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784 results found.
79 pages of results. 591. Samson Revealed [Journals] [Aeon]
... granted and the content of the myths interpreted ac-cordingly. If the authors fail to prove their claim of sophisticated astronomical knowledge pre-vailing in prehistoric times, they are on much firmer ground in looking to the heavens for the origins of ancient myth. Even Payne-Gaposchkin acknowledges "their point that a keen perception of the heavenly bodies was a factor in the genesis of ancient myth." (20) Perhaps the most significant insight of Hamlet's Mill is the claim that the central characters of ancient myth are to be identified with the respective planets: "The real actors on the stage of the universe are very few, if their adventures are many. The most ancient treasure'- in Aristotle's ...
592. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... genome to produce well-defined cell types; and even the postulated sudden waves of evolutionary change known as punctuated equilibrium'." Palmer adds that as yet such ideas are based on abstract mathematics and computer simulations rather than empirical data or laboratory experiments'. But Waldrop's recent book, Complexity (Simon & Schuster, 1992), which records the genesis, growth and outputs of the Santa Fe institute, paints a much fuller picture. It reveals that empirical data, and the inability of linear mathematics/classical logic to model or explain the data, were the twin springboards for the Institute's foundation and subsequent thrusts. Moreover, computer simulations are vital to any understanding of truly complex systems ...
593. Group Mind in Development (Hegel and Freud) [Journals] [Kronos]
... being loved all the more. The consciousness of deserving this love is felt as pride.(23) Passing through the natural immediate state (grounded in the subjective familial bond) and thence through the external state (the rational contractual arrangement and coordination of the differentia of private persons in civil society), we now have come to the genesis of the state proper. For it is through the dialectical transformation of social consciousness described above, that both ethics and religion (the two pillars of the state) and the state itself (as the fullest expression of collective self-realization) first emerge. Freud's examination of totemism and taboo is the basis of his argument. Thus, Freud ...
594. What's in a Name? -- Venus "The Newcomer" [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Venus (singly or in concert with the rest of the pantheon) at the same period, would propose that the concept of beauty and/or the act of love may have been seen as having arisen as a direct consequence of the same event which "created" a Venus goddess or the planet Venus, such that, sharing a genesis, they were given a shared name. Such a proposal would turn historical anthropology on its head (1 ). This leaves only two possibilities: either the goddess took her name from the area of her patronage, or the activities of which she was patron were named after her. Velikovsky, deriving "Venus" not from venus ...
595. Man's Divine Mirror [Books] [de Grazia books]
... fall-out of the precious metal. Is the god assembled anthropomorphically? The implication, even when not stated explicitly in sacred scriptures and legend, is that all of the traits of the divine do amount to a creature not unlike man. That Elohim created man in his or their image is, of course, a direct statement of the Hebrew Genesis, and if one were to compose a physiological mosaic from all references to Yahweh, the mosaic would evolve to look like Moses and act like him, including how Moses would like to have acted. The Divine Mirror, it seems, is more perfect than the gazer. For it contains all of his qualities and all of his ...
... , is Loch Canon with the Applecross district adjoining to its north, with Loch Torridon farther on, an area of high and rugged mountains of pine-Cambrian formation. Whatmore proposes that the "flaming Phlegethon" may be identified with the Applecross district. It may be related also to the Phlegra of Orpheus, and with the Peleg or Pheleg of Genesis, in whose time "the earth was divided". Says Mr. Whatmore, "The flaming river of these gods perhaps left an echo of the Beltain (i .e . Bel's or Saturn's) fires which were lighted in the Highlands on May Day until early last century."7Admittedly the old pagan customs died hard in ...
597. Paired Sets in the Hebrew Alphabet [Journals] [Aeon]
... letter of the Hebrew alphabet, glossed in the Langenscheidt dictionary as "airhole," and having a number value of 5. It is paired here with the fourteenth letter nun, "fish," the numerical value of which is 50. "The meaning nun, a fish, ' is said to be late Hebrew, but in Genesis 1:21 we find tannin, a sea monster, ' and so throughout the Old Testament for serpent, ' dragon, ' or mythological monster; Aramaic nun, a fish'; Assyrian nunu. Also associated with nun, a fish, '; nun, nin, propagate, ' increase'; nin, offspring, ...
598. Jupiter in Collision: In Search of Velikovsky's Comet [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Axis Mundi. The primal universe had the world axis with its principal pillar to the north, the less important southern element appearing to pass through the disc or sphere of the Earth and extend into the underworld. Hebrew tradition, like most major cultures, gives us many static and dynamic variations of the pillar of smoke and fire. In Genesis it is the trunk of the trees of life and knowledge. In the post-Exodus period the wooden pillar, emblematic of the Hebrew goddess, was offered human sacrifices in high places'. So important was this idol that it replaced the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple on a number of occasions. Velikovsky would have found it difficult ...
599. Pot Pourri [Journals] [SIS Review]
... work - confirms a prehistoric East-West connection and provides a logical basis for the original meaning of much Western myth and folklore'. The 263 pages of Part II cover flood myths from around the world, then attempt to prove an eastern (Moluccan or Indo-Chinese) origin and logical explanation for the myth archetypes found in the first 10 chapters of Genesis. Unfortunately, the 1999 paperback edition is devoid of reviews, so it is difficult for a layman to assess what reaction, if any, it has provoked among geneticists and ancient historians. Death on the Nile Famine and cannibalism accompanied the end of the Old Kingdom in Egypt, according to the first of the Ancient Apocalypse' series ...
600. The Hamon-Gabriel-Mars Connection (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... that while the ancient gods were sometimes associated with the planets, "the two are not synonymous". Let him not find solace in the fact that I myself made a similar statement concerning the archangels. Archangels are not gods and while they did not, in my opinion, originate as personifications of the planets, they still owed their genesis to astronomical phenomena.(19) As to the identity of the gods, it is neither Forrest's opinion, nor mine or Velikovsky's, that must be considered; it is, rather, that of those very people who once believed in, and venerated, them. Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, who are hardly catastrophists ...
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