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1682 results found.

169 pages of results.
... ., Ph.D ., F.R .G .S . Geography. DANA. Manual of Geology. DAWSON, SIR J. W. Earth and Man. DE LAPPARENT, PROF. Traite' de Geologie ... DIODORUS SICULUS. Historia. DONNELLY, IGNATIUS. Ragnarok. ELGIE, J. H., F.R .A .S . The Stars Night by Night. Encyclopaedia Britannica. FORLONG, GEN. G. R. ... of Earth's changes- Earthquakes- Mana's Records. LYELL, SIR CHAS., F.G .S . Elements of Geology- Principles of Geology. MALLET. Northern Antiquities. (Bishop Percy's Edn.) MCPHERSON, J. G. ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1338  -  31 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/beaumont/comet/406-dying.htm
... that reversals of the earth's magnetic field were so frequent in the past that hundreds of them are recorded in the geological annals of the last 70 or 80 million years (though none shows up as an historical event). The ... the world, and the sea-floor-spreaders were welcoming new riders for their bandwagon every day.(4 ) Meantime, geologists working on land had identified several apparent geomagnetic reversals, as recorded in the remanent magnetism of extensive rock formations; ... was thought to be such a permanent feature that compass needles would always point north. It was a time when geologians could scoff at Velikovsky's citation of evidence that the polarity of the field was reversed in historical times. But today ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1335  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0304/052geogl.htm
43. On Saturn And The Flood [Journals] [Kronos]
... following the Deluge. There is one important phenomenon which the supernova theory does not explain, however, namely the geological upheavals that accompanied the great extinctions. The Midrashic sources relate that, during the Deluge, all volcanoes erupted; ... the waters may have been rich in chlorine, an element which in combination with sodium forms common salt. Marine geologists are unable to trace the origin of the huge amounts of chlorine locked in the salt of the Earth's oceans, ... 14. [The first proponent of the supernova hypothesis was O. H. Schindewolf in his Der Zeitfaktor in Geologie und Palaeontologie (Stuttgart, 1950); see also idem, "Ueber die moglichen Ursachen der grossen erdgeschichtlichen Faunenschnitte ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1332  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0501/003flood.htm
44. The Rise of Blood Sacrifice [Journals] [Aeon]
... many tens of metres in vertical extent" plus a "subsequent uplift" is a scenario more recently suggested by geology. (60) Such a vast geological catastrophe might account for the depth of the deposits but still falls short ... tremendous flood of riverine origin required to accumulate up to 370 cm of silt. When, two decades later, geologists found out that the water of the Shatt el Arab, around which the flood yielding sites are located, is ... Oxford, 1990). 63. K. Keilhack, "Das Rästel der Löbbildung," Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 72:617 (1920). 64. J. B. Penniston, "Note on the Origin ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1332  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0405/083blood.htm
... between various so-called disciplines. He draws his evidence from astronomy and history, legend and myth, as well as geology and paleontology. One difference between Donnelly and Velikovsky is a nominal one. Whereas the latter has a separate book ... 18) supposedly brought an end to "the lovely Tertiary conditions...".(19) Today's geologists date the end of the Tertiary at around two million years ago. But Donnelly places it between thirty-one and twenty-eight ... "According to the latter-day catastrophists, the dinosaurs exited with the most spectacular bang since Creation, and, the geologist's lingering aversion to cataclysms notwithstanding, it is becoming difficult to disagree.... Supernova or otherwise, whatever ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1332  -  06 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0701/003collc.htm
... a maximum of the order of one centimetre per century'. This rising in regions that have, in recent geological times, been heavily glaciated, is interpreted as a result of the disappearance of the ice-sheet (or most of ... . '23 The role played by volcanism in the plasticity of the Earth's layers should not be underrated. Many geologists and geophysicists believe that the pockets' of molten material (magma), which give birth to our volcanoes, ... Entstehung der gontinente and Ozeane, 1915. 4. A. Wegener and W. Koppen, Die Klimate der geologiachenVorzeit, 1924. 5. I. G. A. Skerl, The Origin of Continents and Oceans, 1924 ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1318  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/gallant/iic4iv.htm
... Worlds in Collision these cataclysms were reconstructed from historical documents and traditions of ancient races; in Earth in Upheaval the geological and palaeontological evidence was presented to substantiate the same claims, and only some scattered archaeological evidence was adduced. The ... few years, the view that the Papyrus Ipuwer describes a natural catastrophe has been repeatedly presented (by GALANOPOULOS, geologist at the University of Athens, and by HEEZEN and NINKOVITCH, geologists at Columbia University [4 ]) . ... p. 11. 4. A. G. Galanopoulos: "Die ägyptischen Plagen und der Auszug Israels aus geologischer Sicht", Z. Alterturn 10 (1964), pp.131-137; D.Ninkovich and B. ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1311  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v0601to3/06some.htm
48. Forum Part Two [Journals] [SIS Review]
... scenario has been developed by Austrian geologists E. Kristian-Tollmann and A. Tollmann. Both scientists believe to have found geological evidence for a major comet impact at the beginning of the Holocene, around ~7500 BC [49]. ... have destroyed the civilisation of Atlantis as well [48]. A very similar scenario has been developed by Austrian geologists E. Kristian-Tollmann and A. Tollmann. Both scientists believe to have found geological evidence for a major comet impact ... . 1-14. 49. A. Tollmann and E. Kristian-Tollmann: The Flood Impact', Mitteilungen der oesterreichischen geologischen Gesellschaft, 84 (1991), pp. 1-63; Idem: Und die Sintflut gab es doch. Vom ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1311  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1994/37forum.htm
49. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the point of denying that any great ethnic movements had taken place at all. Thirdly, they rarely considered the geological origin of metal objects found in tombs and other monuments - for example, although Europe is rich in minerals and ... inversion) running along longitudes 120 E and 60 W - matching a "preferred polar wander path" claimed by geologists. Besides the geography of the last Ice Age, the effects of this inversion axis are clearly shown in geomagnetic ... 6. I. U. Olsson: "Some Problems in Connection with the Evaluation of C14 Dates", Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 96 (1974), pp. 311-320. 7. M. L. Keith and ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1298  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v0404/073focus.htm
... LANE LONDON E.C .I © MELVIN A. COOK 1966 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY HAZELL WATSON & VINEY LTD AYLESBURY, BUCKS TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE Chapter I GEOLOGICAL CHRONOMETRY: THE SHORT TIME CLOCKS Methods of Geological Chronometry; The Radiocarbon Method of Libby; Ionium Method; The Helium Method; Uranium in the Oceans; Tritium; ... author's mind was: how were geologic time and uniformitarianism going to survive an established continental drift, which would seem to strike at the very foundations of Historical Geology? ' Geologists had previously postulated the concept of growing continents, and their models of sedimentation depended on this concept. Now they were confronted with a permanent, previously unbroken- prior ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 1204  -  19 Jun 2005  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/cook/prehistory.htm
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