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169 pages of results. 31. Faulting and Vulcanism [Books]
... , vol. xii, 1910, p. 56. 19. I. D. Dana, Manual of Geology, 4th edn., 1894, p. 1007. 20. W. R. Farrand, Science, ... or deep-cut valleys or rifts' (when the relative movement was horizontal). Though it is relatively easy for geologists and geophysicists to determine which kind of force must have been effective in a particular case, they are generally unable ... p. 49. 31. ibid., p. 58. 32. H. Dewey, British Regional Geology-South-west England, 2nd edn., 1948, p. 57. 33. J. J. Gilvarry, Nature ...
... Text unformatted | Images to be added [ CD-Rom Home ] Full PDF online at Internet Archive Principles of Geology (Book III)Or, The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants considered as illustrative of geology Sir Charles Lyell Book I | Book II | Book III BOOK III. CHAPTER XXXIII. CHANGES OF THE ORGANIC WORLD NOW ... things ; and, with a disregard to the strict rules of induction, resorts to fictions, as ideal as the " plastic virtue," and other phantoms of the geologists of the middle ages. It is evident that, if some well-authenticated facts could have been adduced to establish one complete step in the process of transformation, such as ...
33. The North Sea. Ch.11 Klimasturz (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... ; elle coincide à peu près avec l'épanouissement de la civilisation sumérienne en Mésopotamie." 3. Flint, Glacial Geology and the Pleistocene Epoch, p. 325. 4. H. Codwin, "Studies of the post-glacial history ... , England, the Low Countries, Germany, Denmark, and Norway, is a very recent basin. The geologists assume that the area was once before occupied by a sea, but that early in the Ice Age the detritus ... , Ser. B, Vol. 230, February 1940. 5. H. B. Woodward, The Geologv of England and Wales (2nd ed., 1887), p. 523 6. Submerged forests were observed ...
34. Aeon Volume VI, Number 4: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Frequent contacts with Aborigines during these trips led to an acquaintance with their mythology which frequently conflicts with conventional explanations concerning geological phenomena. It is those inconsistencies that led to his renewed interest in catastrophic geology, the electric nature of the ... Holes Contributors Louis A. G. Hissink was born in Bandung, Indonesia, and practices as a diamond field geologist working mainly in Western Australia and, occasionally, Southern Africa. He lives in a beach suburb north of Sydney ... collective amnesia. Page 14: Wolfe Creek Crater: Some Recent Geophysical Data Louis A. G. Hissink A geologist's analysis of the Australian Wolfe Creek Crater which questions the impact origin attributed to it, concluding instead that it was ...
35. Corals Of The Polar Regions. Ch.4 Ice (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... can be seen. It does not solve the problem of their deposition, if they were formed in an older geological epoch. At some time in the remote past corals grew and are still found on the entire fringe of polar ... ice, we can realize the difficulty of the problem in the distribution of climate which these facts present to the geologist."1 There must have been great forests on Spitsbergen to produce a bed of coal thirty feet thick. ... this, he should try to cultivate coral at the North Pole. Notes 1. Archibald Geikie, Text-Book of Geologv (1882), p. 869. 2. Dunbar, Historical Geologv, pp. 162, 194. ...
36. In Northern China. Ch.5 Tidal Wave (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... recognized as of recent origin."10 All this points to a great shower of ferruginous dust at a recent geological date, when the red clays of the Pacific, the drift of the Western Hemisphere, and the loam of ... melange, and though we have met very similar situations in various places in other parts of the world, the geologists of China regarded their find as enigmatic. "No conclusive evidence can be derived from this faunal assemblage as regards ... prevailing temperature at the time when it lived," says J. S. Lee in his Geologv of China.2Some animals point "to a rather severe climate," other animals to "a warm climate." " ...
37. The Continuing Ica Mystery [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Horizon team's research must seem convincing to many, including as it does a scientific analysis performed at the Institute of Geological Sciences, London, as well as the testimony of a self-confessed forger. A cut and dried case? Not ... of the S.I .S ., Peter Afford and Sophie Milewska, by training a lawyer and a geologist respectively, who have been studying the Ica mystery for some nine years. The results of their research, the ... Däniken had been shown to have based his theories on dubious or fraudulent evidence. They supported this view with a geologist's report comparing two stones, one held to be genuine, the other ostensibly a forgery picked up on the market ...
38. The Rhone Glacier. Ch.10 Thirty-five Centuries Ago (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... warned his colleagues not to turn deaf ears to voices like that of De Lapparent. Let us assume that the geological processes were always as they are now. In Ehringsdorf near Weimar there is a tufa layer in which, during ... to the first glacial period. These estimates, when announced, were much lower than expected. The eminent French geologist of the beginning of this century, and a colleague of Heim and Forel, A. Cochon de Lapparent, ... p. 3. 3 Flint, Glacial Geology, p. 491. Cf. R. von Klebelsberg, Geologie von Tirol (1935), p. 573. ...
39. Uniformitarian Or Catastrophist? Ice Age Theory [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... P. Coleman wrote, "Scores of methods of accounting for ice ages have been proposed and probably no other geological problem has been so seriously discussed by glaciologists, by meteorologists and biologists; yet no theory is generally accepted. ... of the greatest riddles in geological history, remains unsolved, despite the endeavors of generations of astronomers, biologists, geologists, meteorologists, and physicists, it still eludes us."4 Schneider and Londer suggest, "There are ... zones, with resultant equatorial displacement of pre-existing climatic belts." [D . H. Tarling, "The Geological-Geophysical Framework of Ice Ages," Climatic Change, J. Gribbin ed., (London 1978), p ...
40. Thrusting and Orogeny [Books] [de Grazia books]
... marked by profound unconformities in the rocks. Naturally a quantavolutionist will wonder why these never evolved into a new catastrophist geology. First, there was the obstacle of ideology, which a social psychologist can appreciate more than a natural scientist ... that are adequate to the facts and that also educe new facts. CHAPTER 20 Thrusting and Orogeny When nineteenth century geologists departed from their original simplistic uniformitarianism, they found it useful to identify in Earth history several points of great diastrophism ... , require several thousand extra years. It is no secret, actually, that the fillip of evolution has supported geology's claim to time, rather than the contrary (except for radiochronometry); life takes longer than rocks, and ...
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