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1682 results found.
169 pages of results. 371. Cosmic Catastrophism [Journals] [Aeon]
... , and Ages in Chaos (1952), which argued for revised historical synchronisms between Egypt and the rest of the ancient world. He provided more detailed treatment of the geological evidence supporting catastrophism in Earth in Upheaval (1955) and continued his revisions of ancient history and chronology in Oedipus and Akhnaton (1960), Peoples of the Sea ... C .? One approach would seem to be through geology. Physical upheavals of the kind described by Velikovsky should have left their mark on the surface of the earth. Geologists find no evidence of such catastrophes in relatively recent times, though they are willing to admit that a collision between the earth and an asteroid may have occurred about sixty-five ...
... of King Arthur's castle. The granite crosses over to Brittany, where at Carnac hundreds of granite pillars were set up by the ancients. In the Wicklow Mountains, related geologically to Cornwall, exists a mass of solid granite. That the god Hercules played an important part in the early cult of stone-worship may explain why Cornwall possessed so many ... placed them symbolically on her coins to indicate not only lightning but the Pillars themselves, these coins bearing the inscription, ambrosie petre, the sacred stones. The belief of geologists that granite with its composition of quartz, felspar, mica, hornblende, and silica, was solidified in the bowels of the earth is gradually giving way to a ...
373. Isaac Asimov in Absurdity [Books]
... sinking of Atlantis in a work titled "Die ägyptischen Plagen und der Auszug Israels aus geologischer Sicht," translated means "The Egyptian Plagues and the Israelite Exodus from a Geological Viewpoint." This work was published in a respected journal on ancient history five years before Asimov attacked Velikovsky on this very point! (13) As Carl Sagan ... this topic over the years, Angelos Galanopoulos, has also equated the Exodus with the sinking of Atlantis in a work titled "Die ägyptischen Plagen und der Auszug Israels aus geologischer Sicht," translated means "The Egyptian Plagues and the Israelite Exodus from a Geological Viewpoint." This work was published in a respected journal on ancient history five ...
374. Geological Buzz-Phrase Generator [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 1 No. 2 (Dec 1976) Home | Issue Contents Geological Buzz-Phrase Generator Pete Kilroy Sir Ernest Gower has pointed to "the baleful influence of American gobbledygook on certain sorts of writing, both academic and official". But, he adds, "the phenomenon has not gone uncriticised, even on the ... use (see E.Gowers, 1973: The Complete Plain Words. Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London). Here follows such a generator' for the benefit of geologists: I II III IV 0. intensely enriched polygenetic sediments 1. uniformly fractured alluvial bands 2. locally folded polymict strata 3. distinctly leached endogenous formations 4. ...
... It is a remarkable fact that no ice mass covered the low lands of northern Siberia any more than those of Alaska, ' wrote James D. Dana [Manual of Geology, (4th ed.) p. 977] the leading American geologist of the last century." Why weren't these lands glaciated as the Ice Age theory requires ... This is further corroborated in Charles Hapgood's Maps of The Ancient Sea Kings, (NY 1979), revised ed., pp. 177-178. Hapgood remarks that, "the freezing of up of Siberia [occurred] simultaneously with the thawing of North America." If as Velikovsky suggested the axis of the Earth tilted, or as Hapgood ...
376. A Cosmic Debate [Books] [de Grazia books]
... sources quite far from those normally taken into calculation by geologists in explaining surface rocks and features. The challenge that the nineteenth century genius, Ignatius Donnelly, put to the geological world, that the vast unstratified layers of clay, till, and stones that cover much of the globe are of extra- terrestrial and cometary origin, was not ... greatly magnified scale of forces. There have been some exertions of heat and pressure upon this globe through extraterrestrial and internal sources quite far from those normally taken into calculation by geologists in explaining surface rocks and features. The challenge that the nineteenth century genius, Ignatius Donnelly, put to the geological world, that the vast unstratified layers of clay ...
377. Thoth Vol I, No. 21: August 11, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... From New Scientist, 2 August 97 Twist of fate By Jeff Hecht The crust and mantle of the Earth twisted 90 degrees around its liquid core in a mere blink of geological time around half a billion years ago, claim geologists in California. The repositioning of the continents may have caused the unprecedented Cambrian explosion in species diversity. Evidence for ... theory comes from the directions of magnetic fields in the minerals in rocks. The magnetic fields in molten rocks align with the Earth's and become frozen in as the rocks cool and solidify, providing a permanent record of the position of the rocks at that time relative to the Earth's field. Geologists had already looked at the magnetic signatures in Australian ...
378. Kintraw and Bibby (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... indulge in destructive and ill-informed criticism. J. S. Bibby, Macaulay Institute for Soil Research Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, Scotland REFERENCES W. C. Krumbein, Journal of Geology 47 (1939). P. W. Harrison, Journal of Geology 65 (1957). S. B. McCann, Geol Mag., Vol. ... axes, therefore, is different from the meaning imposed on it by Bibby. We accept that in routine investigations of pebble deposits, given the time limitations on the field geologist and the vast experience of geologists in this field, long axis investigation alone would suffice to show the direction of the streams depositing the pebbles, particularly when corroboration can ...
379. Phillip E. Johnson, "Darwin on Trial" [Journals] [Aeon]
... speciation occur in isolated peripheral pockets from which such mutants later rejoin the ancestral population after the more-or-less sudden change. (It must be remembered that "sudden" in the geological or paleontological sense is quite relative and may mean hundreds of thousands if not millions of years.) However, evolutionary biologists in the main haven't subscribed to the GouldEldredge ... geological or paleontological scenarios. I highly recommend more than a perfunctory reading of Johnson- a scientifically literate academic lawyer (a la Charles Lyell, who later became a renowned geologist as well as a defender and friend of Darwin) on the often spurious and largely ad hominem verbal arguments supporting Darwinism- both as a textbook and as a reference ...
380. Geological Genesis [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1992 No 2 (Jan 1993) Home | Issue Contents ARTICLES Geological Genesis by Harold Tresman Introduction The article The Primordial Light? ' (SIS Review II:2 ) investigated the mythology surrounding the planet Saturn. It was proposed that such mythology indicates that Earth was once a satellite of what is ... of molten mantle material. In the accepted time scale all these movements took place over millions of years and were initiated at various times during the Mesozoic. Moreover, some geologists consider that if the crust lies over a plastic mantle, certain irregularities of the surface should have settled out quicker than they appear to have done. This would indicate ...
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