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784 results found.
79 pages of results. 521. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of an inner planet? The water on Mars is mysterious to scientists in other ways. Its origin is an enigma. The surface features indicate far more water than outgassing estimates permit (Nature 326 [5 .3 .87], p.30). Where did it go to? Was it lost through impact erosion? Lunar Genesis?sources: Des Moines Register 10.6 .86; San Francisco Chronicle 1.6 .86 Our last report on this theory was in Workshop 6:3 , p.23, when the author/ champion was Richard Durisen of the University of Indiana. Now the idea has resurfaced with H. J. Melosh of ...
... .A . Stephen, "A multi-stage long term- evolution of the Vredefort dome, South Africa- as suggested by 40Ar 39Ar dating of pseudotachylite," LPSC, XVIII, p. 830; H. Holsch, A.M . Reid, 1987, "New facts on the bronzite-granosphyre from the Vredefort structure and implications for the genesis for this enigmatic rock type," Workshop on cryptoexplosions, in press; "Is there evidence for shock metamorphism in the Vredefort structure? Ranges of pseudotachylite and microdeformation studies," Workshop on Cryptoexplosions, in press. A. Rice, 1987, "" On a simplistic detonation theory for exploding magma chambers," Workshop on Cryptoexplosions ...
523. A Fire not Blown [Books]
... grape harvests, but there is another factor, the nature of the site. The favoured base for not only threshing -floors but altars was rock. Stones could be brought to supplement the living rock of a high place', or as a substitute. The Old Testament contains many references to rock; the ark functioned best on rock. Genesis LV:11 mentions the threshing-floor of Atad, or Abel. When the people of Beth Shemesh looked into the ark, there was a disaster: over 50,000 people were killed by the Lord [I Samuel VI:18ff.]. The ark had been put on the "great stone of Abel". Q-CD vol ...
524. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... : 44 (020) 7836 2182. Email: service@watkinsbooks.com. Europe: Adventures Unlimited Bookshop, Panewaal 22, Enkhuizen, 1600 AA, The Netherlands, info@fsf.nl Web Site: www.adventuresunlimited.nl Image: Codex Depiction of sacred "Seven Caves" known as Chicomotzoc in Mexico. Book: Genesis Unveiled www.ianlawton.com Do the worldwide traditions of lost civilizations that were destroyed contain any grains of truth? In this reappraisal, Ian Lawton finally lays bare the secrets of our forgotten, antediluvian race. His research into ancient texts and traditions from around the globe reveals that their advanced culture was defined by their spirituality, not ...
525. The Cosmic Double Helix [Journals] [Aeon]
... their upper parts are bent into a circle and complete the circle as they meet in a kiss; below the knot their tails rejoin the staff at the point at which it is held, and at that point appear the wings with which they are provided. The Egyptians also maintain that the attributes of the caduceus illustrate the generation, or genesis' as it is called, of mankind; for they say that four deities are present to preside over a man's birth: his Genius, Fortune, Love, and Necessity. By the first two they understand the sun and the moon; the kiss of the serpents is the symbol of Love; and the knot is the symbol ...
... part which was before dry land into sea by sinking, and of that which was sea into dry land by raising, and marine bodies might have been buried in sediment beneath the ocean, in the interval between the creation and the deluge."f Then follows a disquisition on the separation of the land from the waters, mentioned in Genesis ; during which operation some places of the shell of the earth were forced outwards, and others pressed downwards or inwards, &c . His diluvial hypothesis very much resembled that of Steno, and was entirely opposed to the fundamental * Posth. Works, p. 812. f Posth. Works, p. 410. . 30 ...
527. Compendium [Journals] [Pensee]
... of Worlds in Collision in Harpers; Lloyd Motz, Columbia University astronomer; William Mullen, classicist from Berkeley; C.J . Ransom and David Carlyle, the physicists who put together the 1971 bulletin, "Lunar Probes and Velikovsky's Advance Claims"; William Birenbaum, president, Staten Island Community College; and others. Velikovsky discusses the genesis of his ideas, sets forth the outlines of a catastrophe involving Saturn, reminisces concerning his debates with Einstein, and speaks of Freud's theories. Henry Zemel, writer/director of the film, has acquired distribution rights from CBC. The film is now available for rental- write to Henry Zemel, P.O . Box 315, ...
528. Eden's Flaming Sword by Isaac Vail [Books]
... skies. Our sky and our sun had each a father and a grandfather. A vapor heaven necessitated the absence of rains and tempests, thunder, etc. This thought also comes down from the remotest times. Ancient Greek, Roman and Hindu legends tell us that the thunder- god was born after two ephemeral heavens had passed away, and Genesis affirms that in the very beginning of man's career the "Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth" (2 :5 ). But inexorable law affirms that if there ever was a day when it did not rain on the earth, as it now does, then the sun was hidden by a vapor heaven ...
529. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Ginenthal did, that both Sargons fought their battles near the city of "Dur" ' and gives references to Cambridge Ancient History: the volume relevant to Lugalzaggesi, volume I, sits open in front of me here as I write and is totally silent about a battle at or near Dur' or Der. Bernard Newgrosh, Manchester The Genesis Mythology Dear Sir, Dwardu Cardona's article The River of Ocean' in Review XI (1989), struck some very interesting chords in relation to a book I had recently come across (The Key by John Cohane), a current article in Scientific American The Origins of Indo-European Languages' by Colin Renfrew (see Monitor) and a ...
530. Flavius Josephus Against Apion Book 1 [Books]
... the other; which two books of Canticles and Ezra it no way appears that our Josephus ever saw. (9 ) Here we have an account of the first building of the city of Jerusalem, according to Manetho, when the Phoenician shepherds were expelled out of Egypt about thirty-seven years before Abraham came out of Harsh. (10) Genesis 46;32, 34; 47:3 , 4. (11) In our copies of the book of Genesis and of Joseph, this Joseph never calls himself "a captive," when he was with the king of Egypt, though he does call himself "a servant," "a slave," or " ...
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