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1682 results found.
169 pages of results. 191. The Devil's Advocate [Books] [de Grazia books]
... do you know, or how does your reader know, the ratio of exceptions to the normal cases? You make much of your revolutionary column; it is merely the geological column extended into the atmosphere. You will have as much difficulty proving a recent catastrophe in every column on Earth as geologists have in finding a real geological column with ... your few thousand years. It would be a miraculous coincidence if half-a-dozen radioactive tests of time were all wrong, totally wrong. It is hard to conceive how hundreds of geologists and geophysicists working upon these tests have not to any degree acquired your suspicions, and you must admit that you have not yourself performed any of the tests, which ...
192. Book Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... : one 3500 years ago and the other 2600 years ago, which makes the final displacement of the Ice Age masses well within documented historic times, whereas the legendary and geological evidence places the termination 6000 - 8000 years ago. 2. "A catastrophe of the scale envisaged would have destroyed such edifices as the pyramids, Stonehenge and other ... V. Axel Firsoff of an address to the 113th General Assembly of the German Geological Society by Otto H. Schindewolf. As with Salop's paper it outlines the need for Geologists and Earth Scientists to accept that faunal discontinuities are in evidence at the turning points of the great geological eras and to a lesser extent at the boundaries of formations and ...
193. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... by hammerhead sharks which congregate daily around a basaltic mountain in the Gulf of California, apparently following lines of high magnetic gradient. Sharks are extremely sensitive to electrical fields. GEOLOGY Earthquakes past, present and future New Scientist 20.7 .96, pp. 37-40, 24.8 .96, p. 20, 13.4 ... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1996:2 (May 1997) Home | Issue Contents Monitor NEWS Scientific Mafia strikes again BBC science programme, details unknown. Geologists and palaeontologists Charles Officer, Tony Hallam and Professor Dewey MacClean (Virginia Polytechnic Institute) revealed an unpublicised background to the current popular theory of the demise of the dinosaurs ...
194. Catastrophist Geology [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 2, No. 2 Decemher 1977 Texts Home | Catastrophist Geology Home Catastrophist Geology Year 2, No. 2. Decemher 1977 A magazine dedicated to the study of discontinuities in Earth history In this issue:Bone Breccias Augustus Sordinas, Robert O. van Everdingen, Richard H.Tedford .. . Fossil ... formation of guyots Roger G.Cooper on William Buckland and the Duncombe Park fissure also forthcoming: A special issue on THE COMING GEOCHEMISTRY Editorial board:Johan B.Kloosterman geologist Rio de Janeiro Charles Finkl pedologist Fort Lauderdale, USA Doeko Goosen pedologist Enschedé, Holland Alistair Pitty geomorphologist Hull, Great Britain Peter Gretener geophysicist Calgary, Canada Peter Chadwick ...
195. Focus Overseas [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol 1 No 5 (Summer 1977) Home | Issue Contents Focus Overseas CATASTROPHIST GEOLOGY. c/o Dr J. B. Kloosterman, Caixa Postal 41.003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. "A magazine .. .. dedicated to the study of discontinuities in Earth history." The second ... prefers to ignore even the possibility, frequently suggested in the "mainstream" literature, of extra-terrestrial agents. Nevertheless, as a source of data - e.g . geologists' explicit unwillingness to entertain catastrophic implications, as witnessed in the Apophoreta section - and of interesting if unexciting reading, the journal continues to be of value. CENTER ...
196. Radioactive Fossil Bones (Comments) [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 3 No. 1 (June 1978) Home | Issue Contents Radioactive Fossil Bones Comments on Apophoreta-4 Coordinated by Johan B.Kloosterman with contributions from Jaime E.Powell, V.Bogoslovsky, Kristian Koren, Manfred Warth and Dale A.Russell (with special thanks to Llewellyn I. Price and Marçal Barros ... to 0.11% U308. With the help of L.I . Price, who had taken part in the original research, and of Paulo Cruz and other geologists of the CNEN and the Nuclebras, I got hold of the relevant reports. During the 1956 Geiger-counter survey six uraniferous fossils had been found: 1- a coprolite ...
197. When the Earth Nearly Died: Compelling Evidence of a Catastrophic World Change 9,500 BC [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... is a sort of combination of Earth in Upheaval and Worlds in Collision but with a completely different cosmic theory from that of Velikovsky. As an update of the evidence for geological catastrophe the amount of research and detail is impressive, which makes the correspondingly skimpy use of myth and the rather wild astronomical deductions somewhat disappointing. I suppose catastrophists are ... movement is seen as exogenous instead of endogenous. By ignoring it the authors of this book are forced into the position of using only old references and outdated theories which a geologist would laugh out of court, which is a shame because plenty of their examples are very pertinent to ideas of catastrophe. Much research has gone into the distribution of ...
... shocks were felt. There is no real security in these ancient volcanic areas as the Channel Isles and Brittany were once, despite the geologists' explanation of earthquake zones and geological "faults." All these events so closely wedded together indicate, like others quoted, passing meteors, which strike or sometimes pass onwards, all intensely charged with ... but in point of fact they ceased immediately, only twenty minor tremors being recorded in the following three days. I never know which to admire the most-the official seismologists, geologists or meteorologists who continue to prophesy with a hopefulness on all occasions that knows no discouragement despite the refutation they almost always experience in the causation, continuance, and general ...
199. Coldwater Carbonate Sedimentation [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 3 No. 2 (Dec 1978) Home | Issue Contents Coldwater Carbonate Sedimentation C. Prasada Rao Dep. of Geology, University of Tasmania Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. In sedimentology exists a warm water carbonate paradigm', which incorporates the convictions 1) that shallow marine carbonates were only formed in tropical ... M. L., 1957: Environmental studies of Carboniferous sediments, Part 1: Geochernical criteria for differentiating marine from fresh-water shales. Amer. Assoc. Petro/. Geologists Bull. 41:2427-2455. 1958: Environmental studies of Carboniferous sediments, Part 11: Appilication of geochernical criteria. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geologists Bull. ...
200. The Center Holds [Journals] [Pensee]
... so doing it will be impelled to broaden its theoretical understanding of a problem which Einstein singled out as crucial, the co-operation of electromagnetism and gravitation in the same domain. GEOLOGY The second relevant discipline dealing with inorganic materials is geology. Velikovsky considered its problems the most imperative and turned to them after finishing Worlds in Collision. Earth in Upheaval ... , it devotes only limited space to chronology of catastrophes described in Worlds in Collision; much of the material is meant only as decisive evidence for catastrophism in general. The geologists therefore are left with the enormous labor of distinguishing, to the limited extent possible, among effects of a series of catastrophes extending indefinitely back in time. No longer ...
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