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1682 results found.
169 pages of results. 211. Catastrophe and Sublimation [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Quantavolution Series"[1 ] and other works - of a controversial nature, to be sure. 1. Grave catastrophes have befallen the planet Earth. The evidence of geology. oceanography, meteorology, paleomagnetism, and archeology are continuously bringing forward new evidence, and rediscovering old evidence, that in times past the Earth suffered repeated devastation by ... traced back thousands or millions of years. The last ice age has been moved up to a point where homo sapiens is readily recognizable, and has been given by many geologists a huge, abrupt beginning and/or conclusion. All agree that, on occasion, as far back as the fossil record may carry and up to the dawn ...
212. Has Science Got it Wrong? – Remarks on the Arctic [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , did they really last for a million or more years? In short, was there ever an Ice Age' like that envisaged for over 150 years now by conventional geological opinion? Of more than passing interest is the seldom expressed realisation that Ice Age' theory, howsoever based, actually embraces within itself overwhelming evidence diametrically opposed to standard ... . 9. F. C. Hibben, 1946, The Lost Americans (New York), pp. 90-92. 10. M. Ravin. 1839. Memoirs Geologique sur le Bassin d' Amiens', Mem. De la Societe d' Emulation d'Abbeyville, p. 196. H.H . Howorth (1887. op ...
213. The Scientific Reception System [Books] [de Grazia books]
... as the Van Allen belts around the earth". ' On 5 December 1956, through the kind services of H. H. Hess, chairman of the department of geology of Princeton University, Velikovsky submitted a memorandum to the U.S . National Committee for the (planned) IGY in which he suggested the existence of a terrestrial ... who had not read the book. Perhaps as many as half a million American have read Worlds in Collision. Among them are relatively few of the scientists - astronomers, geologists, paleontologists, historians-who are directly affected by the ideas treated in the book. Reviewing is one step beyond reading. The review is necessary to pinpoint the ...
214. Chapter 17 Corroboration, Convergence, Analysis [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... ordered with it. In this respect let us examine these dysfunctional facts as they corroborate one another, repeatedly converge to reinforce the short chronology and contradict the long one. Geological evidence of weathering on the Sphinx, Valley Temple, and Mortuary Temple at Giza contradicts the established chronology. If these three monuments were constructed around the same time as ... diorite, indicating that they did so in the first and not the second or third millennium B.C . Stratigraphy at Tell Munbaqa in Syria has been examined by a geologist. The geology incontestably shows that where the established historians placed a 700- to 800-year settlement gap between the Old Akkadians and Mitanni, there is none. The 700 ...
215. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... impact craters led to the suggestion in 1992 that a planet-wide burst of vulcanism wiped the surface clean of ancient craters 800 Myrs ago but this still does not explain some enigmatic geological features such as vast rivers' and floodplains' on a planet with no water. It is now suggested that these were formed by large outpourings of salt-rich lavas. ... after a fireball passed over the area in the late 19th century, makes it likely that the event occurred only 135 years ago. Back to 300 Myrs ago: a geologist has suggested that an area of the Catskill mountains in North America shows signs of being formed by an impact at that time. Oceanic evidence New Scientist 10.7 ...
216. Anomalistics - a New Field of Interdisciplinary Studies [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 3 No. 2 (Dec 1978) Home | Issue Contents Anomalistics - a New Field of Interdisciplinary Studies Roger W..Wescott Dept. of Anthropology & Linguistics, Drew University Madison, USA. Anomalistics is the study of all kinds of phenomena that do not fit the pictures of reality provided by common ... or reptiles in small rock cavities without visible outlets2. In many such cases, the displacement is not only spatial but temporal as well, since the rock is believed by geologists to have been formed millions of years ago. An example of an improbability is the extraordinary similarity - amounting, with most symbols, to identity - between the Harappan ...
217. A Failed Excursion to the Caves of Aquitaine [Books] [de Grazia books]
... '? The ice was near. But I know nobody - neither expert guides nor "congressistes," as the group of us are called. I have found no geological map of the area: how can I ask questions, or ask the all-important critical follow-up questions without sub-surface and contour information? I have not read enough about the ... I can understand the images carved into rock, but the paint that outlives them and the paint laid on flat - what preserves it? There must be good answers. Geologists and specialists on paints have visited the caves by the hundreds. How stupid I am not to figure out why! Just as I felt stupid when I stood at ...
218. Introducing Anomalistics: A New Field of Interdisciplinary Study [Journals] [Kronos]
... 3 (Spring 1980) Home | Issue Contents Introducing Anomalistics: A New Field of Interdisciplinary Study Roger W. Wescott Editor's Note: This article was first submitted to Catastrophist Geology and is scheduled to appear in one of its forthcoming issues. It is printed here by permission of the author. Anomalistics may be defined as the serious and systematic ... small rock cavities without visible outlets.(2 ) In many such cases, the displacement is not only spatial but temporal as well, since the rock is believed by geologists to have been formed thousands if not millions of years ago. An example of an improbability is the extraordinary similarity amounting, with most symbols, to identity- between ...
219. Plato's Atlantis and Prehistoric Europe [Articles]
... materialised; Peter James got the proceedings going by distributing a photocopy of a table he compiled on the basis of Dorothy B. Vitaliano: Legends of the Earth : Their Geologic Origins (Indiana University Press, 1973), pp. 218-251 (V = Vitaliano's comments; J = Peter James) Feature Plato's statement Commentary on Plato's writing 1 ... the Atlantic sea-bed around the ridge are actually claimed as one of the major proofs of continental drift and the theory of plate tectonics. And using various radiometric dating techniques, geologists state with great confidence that the Ridge, roughly as we know it, was deposited at least 30,000 years ago under the sea. The Azores and other ...
220. Pterodactyls in the Mesozoic: A Flap in Time [Journals] [Aeon]
... , but which were not in vogue at the time or conflicted with received wisdom from the then movers and shakers in scientific inquiry. An Extremely Brief History of Earth The geological and paleontological history of our planet is divided into three major eons and various subdivisions of eras, periods, and epochs. The oldest is the Archean (" ancient ... continental drift became scientifically fashionable with the advent of plate tectonics, after languishing for half a century in the geo-physical dustbin. When German meteorologist Alfred L. Wegener and American geologist Frank B. Taylor independently propounded continental drift circa 1910-11, the idea was soundly criticized despite the persuasive comparison of similarities in transoceanic flora, fauna, and geological formations ...
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