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... or water-formed, the till, boulder clay, and the peculiar formations labelled as unstratified drift, because they defy geological theories, all bear testimony to certain tremendous upheavals forming milestones in the history of the earth. From the relative ... CD Home | Contents Chapter X The Mystery Of The Drift DEDUCTIONS FROM STONES EVERY stone conveys history, but few geologists seem to be able to trace its pedigree. Rocks and stones, igneous or water-formed, the till, boulder ... the Drift Epoch the present boundaries of the Mediterranean were only settled during the Drift Epoch. * " Traité de Geologie," pp. 1392- 1393. f In Cosmos, June, 1910. ** " Primeval World of ...
12. Sagan's fourth problem: Terrestrial Geology And Lunar Craters (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... II Sagan's Problems First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eight Nine Ten Problems Appendices Conclusion Sagan's fourth problem: Terrestrial Geology And Lunar Craters Earth in upheaval Sagan deals here with the question of whether geology, archaeology, and craters observed ... the tidal distortion is greatest?" 2 A.A . Meyerhoff and H.A . Meyerhoff in discussing geologists, who advocate continental drift theory when they encounter evidence that contradicts their uniformitarian theory state, "There is a ... . Schiaparelli, the Italian astronomer, in his research, De la rotation de la terre sous l'infuence des actions geologiegues (1889), pointed out that in the case of displacement the pole of inertia (or of figure) ...
13. New Fashions in Catastrophism [Books] [de Grazia books]
... weather. Velikovsky's Earth in Upheaval assembles "the testimony of stone and bone." "Wherever we investigate the geological and paleontological records of this earth we find signs of catastrophes and upheavals, old and recent." It gives ... to be learned from it that a student could otherwise obtain from no single source. It was controversial; the geologists dismissed not only its style but also its catastrophist ideas. V. s scheme to make headway among geologists by ... else is worse in its own way! The Vitalianos were part of the Thera volcano study group, a combined geological-archaeological effort at understanding the explosion that tore apart a thriving island in the Aegean. The peculiar shape of the remaining ...
... Text unformatted | Images to be added [ CD-Rom Home ] Full PDF online at Internet Archive Principles of Geology (Book I)Or, The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants considered as illustrative of geology Sir Charles Lyell Book I | Book II | Book III BY SIR CHARLES LYELL, M.A . F.R ... present work, but also some account of those monuments of analogous changes of ancient date, both in the organic and inorganic world, which it is the business of the geologist to interpret. The subject last mentioned, or " geology proper," constituted originally a fourth book, now omitted, the same having been enlarged into a separate ...
15. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... both great and small, and are the original causes, there is good reason to believe, of the vast geological changes which have resulted in the continents and islands, oceans and seas, as they are to-day. It is ... , including all the Atlantic islands and those in the Caribbean Sea. A century ago Moreau de Jonne's, a geologist of standing, pointed out that these volcanic chains usually follow the meridians from north to south. We have the ... the Drift Epoch the present boundaries of the Mediterranean were only settled during the Drift Epoch. * " Traité de Geologie," pp. 1392- 1393. f In Cosmos, June, 1910. ** " Primeval World of ...
... its importance to the progress of science. While we may be able from time to time to present to the world even vast accumulations of evidence gleaned from the fields of geology and especially mythology, we can do but little more than suggest to more able and scholarly minds than our own the work to be done in the fields of Philology ... Arctic and Antarctic regions as vast avalanches of snow. More than forty years of research along these lines have more than justified the claims originally set forth. As a practical geologist I have gathered facts from the earthrecord directly, and I am bold to aver that these facts unquestionably demand a revision of geologic thought, as it stands to-day. ...
17. 'No Impact': René Gallant (1906-1985) [Books]
... | No Impact'René Gallant (1906-1985) and his book of 1964 Bombarded Earth (An Essay on the Geological and Biological Effects of huge Meteorite Impacts) .H.S . Torrens Lower Mill Cottage, Furnace lane, ... him a savagely catastrophic' view of life. How else could such a concentration-camp survivor view life? The English geologist Derek Ager (1923-1989), who served in the Royal Tank Regiment in the Second World War [27] ... . T. Monod, "Astroblmes et cratre mtoritiques" in Encyclopedie de la Pliade, vol. 31: Geologie vol. 1 , pp. 287-330, (Paris, Gallimard, 1972). [99] Nice-Matin , ...
18. Nemesis for Evolutionary Gradualism? [Books]
... and the Cambrian or Carboniferous Periods [3 ,4 ]. The K-T boundary, more than any other between geological periods, is clearly defined throughout the world [5 ]. One likely reason for this is that, at ... . With the aim of getting an accurate estimate of the timescale of the K-T transition, Walter Alvarez, a geologist at the University of California at Berkeley, enlisted the help of his father, Luis (1911-1988), a ... . 318. D. M. Raup: `Extinctions - bad genes or bad luck? ', Acta Geologica Hispanica 16 (1981), pp. 25-33. 319. D. M. Raup: `Extinctions - ...
19. Continuous Versus Discontinuous and Self-Perpetuating Versus Self-Terminating Processes [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 2 No. 1 (June 1977) Home | Issue Contents Continuous Versus Discontinuous and Self-Perpetuating Versus Self-Terminating Processes Peter Gretener Department of Geology, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada ABSTRACT ... caps has produced an isostatic rebound in Fennoscandia and Northern Canada in the order of 200. to 300m. No geologist would classify this movement as instantaneous. Yet for the Ordovician ice age the same response to the formation and ablation ... many contributing factors or the result of a single, but in itself highly improbably factor. In either case the geologicalrecord is only rarely affected, the consequences of the event (the only observable fact) are subject to alteration and ...
20. Challenges to Evolutionary Gradualism [Books]
... that were explicitly scientific, allowed for the possibility that new species had been created at the start of each new geological period. However, if that can be used as a reason for dismissing the catastrophists from consideration as serious scientists ... easily have resulted from impacts. Only by about 1960 did it become clear, as a result of work by geologists such as Edward Chao, Robert Dietz and Eugene Shoemaker, that, in general, explosion craters and crypto-explosion structures ... New York and London, 1986) 61. O. H. Schindewolf: `Neokatastrophismus? ', Deutsche Geologisch Gesellschaft Zeitschrift 114 (1963), pp. 430-645 62. O. H. Schindewolf: `Neocatastrophism? ...
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