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169 pages of results. 311. In Memoriam: René Gallant, a Pioneer of Modern Catastrophism [Journals] [SIS Review]
... live very long. Far from being the end of a life, however, it proved a new beginning. René took up fresh interests, particularly in catastrophist explanations of geological and chronological problems and he began the research which subsequently led to the publication of Bombarded Earth (John Baker, London, 1964 - see the retrospective review in SISR ... work. Rather than being vilified, it was largely ignored. The time was not ripe, even in the mid-sixties, for the consideration of catastrophist theories; as one geologist remarked, Bombarded Earth came twenty years too early. Though eventually receiving a belated, but not antagonistic review in Nature, the overall lack of response dissuaded Gallant from ...
312. Lithological and palaeontological stratigraphy [Books]
... answer, and our task is to discover the truth with the help of presumptions', said Wegener in 1915.24 These two statements are still true today! `Geology has reconstructed with great success the events that lie behind the present appearance of much of the Earth's landscape .. .. Unfortunately, when it comes to fundamental processes ... exactly as two layers of identical sediments having the same thickness, containing similar fossils, are not necessarily deposited during the same time. This is in fact recognized by the geologists who admit the existence of homotaxial deposits. The latter define series of rocks containing identical assemblages of fossil remains deposited in different places at different epochs. It should be ...
313. A Personal Report on, and Irreverent Look at, the World Conference 'Planetary Violence in Human History' Portland, Oregon, January 3-5, 1997 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... plants and erosion did the rest. Goats, indeed!) Paul LaViolette: Stellar Ciphers, Galactic Superwaves, and the Legendary Cataclysm'. LaViolette has a background in geology but talked about ancient myths encoded in astrology. As far as I can make out, he was saying that if you look at a representation of the zodiac arranged ... found on Earth: craters, vulcanism, a single global fire. A geological boundary layer between the Cretaceous and Tertiary shows up all over the Earth except in Antarctica. Geologists accept that a large asteroid impact caused it. There are fragments near Pluto's orbit, which appears to be another Asteroid Belt, so maybe it was not a unique ...
314. Censors Appointed. File I (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... was that in my book I gave many sources showing that "The water of all oceans and seas was divided.") Dr. David Delo, of the American Geological Institute, asserted that all mountains were "formed millions of years ago," and no new mountains had sprung up since then. Therefore, Velikovsky "appears to ... by-passing all the sound scientific observations of a multitude of geologists made during the past 100 years." The last remark is incorrect because for more than thirty years there has been hardly any other geologist in the Old or the New World who would contradict the fact established by explorers on all major mountain chains of the world- the Himalayas, the ...
... . The volcano then thrown upon the site in a day and a night continued to burn fiercely and had a funnel-shaped crater on its summit. (Lyell, Principles of Geology, II, p. 124.) The phenomena of this new volcano was accompanied by a tidal wave and the shores of the bay were permanently altered. I ... Mysterious Comet by Comyns Beaumont CD Home | Contents Part Three: Volcanic Powers And Limitations III - Volcanoes and their Craters CRATERS are tell-tale objects in a volcanic mountain, but geologists never see beyond the ends of their noses. Every volcano, large or small, starts with a crater, or, let us say, a crateral cup on ...
316. Horizons [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Editor promises future contributions by Geoffrey Gammon and others; we shall continue to monitor the journal in hope that it will quickly find its feet after this disappointing beginning. CATASTROPHIST GEOLOGY, c/o Dr J. B. Kloosterman, Caixa Postal 41.003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. "A magazine . . . dedicated to ... issue of this journal has been well worth the wait. Neocatastrophism? is a translation by V. Axel Firsoff of an address by the late Otto Schindewolf to the Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft in 1961, and deals with a theme running through the issue, the correlation of faunal discontinuities with the transitions of the great geological eras; L. J ...
317. Geology and God [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2000:1 (May 2000) Home | Issue Contents Geology and God www.abc.net.au/rn/science/ockham/stories/s61699.htm www.abc.net.au/rn/science/ockham/stories/s63018.htm [From Ockham's Radio with Robyn ... , it would suffer distress patterns: earthquakes for example, perhaps escape of methane and fires shooting up from the ground.[...] Peter James is a geologist who works in Brisbane (Fax: + 61 7 340 30691). ...
318. The Lately Tortured Earth [Books] [de Grazia books]
... to be acted upon violently, strained, twisted, distorted, burned, choked, immersed in liquids, and electrically shocked. And, because the word recent' in geology goes back millions of years, we choose the word lately, ' signifying the past dozen or so thousands of years, approximately the Holocene period. I aim to ... at the London Geological Society from 1807 to 1832, had this to say: "What is extraordinary about the London Geological Society is that none of the original members were geologists. The little talking dinner club, ' as Davy put it, was a club for gentlemen given to talk, not to hammering rocks." Now of course ...
... these parts, once all aflame, are the vestiges of many Druid rings, testimony to their sacredness in the eyes of the prehistoric peoples. A well-known petrographer of the Geological Survey, Mr. H. H. Thomas, several years ago apparently settled the vexed question as to the origin of the "blue stones" (or " ... smoke. To the north of Swansea, in the valleys of the Tawe and Twrch, the coal is almost purely anthracite. The lower seams are rich in ironstone. Geologists agree that the coal measures owed their inception to some violent upheaval, and that in Glamorgan rich vegetation flourished on the borders of a saline lagoon or lake fed by ...
320. Early Historic Man -- Catastrophism and Calendars [Articles]
... diameter to change the position of the axis of the Earth by 5 degrees following the latitude. So we are here full in global catastrophes. (sequence of slides showing geological features which prove impacts occurred) Let's begin with the most famous of all, the Arizona Crater in Texas. It is the prototype of impact crater and which is ... they haven't done it because they have made all their studies on the basis that the Earth is a rigid body. By saying, we are astronomers, we are not geologists, they have taken the assumption that the Earth is a rigid body, but the Earth is not a rigid body. I look at "Bombarded Earth"in ...
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