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1682 results found.
169 pages of results. 301. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... produced. Previously artificial coal has been made by heating humus and other raw materials to 750 F: it is thought that temperatures of 300 F are far more realistic in geological terms. This new research is also surprising because lignin is rather an unexpected starting material, being far less decomposed than humus and other organic materials hitherto used. The ... their book featuring historical cosmic catastrophes, the Velikovsky Affair continues. Catastrophist Geology?source: NEW SCIENTIST 9.6 .83, p, 704 An interdisciplinary meeting of geologists at the Dahlem conference in Berlin in May was convened to consider the history of the Earth with a particular emphasis on what the various subdisciplines do not know and how ...
302. Quartered At Yale [Journals] [Kronos]
... quality, regards petroleum as originating from organic, not inorganic, matter." I could not make it clearer. So much for my appalling method. As to the geological aspect of the theory of Worlds in Collision, Longwell says: "Velikovsky raises anew the matter of erratic blocks'- masses of rock that clearly have been displaced ... to disprove Worlds in Collision. Together they prepared an article for the American Journal of Science published at Yale. The editor, Professor Chester R. Longwell, himself a geologist and one of the four authors, arranged to have this article printed in the daily press, too, in advance of its appearance in the Journal. In the ...
303. Knowledge and Entropy - an Evolutionary Outlook [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 3 No. 1 (June 1978) Home | Issue Contents Knowledge and Entropy - an Evolutionary Outlook Pietro Passerini Geological Institute, University of Florence Florence, Italy. FOREWORD Since the middle of the last century, theories involving catastrophes have become unfashionable. It is somewhat ironical, tbough probably not coincidental, that ... has to realize. But, after all, evolution itself was brought about by small mutations stored cumulatively. Let us sum up The Earth's history is being diligently reconstructed by geologists; meanwhile, mankind is largely, though often unwittingly, pre-ordaining the geology of the future. Human knowledge plays by now a geological role overpowering that of most other ...
304. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... sum up, in the words of one researcher, It's a strange and violent universe'. It is a pity astronomers weren't able to admit this 50 years ago. GEOLOGY Plate Tectonics Loses Ground (Science Frontiers, No. 158, Mar-Apr 2005, p. 3) It seems that the current geological paradigm of plate tectonics is having ... . Contradictory facts are emerging and the results of seismic tomography do not accord well with the ideas of subduction and convection, which geologists think is the power behind the movement of plates. However, not surprisingly, scientists with contradictory ideas have difficulty getting funding, or having their papers printed. Ancient and Modern Global Warming (Scientific American, ...
305. Atlantis - The Lost Continent Finally Found [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Atlantis that it is down under the South China Sea.Our Site is composed of six different sections, organized by subjects which range from the strictly scientific (Linguistic, Geologic, Ethnologic, etc.) to the purely mythical and religious ones. [Extracts below]: Q1: What are indeed Atlantis and Lemuria? A: Atlantis ... A: By means of the giant cataclysm we call the Flood. The views on the Flood- and indeed on global cataclysms in general- has been grossly misstated by geologists ever since the times of Darwin and Lyell. Quite often they are caused by meteoritic/planetary impacts of extra-terrestrial origin. Far more often, they are caused by ...
306. Ocean Basins [Books] [de Grazia books]
... now. Whereas ancient fossilized life-forms have been discovered on high mountains, they are absent from the bottom of the sea. It is presumptive, if not incorrect, for geological writings to state that the oceans have covered and uncovered the land on several lengthy occasions. The mountains have arisen from the shallow waters of Pangea, bearing the fossils ... of the event and the closest to our own theory was provided by Howard B. Baker in an obscurely published article of 1952 [2 ]. He was an American geologist, who from 1909 worked on the problem and completed a manuscript in 1932 that was never published. Both works were discovered by the present author after the manuscript to ...
307. Past, Present, and Future [Books] [de Grazia books]
... forever. The ancient writings that survive to this day can be carried on the shelves of a large bookcase. Almost all of the lost works that dealt with astronomy, geology, anthropology, and the history of religions must have treated of catastrophes and possessed a catastrophic viewpoint. I venture this from the fact that the great majority of the ... , "By espousing you, the conclaves have decidedly and irrevocably attached themselves to the liberal side... Had they on the contrary made their election of a Mosaic geologist like Buckland or Conybeare, the orthodox would immediately have taken their cue from them." Next year, Scrope was writing: It is great treat... ...
308. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... facets. One has been the large participation of the public. It continues to increase. Velikovsky has managed to talk to people about mythology, archaeology, astronomy, and geology, without doing injustice to those disciplines, in an amazing and unprecedented manner. Socrates, Aristotle, Galileo, Freud, and Einstein - to name a few thinkers ... their brew as medicinal because, after all, the police are in cahoots, if indeed they have not already taken to drink themselves. There comes to mind the chemical geologist and Nobel prize winner, Harold Urey, who has on occasion reprimanded Velikovsky's supporters even though he has himself speculated that errant celestial bodies might be the great age-breakers in ...
309. Radiocarbon Dating The Extinction [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... known only in terms of earlier biases based on prior theory. As Parker admits, "In some ways, a lay person is better equipped to see a relationship among geologic features, because he or she doesn't carry the intellectual prejudices that a professional does."16 There are probably a great many other such admissions in the literature not ... the evidence is based entirely on uniformitarian thinking. What Sutcliffe, Lister, and all the other authorities cited above, be they paleontologists, paleoecologists, palynologists, taphonists, geologists, anthropologists, and the like, have in common is a blind allegiance to uniformity as expounded by Lyell over 150 years ago. Uniformitarianism's greatest exponent and most influential ...
... stationary period' of the Tertiary satellite. (Actually only the deposits to the north of the equator are at all distinctly developed.) For it is due to the geological action of the Tertiary satellite, chiefly when it was anchored over Africa, that the lignite deposits were laid down. Lignite is usually found in well-defined basins, which ... to the air, and the latter, being anaerobic, upon such material as was engulfed in the bog waters, produced an ever-growing layer of a peaty substance. Orthodox geologists now require the sinking of the swamp below the level of the sea, in order to explain its being covered by sediments. In fact, for that very reason ...
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