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169 pages of results. 331. The Stationary Period of the Satellites [Books]
... this great plateau also had a deep root. It was built up during the stationary period of the predecessor of our Moon, at the beginning of what is called in geology the Tertiary Age. Before that time this part of Africa was certainly not the impressive rocky eyrie that it is now. It may actually have been very flat' ... be fascinating to follow up all the details, but such a task must be reserved to one better versed in geological problems than myself. Those of my readers who are geologists, however, will no doubt see the great possibilities which Hoerbiger's Theory offers and the grand perspectives which it opens, and they will be able to pursue, as ...
332. Analogous Mountain Building [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 5 No 1 (1982) Home | Issue Contents Analogous Mountain Building D. A. SLADE The consideration of geology on a global scale has certain disadvantages mainly due to its enormity, thus making impractical laboratory experiments on the theories that have been evolved to explain the wealth of observed facts: in this age ... and provide a see-saw action so raising the Sierra Nevada, or the edge might fragment and be nibbled away with frequent seismic shocks and narrowing of the coastal strip. As geologists have made no report of anything resembling this, it probably isn't happening. The simplicity of the "rug" analogy ceases to have any useful meaning when we begin ...
333. Whales In The Mountains. Ch.4 Ice (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... but all the way from Maine to Florida, was at one time submerged and then uplifted. Reginald A. Daly of Harvard wrote: "Not long ago in a geological sense, the flat plain from New Jersey to Florida was under the sea. At that time the ocean surf broke directly on the Old Appalachian Mountains. . . ... then ' uplifted and cut into by rivers, giving the Atlantic Coastal Plain of the United States. Why was it uplifted? To the westward are the Appalachians. The geologist tells us of the stressful times when a belt. of rocks extending from Alabama to Newfoundland, was jammed, crumpled, thrust together, to make this mountain system ...
334. Part I: The Drift [Ragnarok] [Books]
... we find enfolding the world. Notes 1. The Great Ice Ages. pp71,72 2. Dawkins. Early Man in Britain,pp116,117. 3. Geological Sketches. P304 4.The Great Ice Age," p73. 5. Ibid, pp. 491,492. 6.The Great Ice Age, p373 ... . We live upon the top of a mighty series of stratified rocks, laid down in the water of ancient seas and lakes, during incalculable ages' said ' by geologists' to be from ten to twenty miles in thickness. Think of that! Rock piled over rock, from the primeval granite upward, to a height four times ...
335. The Pitfalls of Radiocarbon Dating [Journals] [Pensee]
... radiocarbon. It was further claimed that the magnetic field of the earth might have reversed its polarity in the last 40 thousand years, a phenomenon known to have happened in geological epochs. If such reversals were not instantaneous but required thousands of years, the atmosphere during that time would not be shielded from cosmic rays and substantially more of them ... came concerning the age of the petroleum. In 1950 in the American Journal of Science (the present publisher of Radiocarbon) a review was published by its editor, Yale geologist Longwell, with a rejection of my entire theory on the basis that oil is never found in Recent formations, being itself many millions of years old. A similar ...
336. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... American, Sept. 2003, pp. 46-53) Low levels of nuclear radiation appear to be essential to life and short magnetic pulses into the brain can affect behaviour. GEOLOGY Cyclical Hurricanes (New Scientist, 27.9 .03. pp. 14-15) A study of records of hurricanes which have hit the USA since the 19th century ... . Australia is apparently not the quiescent continent it is usually portrayed as. Although it lies in the middle of a tectonic plate where seismic activity should not occur, one geologist says that there are clear signs of increased tectonic activity over the past 6 Myrs. Interglacial Pole Shifts? (Reuters, Yahoo! News, 12.11. ...
337. New Insights to Antiquity: A Drawing Aside of the Veil by Richard Petersen [Journals] [Aeon]
... Cl4 at all. Radiocarbon analysis is limited to a maximum of some 47,000 years. However, the bizarre conditions Petersen has developed in his scenario preclude radio-dating of geologic formations with any hope of success. Moreover, he states that decay rates are not affected by conditions achieved in any laboratory, but then he apparently wasn't aware of ... surrounding terrain and made the existing irrigation canals useless. The Zunis apparently used the Pima term Hohokam, meaning "dead men," to describe the former inhabitants. The geologists were baffled by the incursion of lava around the doorstep of a pueblo at Los Muertos that would make the house many thousands of years older than the people who lived ...
338. The Saturn Thesis (Part 3) [Journals] [Aeon]
... The rilles run in all directions. In the vast majority of instances the width is aston-ishingly consistent over hundreds of kilo-meters. But the theorists are trying to explain them by geological forces- cracking of the ice, with venting of "slush" from below. How could geological forces work-ing in such a chaotic fashion, with plates of ices ... first, something inconceivable if venting from below was involved. The mysterious "cracks" on Europa are not cracks at all! In fact, the attempts by astronomers and geologists to account for these in-credible rilles have grown quite comical. The rilles run in all directions. In the vast majority of instances the width is aston-ishingly consistent over hundreds ...
339. Geological Genesis [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1993 No 1 (Aug 1993) Home | Issue Contents Geological Genesis by Harold Tresman Editor's note: this is a corrected and revised version of the article published in Workshop 1992:2 , with proper references. Foreword This article was first drafted in 1978, shortly after the publication of The Primordial ... India [45]. In the accepted time scale all these movements took place over millions of years and were initiated at various times during the Mesozoic. However, some geologists consider that if the crust lies over a plastic mantle, certain irregularities of the surface should have settled out more quickly than they appear to have done [46] ...
340. Chapter 9 Mesopotamian Stratigraphy [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... evidence to support Heinsohn's claim. Cardona has offered to translate any reports from German into English if such confirmatory papers exist. However, this is unnecessary because U. Rösner's geological paper on the 1989 dig at Tell Munbaqa was fully published, in English, in 1995 in QUARTÄR, titled "Sedimentological Evidence to Archaeological Problems on Tall Munbaqa, ... soundings to my claim. To go beyond the limits of their own expertise (architecture, pottery, crafts and arts) they asked Dr. U. Rösner [a geologist] from the University of Erlangen to join the team. She specializes in sediments and aeolic [wind-blown] layers; her preliminary draft with the result of her research ...
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