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1682 results found.
169 pages of results. 411. Hurricanes and Cyclones [Books] [de Grazia books]
... in the long-term, given changing climates and drifting continents, an assumption of randomized strikes could be tolerated. Where then are the scars of 30,000 tornados in every geological column? Or even in any single one anywhere? From this we might conclude that we have a great deal of field research to do in geological history so as ... not appear so outrageous today. As we shall see, ice age theory has been used (and abused) to the point of exhaustion of the subject and of the geologists working in the field; it has been made responsible for many geological forms and events that might more readily be assigned to other forces. Velikovsky, in a note ...
412. The Climatic Breakdown (The Atlantis Myth) [Books]
... . This may have taken quite a long time, perhaps centuries. All these causes working together produced the great `Klimasturz', the universal climatic breakdown, which German geologists first recognized. (Amongst those who refer to it are Frech in his Aus dem Tierleben der Urzeit, the Swedish author of Geologzsche Tabellen, and the archaeologist Kossinna ... Die deutsche Vorgeschichte.) It was this Klimasturz which reduced catastrophically the yield of the remnant of Attica, and washed away so much of its fertile soil in those uplands which had escaped the scouring by the deluge spates, leaving only a denuded rocky skeleton. It is remarkable that this Klimasturz is supposed by German geologists to have taken place ...
413. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... by orthodox science. Science is a savage little game'. Unexpected oil New Scientist 12.1 .91, pp. 44-7 Oil does not only occur in the geological strata in which it is expected. This survey reports on various places throughout Britain where it unexpectedly seeps or bubbles. A word of caution is urged for those who ... the Sun deserts actually shrink as the air becomes warmer, more water evaporates and the equatorial cloud belt increases (see also Global warming and sea level'). French geologists have uncovered evidence that climatic changes in Africa during the last 150,000 years are closely related to natural changes in Earth's orbit around the Sun. There have been ...
414. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Woodmorappe (1999, $12 95) Although this is a creationist book, it takes a detailed look at the scientific literature and points out the many dating discrepancies in geological dating methods and results. The author maintains that modern dating methods are not self- checking' as claimed. The Lost Civilization of the Stone Age by R. ... C.W . Hunt (1990, $19 95) This is another chance to obtain a book we reviewed in C&CW 1992:1 . A field geologist reviews anomalous geological features and proffers his own theory of the causes of obvious catastrophic formations. Astronomy on Trial: A Devastating and complete Repudiation of the Big Bang Fiasco ...
415. Back to Instantaneous Polar Shifts [Journals] [Aeon]
... the simple reason that nobody has so far proposed a mechanism to explain such a phenomenon. My theory provides a mechanism in accord both with the mathematical theory and the observed geological facts, but apparently it is difficult to understand. In this respect, I find Salkeld's final statement- "I do not say his analyses are wrong of themselves ... so none of it is controversial (although J. C. Maxwell, whom Barbiero mentions, in this regard [2 ] was not, as he claims, a geologist). Barbiero argues that an asteroid impacting Earth's surface produces an impulsive torque which can cause "almost instantaneous changes of the axis of rotation and, therefore, instantaneous ...
416. Imaginary Worlds: The Debate Heats Up [Journals] [Aeon]
... . [Arthur] Holmes writes: Algal remains dated at 6,000 B.P . have been found on the latest terminal moraines. ' (Principles of Physical Geology, p. 718) This shows that Antarctica must have been sufficiently free from ice for green algae to grow 6,000 years ago'." [33 ... indicate no such thing. A careless reader might assume that Hapgood was merely repeating conclusions reached by Hough, or matters of common scientific knowledge. But Hapgood, neither a geologist nor an oceanographer, made this assertion on no other authority but his own." [23] Yet here we have Reginald Daly, a geologist, stating the ...
417. Condensation. Ch.9 Axis Shifted (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... Although some geologists, on theoretical grounds, would prefer to think that a dry climate prevailed in the world when so much water was concentrated in the ice covers, field geology shows the opposite to have been the case: snow fell in huge masses, and rain cascaded from the sky at the very same time. Notes. 1. ... pluvial water as well as melt water from the local glaciers in the mountains, stood "more than 1000 feet above the present Great Salt Lake."5 Although some geologists, on theoretical grounds, would prefer to think that a dry climate prevailed in the world when so much water was concentrated in the ice covers, field geology shows ...
418. Interdisciplinary Indiscipline [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Observatory, Edinburgh.... Well, it seems to me that on your theory we can link comets not only with astronomy, with palaeontology [extinctions], geology [magnetic reversals, etc], archaeology [2nd millennium BC biblical catastrophes, etc], mythology [gods = planets, etc] history [revised Egyptian chronology ... , stalactites three feet long have formed in three years. [40] " If', says Mr Dawkins [Professor, later Sir William Boyd Dawkins, the celebrated geologist], the Jockey Cap [a stalagmite boss in the Ingleborough Cave] be taken as a measure of the rate of growth of all these deposits, all the ...
419. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... 7 .87 Scientists studying a group of hills in China's northeastern Liaoning province have come to the remarkable conclusion that the hills are composed of meteoritic rocks. Their topography, geological structure, composition of rare earth metals and minerals are similar to meteoritic rocks which fell in Jilin province in 1976. Tests by Rb/Sr and U/Pb ... else may have prompted this report? Catastrophist Geology Yet?source: New Scientist 20.8 .87, p.42 With the advent of plate tectonic theory, geologists seem to have subtly altered their phraseology. An account of the formation of the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes happily talks about "upheavals", and their time scales ...
420. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... have been getting positive results in detecting electrical currents in the earth shortly before earthquakes but much of the scientific establishment still doesn't want to know because they cannot explain them. GEOLOGY Moon heat New Scientist 11.1 .97, p. 15 Average temperatures near the poles are distinctly higher at the time of full Moon than new Moon. ... Frontiers No.110, Mar-Apr 97, p. 1 The wall in New Zealand reported in the last Monitor as appearing to be artificially constructed has been examined by a geologist who records that the neat vertical and horizontal joins are simply natural fracture lines in cooling Ignimbrite. Cathartic art New Scientist 18.1 .97, p. 9 ...
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