... is a remarkable fact that no ice mass covered the low lands of northern Siberia any more than those of Alaska," wrote James D. Dana, the leading American geologist of the last century.5 In northern Siberia and on polar islands in the Arctic Ocean spires of rock were observed that would certainly have been broken off if an ... Greenland (194Q), p. 4. 4. R. F. Griggs, Science, XCV (1942), 2473. 5. Dana, Manual of Geologv (4th ed.), p. 977. 6. Whitley, journal of the Philosophical Society of Great Britain, XII, 55. 7. 0. ...
505. Ice Age In The Tropics. Ch.4 Ice (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... . Chamberlin says: "Some of these huge ice sheets advanced even into the tropics, where their deposits of glacier-borne debris, hundreds of feet in thickness, amaze the geologists who see them. No satisfactory explanation has yet been offered for the extent and location of these extraordinary glaciers. . . . Glaciers, almost unbelievable because of their ... and size, certainly did not form in deserts...."3 Notes 1. C. O. Dunbar, Historical Geologv (1949), pp. 298-9(). 2. Ibid., p. 298. 3. R.T . Chamberlin, "The Origin and History of the Earth" in The ...
506. The Hippopotamus. Ch.3 Uniformity (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... of some great natural change. Notes. 1. Charles Lyell, Antiquity of Man (1863), p. 180. 2. H. B. Woodward, Geology of England and Wales (2nd ed.; 1887), p. 543. ...
507. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ? Voyages of the Pyramid Builders - by Robert Schoch with Robert Aquinas McNally. Penguin Putnam/Tarcher. US$24.95. Schoch pursues his earlier claims that geological evidence shows the Sphinx was carved millennia earlier than its accepted date of 2500 BC. Schoch suggests that the world-wide distribution of pyramids indicates an initial source, which he ... 2004:2 (May 2004) Home | Issue Contents Bookshelf Snowball Earth – by Gabrielle Walker. Bloomsbury. £16.99. A controversial theory put forward by geologist Paul Hoffman is reported by science journalist Walker. Did the entire Earth once freeze over and trigger the start of complex life-forms in the Cambrian? Sync: The Emerging ...
508. The Ivory Islands. Ch.1 In the North (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... ), 56. G. F. Kunz, Ivory and the Elephant (1916), p. 236. 8 .J . D. Dana, Manual of Geology (4th ed.; 1894), p. 1007. 9. Whitley, Journal of the Philosophical Society of Great Britain, XII (1910),56 ... in a letter to Sir Henry Howorth admitted that the extinction of mammoths in Siberia was for him an insoluble problem.7 J. D. Dana, the leading American geologist of the second half of the last century, wrote: "The encasing in ice of huge elephants, and the perfect preservation of the flesh, shows that the ...
... volcanic cones, such as Solsbury, to the north-east, while the crags of Beechen Cliff and Lansdown Hill probably mark the lip of an ancient crater. The two different geological formations of Bath point to the superimposed strata upon an earlier one. At about the time of the Carboniferous Period, the whole of the area of the Mendips to ... it would appear to correspond with what is termed the Drift Age. That this event (the Drift) could be related to the destruction of Atlantis is not a possibility geologists would admit, for they give the Drift (or Ice) Age anything in the way of antiquity from i oo,ooo years upwards. On the other hand ...
510. Thoth Vol canoes" of [Journals] [Thoth]
... twice each month. Contributors to the newsletter claim that science as a whole has ignored the violent history of the solar system. Theoretical issues range from celestial dynamics and planetary geology to the origins of ancient languages and the birth of civilization in the wake of planetary disaster. The newsletter includes continuing discussion of a revolutionary model called "the Saturn ... going on, leaving the same enigmatic surface patterns we see elsewhere in the solar system. And yet, despite the most stunning and direct evidence for electrical phenomena, planetary geologists continue to call the activity on Io "volcanoes". Prior to NASA's close-up looks, however, only Wallace Thornhill, the leading pioneer of the Electric Universe, ...
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