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79 pages of results. 571. Planetary Identities: I, The Concept of Deity [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... is not concerned with the purported antics of fog, fair weather, or other nature spirits, demons, and fairies. What concerns us are the great deities of mankind - the creators and destroyers, the movers of the world - which we find imbuing the religious and cosmic beliefs of early civilizations and primitive tribes alike. 3. Divine Genesis Boyles has stressed one very important point that is often ignored in almost all treatments of mythology: the origin of the very concept of deity. Thus he wrote - and I repeat the quote in full because of its very import [28]: ". .. it is one thing to assert a genuine, ancient connection between ...
572. The el-Amarna Letters (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... its king had his residence in Gubla. Possibly some of the letters which bear the usual blessing, "May Belit of Gubla give power," were written from Sumur (Samaria). Having raised the curtain on the scene of the main action of the el-Amarna period, we must identify the persons on the stage. 7. See Genesis 14:18; Joshua 15:8 ; 18:28; Judges 19:10-11; I Chronicles 11:4-5. 8. Weber in Knudtzon, Die El-Amarna-Tafeln, p. 1135. 9. Letter 8 1. 10. Joshua 13:5 ; Ezekiel 27:9 . 11. Psalms 83:7 . Cf ...
573. The el-Amarna Letters (Continued) (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... : Behold, now they rise up day and night in rebellions against me. Ambi, a geographical name referred to in connection with the rebellion of Mesh,14 seems to be the name of the land of Moab or its capital, or its people. Possibly Ammi, repeatedly mentioned in connection with Ambi, is Ammon;15 in Genesis (19:38) the Ammonites are called Ammi. A city named Rubute also appears; this must be Rabbath-Ammon, the capital.16 The king of Sumur (Samaria) wrote to a dignitary in Egypt: LETTER 73: When he [Abdi-Ashirta] wrote to the people of Ammia: "Kill your lord," and ...
574. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The Navels [Books]
... legends and the German Aschenbrodel (Cinderella) tales. The mythic Ivan son-of-the-Ashes (= Popyal-off) was ably discussed in the late Mr. Ralston's Russian Folk-Tales. Ivan was one of a triad of brothers-the other two are left nameless-sons of an Old Couple, a pair of ancient gods, of course. But another, a port of Phoenix genesis is also given to this Russian John or " Jack " in one tale, where it is said that for "twelve (zodiacal) whole years Ivan lay among the ashes (from the stove), but then he arose and shook himself so that six poods of ashes fell off him." Here we notably have the hearth ...
575. Persians And Greeks Invade Egypt. Part I Ch.2 (Peoples of the Sea) [Velikovsky]
... , the term "bas-relief" is used instead of the more technical "hollow relief". [2 ] Cf. Ages in Chaos, I, Section "Troglodytes or Carians", p. 201. [3 ] "In no sense were they the descendants of those Philistines who had concluded a treaty with Isaac [cf. Genesis 21 and 26]; they had immigrated from Cyprus at a much later date." L. Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews, IV (1913). 94. [4 ] H. H. Nelson, Medinet Habu, The Epigraphic Survy of the Oriental Institute (University of Chicago, 1929), p. ...
576. On Language, Art, And Religion. Part I Ch.4 (Peoples of the Sea) [Velikovsky]
... the cutting of signs is coarse and careless .. . Evidence of haste is universal." The scribes who prepared the outlines for the stone engravers were clearly more familiar with the hieratic signs, generally used on papyri but not in stone, than with the hieroglyphs and thus disfigured the latter. Their hieroglyphs "entirely lost sight of the genesis of individual signs".[6 ] Finally, the Medinet Habu reliefs themselves suggest "a distinct break with the past". "A loss in dignity and orthodoxy is partially counterbalanced by a gain in force and variety." Before we turn to architecture and its style, we take note: in the days of Ramses III ...
577. Saturn's Children [Books] [de Grazia books]
... transmission from Uranus, so that increasingly we find them according the work of creation to Saturn, rather than Uranus. The student today must depend upon scraps of evidence. The distinction between Super-Uranus and Saturn was more apparent to the earliest peoples than to us toady, or even than to the Greeks, many memorial generations later. The Hebrew Genesis credits the work of creation to Elohim or Saturn, but a close reading of its first lines may reveal that the work-week of Elohim traverses the times of Urania and Lunaria. It may be premised that every creation mythology will ultimately afford a predecessor to Saturn. And, "in each case, the successor to the original deity was ...
578. Catastrophic Theory of Mountain Uplifts (A Crustal Deformation Theory) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... :4 To the extent that the geomorphologist is primarily concerned to use landforms as the means of studying geologic processes or determining stages in geologic history, his explanatory description, as Kesseli notes, is often "an explanation lacking a description." Russell as well as Kesseli concludes that a century of geomorphology, dominated by the purpose of explaining genesis, has failed to produce comprehensive representations of land forms for most areas of the world. [emphasis added] These are strong words. These and similar protestations that geographers have registered for more than a generation appear to run into a blank wall of dogma.5 Another elder statesman, this time in geophysics, has some interesting and ...
579. The Battle Of Kadesh-carchemish. Ch. 1. (Ramses II and his Time) [Velikovsky]
... correct translation is "the hurlers (ha-yorim) hurled (yoni)," or the "shooters shot." The same verb is used but with the addition of ba-keshet, "with a bow" if a bow and arrow are the weapons. See I Samuel 31:3 and I Chronicles 10:3 ; cf. also Genesis 21:10 and Isaiah 21:17; 22:3 . 4 See Kémi, Revue de philologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes et coptes, V (1935), Plate 26, and p. 113. 5 D. D. Luckenbill, Records of Assyria (1927), Vol. II, Sec. 479. Tell Nebi-Mend ...
580. On The Symposium Trail [Journals] [Pensee]
... because the sources do not explicitly tell us what we desperately need to know: the process by which this composite work ultimately came to be the Law of Moses." Rivkin summarized the problem: "So long as the enigma of the Pentateuch has not been dissolved, we simply do not know the factual status of any item recorded in Genesis, or Exodus, or Numbers. There were no limits, as far as we can determine, which restricted the fictionalizing bent, for example, of the Aaronide priests who transformed the wilderness into a vast cultic arena and the simple tent of meeting into a richly appointed temple. Nor do the authors of Deuteronomy seem to be much ...
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