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1682 results found.
169 pages of results. 491. Psychoceramics [Journals] [Aeon]
... concluded with the hope that their model will help to "identify the tectonic forces that have shaped our planet's past." I applauded their attempt at a reconstruction of Earth's geologic history in a note to the editor, Jonathan Piel, but also expressed an apprehension about the authors' modeling technique. Although it wasn't explicitly stated, computer modeling ... . It has always been axiomatic that questions need answers, but only if the answers already in hand finally have become unacceptable to explain whatever it was that needed explaining. Geologist Frank B. Taylor and meteorologist Alfred Wegener both simultaneously came up with the idea of continental drift around 1912, based on similarities of flora, fauna, and geophysical ...
492. Introduction to (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... this respect were carefully chosen, especially in his epilogue, where he summarized the problems he knew he was presenting for ancient history, the origins of religion, psychology, geology, paleontology, and, not least, astronomical physics. Being aware of these, he made explicit what conclusions must necessarily follow from his, and what would therefore ... collisions. That is to say, the astronomers with whom so much of Velikovsky's account is concerned have taken a step backward and left the brunt of the contest to the geologists, who are charged with the time scale of the powerful forces which they know all too well have shaped the surface of our planet. Mountain building was recent; ...
493. On Morrison: Some Final Remarks (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... Derek York of the geophysics division at the University of Toronto and a Foreign Principal Investigator for the Apollo Project (1971-72). The latter is an inveterate defender of orthodox geology and geochronology. He too discounts the possibility that "there is something seriously wrong with the radiometric clocks or our readings of them" (see Velikovsky Reconsidered, pp ... against planetary encounters of the Velikovsky type. Juergens states (IV, 77) that I "automatically equate craters and impact scars". I do this because a trained geologist can recognize the difference between an impact crater and a volcanic crater, and almost without exception lunar craters are impact craters. Juergens continues: ". . . Velikovsky ...
... ., in his Story of the Heavens, mentioned that a fall of meteorites in 1902 at L'Aigle, Normandy, caused these stones to be removed from the province of geology to that of astronomy! It was a pathetic admission of former ignorance He agreed that meteorites were "evidently pieces broken from some larger object," of a celestial ... Another admitted meteor was the Siberian Meteor of June 30, 1908. The only educated men who have penetrated the remote scene of this visitation are Leonard Kutik, the Russian geologist, and some companions, who in 1927 succeeded in reaching the spot in Northern Siberia. Over an area of 70 miles or more the destruction of the forests in ...
495. Editorial [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... for Velikovsky in this particular field of endeavour is the increasing evidence of the role played by electromagnetic and electrostatic forces in the solar system. Similarly, in the study of geology, the almost relentless flow of new information has led many scientists, who had hitherto been convinced of a very gradual theory of evolution, to make continual modifications to ... model of how it all happened. Now while it may not be true to say that these geologists have forsaken their traditional stance in favour of the out and out catastrophism of an Immanuel Velikovsky, it is nevertheless true to say that expressions such as "punctuated equilibrium" are in increasing evidence. While those of us who are SIS members ...
496. On the Pendulum Experiment (Vox Popvli) [Journals] [Kronos]
... directly to the heart of the matter: " [Velikovsky] ", Morrison wrote, "has chosen single handedly to attack the fundamental precepts of physics, astronomy, geology, and archaeology, relying not on a chipping away at the edges of conventional thought, but rather on a broad, frontal assault on the whole fabric of mid-twentieth ... pp. 16-35. 4. William R. Farrand, Science 133 (17 March 1961), pp. 729-735. Farrand, then a recent Ph.D . geologist at Lamont Geological Observatory, was writing a rebuttal to popular articles espousing catastrophism such as Ivan Sanderson's "Riddle of the Frozen Giants", Saturday Evening Post (16 ...
497. Views In Brief [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... David Slade from Tenerife has brought to our attention a BBC programme Science in Action he heard on June 6th 1982 and its interview with Dr Noel Gale of the Department of Geology and Minerology at Oxford. Gale had been tracing the origins of ancient bronzes etc. ". .. by measuring the isotropic composition of the small quantities of lead ... hope to enlarge on these and other criticisms in a "Focus" section in Workshop 5:2 . Mr Ellenberger notes that: "Just as Wegener receives credit from geologists for Continental Drift' despite having no mechanism and the wrong model, so should Velikovsky be recognised by astronomers for his pioneering efforts to unravel the historico-astronomical events encoded in ...
498. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... has been a total silence on this matter. As believers in the catastrophic origin of things we dare not allow the conceiver of Uniformity his interpretation of the origin of these geological phenomena. The orthodox theory of salt penetration is based on the assumption of a vast pan of salt being covered with sediment to a depth where the weight of the ... little further south in Mexico, South America and in the islands of the southern coast of the Caribbean Sea, is to this day so powerfully active". The French geologist R. Thomassy postulated that the Petite Anse salt dome came from a volcano of water, mud and gas. He considered that the rock salt was the mineral deposit ...
499. Precursors of Quantavolution [Books] [de Grazia books]
... to draw sustenance from and give thanks to the long line of Christian defenders of the historical and catastrophic accuracy of the Bible, whose works on subjects such as evolution and geology were, for their times, as good as his own in Earth in Upheaval. He was unfriendly to religiously committed writers who pursued parallel paths and sought to ignore ... if any credence were to be given telepathy). Discovery of V. s belief in "telepathy" amused Deg. He was reminded of Hans Kloosterman, the catastrophist geologist leader, whom Deg had joshed for decrying V. as fanciful while himself espousing telepathy. V. might well have agreed with Kloosterman's explanation of the uses of telepathy ...
500. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Miranda, the innermost of the known satellites of Uranus pre-Voyager, is also quite the most astonishing (just as lo is for Jupiter). It has the most complex geological surface in the Solar System, with craters, striations, valleys, rifts, etc. "Geologists say that it is most unusual to f ind evidence of tectonics ... source: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, March 1984, pp.32-44 The basis for much of the interpretation of the history of the Earth and its oceans is the assumption of marine geologists that sedimentary layers have been built up by a gentle rain of material from above. Organic and inorganic detritus from land erosion is carried out to the edges of continental ...
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