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169 pages of results. 291. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... coincided with mass extinctions and clusters of impact craters. Hot spots' are sites of impacts where the crust has been thinned. Their conclusion makes interesting reading: - "geological changes are triggered by extra-terrestrial impacts .. . [which] may constitute one of the driving forces of evolution. The conventional pressures of Darwinian selection are temporarily overridden ... of several major climatic events from 100,000 to 300,000 years ago. Volcanic Mass Extinctions source: New Scientist 10.12.88, p. 23 Geologists who prefer massive volcanic events to impact events as a cause of mass extinctions have so far been unable to explain the evidence of shocked' quartz crystals at some extinction ...
... Wrangel Island during the stationary period, began to move away towards the Bering Strait. But these geophysical changes, great though they were, were by far surpassed by tremendous geological happenings. The sudden eastward leap of the satellite caused the great ovoid distortion of the Earth to become unstable. It started almost immediately to subside to some extent, ... the east of it, a great parallel Rift appears, from 30 to 50 miles wide, which contains Lake Nyasa, the Shire River, and the lower Zambezi. Geologists are agreed that the great systems of East African Rift Valleys, with the extinct and active volcanoes which are strung along them, date from geologically recent times. We ...
293. Velikovsky Symposium- Florida, July 12 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... physical evidence that any catastrophic comet impact would leave would be enormous. Given the extent that geomorphologists, Quaternary geologists, archaeological geologists, oceanographers, and climatologists have studied the geological record of the last 21,000 years, some unmistakable evidence of such impacts should been found, even if comets were involved. This evidence would include A large ... of > "mythohistorical" analysis. It has been the result of > accumulated physical evidence and proposal and testing > of mechanisms with that evidence by conventional > astronomers, geologists, palaeontologists, and others. In > other words, Velikovsky's ideas and his advocates had > virtually nothing to do with it. This fact seems to be > ...
294. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the evolutionary scale is rarely entertained and sentient beings who constructed the face' are definitely out; detailed surveys of the face' have revealed it to be a curiously shaped geological formation. New Moons Scientific American Jan. 98, p. 22, New Scientist 28.3 .98, p. 23 and 8.11.97 ... the tilt? New Scientist 14.2 .98, p. 21 Hadrosaur dinosaurs lived in North America and Asia but now a tooth has been found in Antarctica. Geologists are trying to build an imaginary land bridge for the creatures to migrate across! Tectonic jigsaw won't fit Science Frontiers No 116, Mar-Apr 98, p. 3 The ...
295. The Date Of The Loss Of Atlantis (The Atlantis Myth) [Books]
... That they concur in the number of `six' saros periods should count in favour of the theory just advanced. Now let us turn to another field of science, geology, for some significant figures. In 1898 a French cable-ship dredging for a damaged cable about 500 miles north of the Azores found, in a depth of about 1 ... by sharp-edged fragments and splinters of a volcanic rock which had been torn off from the jagged sea bottom over which it had ploughed. When this rock was examined by French geologists it was found that it was tachylyte, a vitreous lava, which is colloidal in make-up when it is ejected under atmospheric pressure, but which shows a confused crystalline ...
296. Mythology and Repression [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Response to the Dialogue between Peter James and Han Kloosterman on pp. 3-7 of the December, 1976, issue (Vol.1 , No.2 ) of CATASTROPHIST GEOLOGY by Roger W. Wescott Professor of Anthropology and Linguistics, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey 07940, U.S .A . On the subject of Velikovskian ... must be interpreted accordingly by psychohistorians. Consequently, I must also differ to some degree with James when he writes, on pp. 5-6, ". .. most geologists have been misled by the modern abuse of the word myth' [as] a synonym for .. . untruth'... a connotation that could not ...
297. Ice Fields of the Earth [Books] [de Grazia books]
... scarcely doubted. Ice and gases, and otherwise terrestrial minerals found in meteoroids, are now accorded comets. Yet Donnelly's theory has not been seriously criticized; we forget that geology once got along without the ice ages, and that the inventor of the ice age theory, Louis Agassiz, was a catastrophist. The immense drift and till deposits ... of heat would have been required to melt it. The melting would have taken at least 30,000 years, yet there is near to a consensus even among uniformitarian geologists that the ice cap disappeared rapidly, catastrophically. And the arctic land rising, mentioned earlier, appears to have begun only 10,000 years ago. Why I ...
298. Minds in Chaos [Books] [de Grazia books]
... from unequivocal statements in written documents, through remembrances expressed in myth and legend, to mute archaeological evidence in the form of obsolete calendars and sundials - and his examination of geological and paleontological reports from all parts of the globe led him to conclude that modern man's snug little world, set in a framework of celestial harmony and imperceptible evolution, ... , printed denunciation of Velikovsky's ideas by five authorities in as many fields: Nelson Glueck, archaeologist; Carl Kraeling, orientalist; Henry Field, anthropologist; David Delo, geologist; and Shapley himself, speaking for astronomers. This medley of protest came forth just as Worlds in Collision went to press-none of the critics had seen the ...
299. The Ruins Of The East. Ch.12 The Ruins Of The East (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... earthquakes, unknown in modern annals. He asked: Could it be that in earlier times earthquakes were of very much greater force and wider spread than they are now because geological strata, originally out of equilibrium, were settling with the passing of time?8 This explanation of the readjustment of geological strata as time goes on is not valid ... down forests, leaving a desert behind.3 In Palestine lava erupted, filling the Jezreel Valley. Early in this century a Phoenician vase was found imbedded in lava. Geologists have asserted that volcanic activity in Palestine ceased in prehistoric times. "The assertion of the geologists thus becomes very questionable," wrote an author at that time. ...
300. Foreword to Recollections of a Fallen Sky [Books]
... transcriptions were revised by Dr. Velikovsky for publication here. Although the papers all relate to some aspect of Cultural Amnesia, they deal with subjects as diverse as anthropology, geology, narrative art, and psychiatry. While the task of showing relationships between them is desirable, it is difficult. It is may hope that the interpretation presented here ... that there is an anxiety in need of comfort but that it seems, is shy the work endures partly because it soothes a hidden fear. George Grinnell, once a geologist and now an historian of science at McMaster University, shows how science has been altered to preclude all mention or examination of catastrophic disruptions. In the same sense in ...
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