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784 results found.
79 pages of results. 581. Myth and the Origin of Religion [Journals] [Pensee]
... " (9 ). We would have to conclude that myths as we find them have a story line, characters, and a set of descriptive phrases which have been worked and reworked in order to present the best possible tale. But we note that such well-polished stories are the exception, not the rule. Even the creation story of Genesis has the sequence out of phase, with the first day and night occurring before the creation of the Sun, Moon and stars, an error that should have been eliminated by the ordering and re-ordering process long before Clarence Darrow pointed it out. Joseph Campbell. One of the chief mythologists of today, Joseph Campbell, takes a rigidly ...
582. Instability of Super Uranus [Books] [de Grazia books]
... calm and settled person, married to Mother Earth, Gaea. The Chinese legend pictures Heaven as T'ien, at first a marble-like ceiling, unbroken. According to the Iroquois of north Eastern America, the Chief of Heaven was persuaded into marriage by "Fertile Earth" (Awenhai) and impregnated her by his breathing. The Hebrew Book of Genesis, a creative compilation, probably by Moses, of earlier legends, describes in its opening verses the Demiurge brooding over the combined celestial and earthly universe; "The Earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, and God's spirit hovered over the water." as the editors of the Jerusalem Bible comment, most ...
583. Thutmose III: A Different Perspective [Journals] [Aeon]
... [11] I appeal to the Old Testament wherein it is written: "And there was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all their days." [12] This is only a minor point, but it is pertinent to the milieu being analysed. I would therefore suggest that this ongoing war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam would have had its genesis early in the disruption period, and would thus confound the situation described for the Battle of Megiddo. However, this latter is only a supposition on my part, and the ongoing war might well haveoriginated after the battle of Megiddo and Jeroboam's apparent lack of involvement in a war in his immediate territory. Hyksos horse and chariot which was ...
584. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... difficult to tamper with, particularly the Jewish and Chinese, but probably also the English. David Roth Note: Bob Porter has since added further comment about the Holy Ghost. His divine status was formally acknowledged in the Nicene creed of 325. The Council of Constantinople in 381 merely devised a further formula for describing the Trinity. See also Genesis 1:2 for an earlier mention of God's Holy Spirit. Ancient History Study Group - 2 Report of the meeting held at Mrs Clarice Morgan's on 31st August 1991. There were 6 people present, including, we were delighted to see, Alan Newby. A lively discussion was enjoyed by all present, with the main topic being ...
585. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... near-commensurabilities are, of course, interesting. The only true celestial commensurabilities are captured rotations, most familiarly that of the Moon (and, probably, all inner satellites of planets). As with many astronomical situations, it is easy enough to show that the present state is stable; but it may be more difficult to account for its genesis. SIS members will be familiar with the surprising rotation of Venus, which is retrograde, and captured by the Earth - not the Sun. Venus rotates on her axis once in 243 days, i.e . almost exactly 3 times in 2 years. It is hard to imagine how the minute tidal forces involved brought this about ...
586. The Stratigraphy of Israel [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... probably correct in relocating the neighbouring town of Bethel, but that does not necessarily affect the location of Ai. Fig. 2 shows the positions of the sites in question with their modern names, and correct ancient names in brackets. Note that there is a mountain (triangle on the diagram) between Bethel and Ai (as required by Genesis 12:8 ) on both Bimson's and my own schemes but not on the conventional scheme which places Bethel at Beitin. A few further remarks about Jericho. There are now many volumes of excavation reports and articles on the subject, and the mound itself has suffered severely from weathering and from archaeologists. The emotive, religious nature of ...
587. The habiru as the 'ibrim of I Samuel and the implications for the 'new chronology' [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the author of I Samuel was aware of the twofold application of the term by the Amarna scribes and hence he may even have been an eye-witness of the events that he describes. Consequently for Na'aman, the historical narrative of I Samuel is the oldest narrative section of the Old Testament set down in writing, as other books (such as Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, etc) apply the term ibri/ 'ibrim firstly as a social ethnicon' (a term invented by M. B. Rowton [7 ]) and later as a full gentilic determinable by the nisbe ending which is clearly visible in the singular ibri. That is why Na'aman considers the book of Samuel ...
588. Benoît De Maillet (1656-1738): A Forerunner of the Theory of the Desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea [Journals] [SIS Review]
... level due to the evaporation, the ranges appeared', made up of a very old central core surrounded by a number of secondary mountains on which there are now fossils. Such a geological evolution' as raised in the Telliamed doubtless needed a long time. Because of this, de Maillet made a too unorthodox interpretation of the Book of Genesis: the days in the Bible should actually be epochs, so all these transformations should have taken place over two billion years! This was a far from negligible, and hardly acceptable, amount even for the Century of Enlightenment. Possible Origins of the Telliamed The 18th century was characterised by the confrontation between the principles of science and religious ...
589. The Birth and Death of Memory [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the most repulsive mutilations (castration, for example), the cruelest rites of all the religious cults (and all religions are at the deepest level systems of cruelties) - all this has its origin in the instinct that realized pain is the most powerful aid to mnemonics." [5 ] Unfortunately, after this amazing passage, Nietzsche's genesis collapses. Although he immediately goes hunting for the acts that provoked such mnemotechnics, he shoots a little rabbit: the primitive forms of contract between buyers and sellers. In order to trade, men had to keep promises; in order to ensure obligations, the failure to repay had to be punished severely: thus the genealogy of morals ...
590. The Holy Land [Books]
... the situation of the Goal," (26) the heaven reached by the deceased. Buddhist myths say that a plot of "land" congealed out of the cosmic waters to form a band around the great father, becoming the "golden wheel": "The surface of these waters, just as in the Brahmanical cosmology and in Genesis, is stirred by the dawn wind of creation. The foam of the waters solidifies to form the golden circle (Kancana-mandala) or Land of Gold' (Kancana-bhumi), the same as Hsuan-tsang's golden wheel' and representing the foundations of the earth' .. . The surface of the Land of Gold is the Round of the ...
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