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784 results found.
79 pages of results. 621. Puritanism, Misogyny, and Female Sexuality [Journals] [Aeon]
... , with references to J. Bailey, The God Kings and the Titans (N . Y., 1973), p. 48 and the Micropaedia of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th edition, Chicago, 1976), Vol. 17, p. 966. [54] S. Fallows, loc. cit. [55] Genesis 22. [56] Exodus 12. [57] [But note that, according to Jewish legend, the Passover was actually celebrated by Abraham long before the Exodus. See L. Ginzberg, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 231. Ed.] [58] Judges 11: 30-40. [ ...
622. Forum: Do the Early Middle Ages Survive Only as a Sacred Cow? C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 20 f. 40. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1985, key word Calendar'. 41. A. Borst, Die karolingische Kalenderreform, Hahn, Hannover, 1998, p. 42. 42. H. Maier, Die christliche Zeitrechnung, Herder, Freiburg/Breisgau, 1991, p. 79. 43. Bede's In principium Genesis III, 11:9 (p . 160 in edition of Charles W. Jones, Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 118 A, 1967), quoted in Borst op. cit. [36]. 44. Illig, op. cit. [3 ], p. 125, ref. Borst op. cit. [ ...
623. The Rites Of Moloch [Journals] [Kronos]
... personal insights which I present devoid of any references. I do so with the full knowledge that what I have to offer may very well displease some of my readers. The subject at hand, however, goes beyond Moloch and is so vast that space in this journal can never do it justice. Despite Yahwist tampering with the Book of Genesis, the god known as Yahweh could not have played a prominent role, if any, in the lives of the Israelites prior to their Exodus from Egypt. Whether Moses managed to revive and popularize a little known deity of older times, or whether Yahweh was an idealized conception of his own, has been debated in scholarly circles for ...
624. Ejections, Resonances, and Inversions [Journals] [Kronos]
... though they have not been disturbed for millions of years?" I could ask a different question: Why are the craters on Mars so fresh-looking in the presence of an atmosphere that should have eroded them into softer contours had they really pock-marked the planet's surface for millions of years? It has been theorized that Mars' two trabants owe their genesis or adoption to one of two possible cosmic events: They are either captured asteroids or the fragments of an original larger satellite.(50) The latter theory invokes the collision of an asteroid with this original satellite but does not account for the non-capture or non-retainment of the other fragments and smaller debris and dust that would have resulted from ...
625. Child of Saturn (Part V) [Journals] [Kronos]
... Mythology (London, 1972), p. 55. 13. J. V. Kinnier Wilson, The Rebel Lands (Cambridge, 1979), p. 58 (last emphasis added). (NOTE: The author of this work identifies Enlil as petroleum gas in keeping with his general hypothesis that the gods of Mesopotamia derived their genesis from the outpouring of gas in the Iranian oil fields. This theory is subscribed to by no one else. As for the invisibility of Saturn suggested by this and the following source, I can disclose that evidence exists which implies that, for a period of time, the primeval Saturn disappeared from within the encircling ring(s ) ...
626. Commemoration Of The 2300bc Event [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Univ. California Press, 1988; also T. W. Doane: Bible Myths and Their7Parallels in Other Religions, University, 1971. 27. H.S . Bellamy, In the Beginning, God, Faber, 1945, p. 133. 28. R. Graves, R. Patai: Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis, McGraw-Hill, 1963, pp. 112, 113. 29. W.F . Warren: Paradise Found, Houghton, Mifflin, 1885, p. 195. 30. W. Corliss: Strange Planet, Vol. E-1, Sourcebook, 1975, p. 69. 31. I. Donnelly, Atlantis, the Antediluvian ...
627. The Garden of Venus [Journals] [Aeon]
... globe (Figure Two shows an example from Mesoamerica). In an important study of ancient traditions surrounding the World Mountain, Gaerte sought to compare the four streamers issuing from a central orb (or orbs)- as in Figure One- to the four streams issuing from Eden. Gaerte also drew attention to the similarity between the account in Genesis and ancient Indian ideas of the World Mountain: "Von ihm entspringen die vier Strome, welche am Himmel entspringen, von dort auf den Gipfel des Meru herabfallen und sich dann teilen." [36] As various scholars have noted, the image in figure one bears a remarkable resemblance to so-called images of the "sun." ...
628. The Case of the Turkish Turn Coat [Journals] [Kronos]
... . Freud, Moses and Monotheism, p. 80. 30. Ibid., pp. 99-101. Cf. Velikovsky, Mankind in Amnesia. 31. Freud, Moses and Monotheism, pp. 67-68. 32. Ibid., p. 71. 33. Ibid., p. 80. 34. Immanuel Velikovsky, "Genesis of the First Jerusalem Scripta'," Jewish Quarterly, 26, 95 (Spring 1978), pp. 15-16. 35. Velikovsky, "Psychoanalytische Ahnungen". 36. Immanuel Velikovsky, "Can a Newly Acquired Language Become the Speech of the Unconscious?" Psychoanalytic Review, 21 (1934), pp. 329-335. ...
629. Ashton's Bedrock of Myth (Forum) [Journals] [Aeon]
... Challenge to the Planetary Hypothesis," KATAKLYSMOS (May 19, 1987), p. 2; idem, "Let There Be Lights," in M. Zysman & C. Whelton (Eds.), Catastrophism 2000 (Toronto, 1990), pp. 148, 150-151. [114] D. Cardona, "Unraveling Genesis: A Critique," read at the 1991 Haliburton seminar sponsored by the Canadian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies, MS pp. 24 ff; idem, "The Reflective Canopy Model and the Mytho-Historical Record," AEON IV:4 (April 1996), pp. 22 ff. [115] R. Ashton, "The Unworkable ...
630. Noah's Ark: I - The Ship on Ararat (Part A) [Journals] [Kronos]
... mountain. His account claims that the ark "was made of dark beams of very thick wood" and, as in the previous Turkish report, was "half filled with snow and ice".(32) More importantly, Nouri measured the ark and found that its dimensions coincided exactly with the account given in the sixth chapter of Genesis".(33) As the story goes, Nouri was not, like his predecessors, content to leave his discovery rest between the pages of his personal account. While Bryce had come back with a purported piece of wood from the ark, Nouri wanted to return to Ararat with a major expedition and cart the entire thing off ...
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