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79 pages of results. 511. Thoth Vol I, No. 15: June 7, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... by NASA's Associate Administrator for the Office of Space Flight, Wilbur Trafton, shortly after the tether break. The board was chaired by Ken Szalai, director of the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, and included representation from NASA and the ASI. -end-- THOTH readers may be interested in the new book below. The Genesis of Israel and Egypt by Emmet John Sweeney The Genesis of Israel and Egypt proposes a radically new view of ancient history and the forces that shaped it. The book begins with the great flood which has been recorded in the traditions of virtually the entire human race. However, as the author clearly explains, a flaw in the methodology ...
512. Ear Symbols [Books]
... The Legend of Perseus. (London, 1894.) Vol.1 , p. 131. 13. Ibid, Vol.1 , pp.179 et seq. 14. Ibid, 5. 15. The Maori of New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand and London, 1910, pp.100.7 . 16. Genesis XXXI. 17. Genesis XXXV. 18. London, 1912, p.135. 19. The Belief in Immortality, Vol. III, p.166. London, 1924. 20. J. Frazer: The Golden Bough, (The Scapegoat) p.261, 1913 edition. 21. Ibid (The Spirits ...
513. Night of the Gods: Axis Myths [Books]
... E.M , Satow's Pure Shinto, p. 63. 5. Argonautikon, ii, 296. 6. Argon., i, 916. 7. Argon., iv' 505. 8. Argon., iv' 990. 9. Satow and Hawes's Handbook. 10. Dr. I.G . King's Akkadian Genesis (1888), p. 32. 11. Taylor: New Zealand, p.110. 12. Guignaut's Creuzer's Relig. de l'Antiq. i' 184. Sir Monier Williams : Hinduism. 105 ; Rel. Thought and Life in India, i, 108, 344. 13. Pure Shinto, 68. 14. ...
... his wounds and "continued to live in all the splendour of that luxurious country waiting for the time when he should return once more to take possession of his ancient dominions".8 Avalon lay at the very heart of the Underworld cult, the "Blessed Isle", the actual and original Paradise, destroyed, as the Book of Genesis states, when Adam and Eve were expelled from it. These ancient legends are in no sense related to the Arthur who lived in the sixth century A.D . Cromlechs and pillar stones in Wales are commonly attributed to King Arthur and named after him, such as "Coeten Arthur", Arthur's Quoit, because he was at ...
515. Ear Symbols [Books]
... The Legend of Perseus. (London, 1894.) Vol.1 , p. 131. 13. Ibid, Vol.1 , pp.179 et seq. 14. Ibid, 5. 15. The Maori of New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand and London, 1910, pp.100.7 . 16. Genesis XXXI. 17. Genesis XXXV. 18. London, 1912, p.135. 19. The Belief in Immortality, Vol. III, p.166. London, 1924. 20. J. Frazer: The Golden Bough, (The Scapegoat) p.261, 1913 edition. 21. Ibid (The Spirits ...
516. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... meteorite fell into the sea, as there is no obvious impact crater for this time. Interestingly, the NEW SCIENTIST report, though starting with mention of a meteorite, lapses into a rather tantalising description of ". .. fires created by the comet's visitation..." Are these the stirrings of race memory, perhaps? Lunar Genesis?source: CORRIERE DEL TICINO 23.10.85 Richard Durisen of the University of Indiana has a new theory on the formation of the Moon. Whereas many astronomers believe the Moon was captured by Earth, some hold that the Moon could have been formed from Earth's substance as a result of a collision with a planet as large ...
517. Untitled [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Tanite, c. 1085-945B.C . 2. M. Greenberg, p. 73. 3. 1 Samuel 13:19-22. 4. 1 Samuel 4:10-11. 5. 1 Samuel 22:2 . 6. The reign of Amenhotep IV of Egypt's eighteenth dynasty. 7. Greenberg, p. 76. 8. Genesis 40:15. 9. Exodus 3:14-15,18. 10. Exodus 3:15. 11. Genesis 10:21, 24-30; 11:20-26. 12. In this context the ethnic group referred to are the descendants of Jacob. 13. When Joshua requested permission to cross Edom on his way to Canaan ...
518. Canopy Skies of Ancient Man by Isaac Vail [Books]
... the tale is, that the youngest son of Ouranus drove Heaven from his throne and usurped the celestial empire. Here we simply have oriental thought sprung up on Grecian soil. It seems, then, impossible to escape the conclusion that Ouranos, as an ephemeral power, was a world -controlling watery canopy; and we can now see the genesis of those celestial conditions that gave primitive man his ancient but now lost environment. This being the case we want to know something of those legendary annals that have brought these facts before us. If Ouranos was a vapor canopy, we will have to conclude that he sprang from the earth's ring system from the vapor or water realm that ...
519. Chapter23_end
... in almost every word, dedicated as it is to the god of Death, Era (also spelled Irra), a part of Nergal. The subject matter is wholly mythological, handling the end of a world in terms which would hardly disgrace the Edda, and dealing again with the Flood to end all floods in the gloomy spirit of Genesis. But here something shines out unmistakably that the commentators on Genesis have missed. They have missed it so completely that even in our day some well-intentioned Fundamentalists applied for permission to search for the remains of the Ark on Mount Ararat. They were impatiently denied access by the Soviet authorities, who suspected espionage with a CIA cover name. ...
520. The Timna Test [Journals] [Aeon]
... , particularly if the image was representative of the ruler on whose behalf the temple had been erected. In Egyptian belief, the erasure of one's name and memorial was tantamount to an eternal death sentence, and such acts were the inevitable official policy against one of their own who was perceived as having transgressed the status quo. In contemplating the genesis of such venom and its harsh application, one is strongly reminded of the fate accorded Hatshepsut by her successor, Tuthmose III. As Sir Alan Gardiner comments: "How she [Hatshepsut] met her death is unknown, but it was not long before Tuthmose III began to expunge her name wherever it could be found. She left ...
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