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79 pages of results. 691. Velikovsky and his Heroes [Articles]
... found naked and drunk, in very striking imagery, in the Bible, in a hangover after celebrating survival from the first harvest after the Flood, and his two sons, Shem and Japhet, then walk in backwards, so that they see not their father's nakedness, and cover it over. In contrast, according to the Book of Genesis, Ham, the father of Canaan, the youngest son of Noah, saw the nakedness of his father and told his brethren without. In Oedipus and Akhnaton, Velikovsky uncovers the nakedness of Freud. Zeus slew Kronos not with the weapon of Hephaistos, but with the weapon Kronos himself had forged, just as Velikovsky slew the dragon ...
... the Cimbri or Cinimerian Islands. Herodotus, in regard to Chemmis, mentions that Lynceus, the son of Egyptus, who married Hypermnestra, daughter of Danaus, the progenitors of the Perseids or Danai, came from Chemmis, and that here was a precinct sacred to Perseus who sometimes visited the Chemmites as a semi-deity. I suggest that the genesis of this legend may be placed in Western Scotland and certainly not in Egypt. Thus to sum up as best we may this ancient wrangle about Io and Leto, with Horus-Apollo and Bubastis-Artemis, we appear to attain a meeting-point between two subsequent divergent views of one doctrine, the one devoted to Apollo, mixing frequently with men like the ...
... of Fuerteventura, and Scrope tells us that when they returned they found a soil far richer than when they had left it, and were able to cultivate the vine (a plant which likes iron), that previously had not taken favourably to the soil. Perhaps the most instructive example of the real origin of a volcano, and its genesis from the heavens, is contained in the history of Jorullo, the big volcano in Southern Mexico, which only came into existence in 1759. Until September of that year the plain, where now Jorullo stands, was flat, sugar-cane and indigo being cultivated, and was watered by two streams, Cuitimba and San Pedro. In the ...
... climate of the world changed and became less tropical with the vast influx of Tertiary material. But the fact that there is no common organic link between the Cretaceous (chalk) Age and the Early Tertiary, suggests an utter divorce between them. The fact that the remains of both are fossilised ought, by themselves, to prove the actual genesis of these events. But our geologists have nowhere been more misleading in their teaching than on the subject of chalk. For instance, Dawson, finding great chalk deposits, concludes that there must have been a sea where the chalk is and that, q.e .d ., the chalk must have been "suddenly up-heaved. ...
695. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... and points out that no evidence exists for a famine under the Hyksos, with whom Joseph has often been associated. However, Dynasty 13 in Syro-Palestine is generally linked to MBIIB, not MBIIA, and Shea's placement of the famine in the earlier period is based on archaeological evidence from Shechem, with which the family of Jacob is associated in Genesis. Further indirect evidence for famine during the early 13th Dynasty is found in the exceptionally high water levels recorded at Semna during the late 12th and early 13th Dynasties, which have also been discussed by Bell. Shea suggests that this period was probably followed by a further drastic climatic change. The author's attempt to synchronise the famine of Ruth ...
696. A Catastrophist Reading of Religious Systems [Journals] [SIS Review]
... world, the Book of Revelation predicts that this world must be destroyed for the new world, the Kingdom of God, to come into existence. Earthly destruction is insisted upon, whereas Judaism specifically promises that the world will never be destroyed again, a guarantee proclaimed by God to Noah and sealed with the divine sign of the rainbow (Genesis (9 :11-17). Similarly, with regard to the future of the human species, Christian eschatology insists that the entire human race will be destroyed in this life before the appearance of resurrected mankind in the new Kingdom. In contrast, Judaism foresees only the same race or an improved race on the same or an improved Earth ...
697. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of SIS REVIEW. The frequency of notes referring the reader to articles of John Bimson, Eva Danelius, Geoffrey Gammon, Peter James, Carl Jonsson, Malcolm Lowery and Martin Sieff is clear testimony to the extent of this influence. The first two chapters deal with the origin of civilisation (within the framework of the first eleven chapters of Genesis) and the time of Abraham. Concerning the patriarchal period Vera Kerkhof argues that Abraham was contemporary with the end of the EB-III period, which may have been linked with the catastrophic occurrence at Sodom and Gommorah (pp.32-33). Following this synchronism, she dates Jacob to the EB-IV/MB-I period. Alongside this dating, ...
... because the earth's axis and orbit were affected, and accordingly, astronomical knowledge had to undergo revision. Do we not see the effect of this revision in places like Stonehenge and Keswick? The Flood, in all respects in so far as the legends and traditions of it survive-and they survive in records little understood in the Scriptures quite apart from Genesis agrees with the evidences of the Drift. The event in any case was occasioned by the crash on this planet of ours of a considerable celestial body, or bodies. As has been seen there is nothing very exceptional in such an event, for undoubtedly, apart from minor appulsions of a like nature on several occasions since, such ...
699. The Rise of Blood Sacrifice [Journals] [Aeon]
... , however, stated in the Epic of Gilgamesh that the flood was caused by Ishtar. On the contrary, it is there stated that the flood was caused by Enlil. Ed.) 85. J. B. Pritchard, op. cit., p. 44. 86. Ibid., p. 95. 87. Genesis 8: 20. 88. D. Shulman, "The Tamil Flood Myths and the Cankam Legend," in A. Dundes (ed.), The Flood Myth (Berkeley, CA, 1988), p. 296. 89. H. Usener, Die Sintfluthsagen (Bonn, 1899), pp. 51 ff ...
700. The Apocalyptic Atlantis (The Atlantis Myth) [Books]
... . i 7, where we are told that `he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him . . . and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. 82 The only other biblical reference to the Klimasturz which happened after the capture is contained in the `loss of Paradise' myth of the Book of Genesis where we are told that when a serpent appeared, and an apple came off a tree, the climate broke down, causing great botanical changes and forcing people to wear furs.83 The most disastrous consequence of the capture was, however, the capture flood, with which the biblical Atlantis myth deals in much graphic detail. One ...
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