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784 results found.
79 pages of results. 501. The 1552 Exodus [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... However, this skip pattern can be established in Scripture and history. The earliest timed prophecy in the Bible, for example, occurred when God spoke to Abraham and said, "Your descendants will be strangers in a land(s , plural) that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years" (Genesis 15:13; Acts 7:6 ). The Hebrew translation is correctly "lands," but translated by presumption as "land" in English. The 400 years consisted of two periods of time in two different lands, as tied together by Amos (5 :26-27; also Acts 7:43). The first ...
502. The Earth's Physical and Magnetic History [Books] [de Grazia books]
... be measured and read as a much more intricate registry than the present magnetic field could generate. As indicated earlier, the strength of the Earth's magnetic field is over fifty times that of the strongest rock magnetism. Presumptively, in the magnetic tube the Earth's overall magnetization would have been only a fraction of that of its environment. Notwithstanding its genesis the time measure of the current within the Earth's core is to be adjudged by the surface magnetic field and not by the rocks. Rocks containing => magnetite, of igneous origin, are imprinted by the Earth's field when they freeze. Other rocks containing similar minerals can be made magnetic if subjected by lightning to piezostress (Hertzler and ...
503. The Scars Of Mars Part II [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... the Arctic Ocean (then a warm body of water). Those that survived were enveloped in the extreme sub-zero winds blowing off the ice dump in Northern Europe or Alaska. One breath and their lungs were frozen- along with their breakfast, sometimes in the stomach and sometimes unswallowed in the mouth. The biblical account of the Flood (Genesis 7, 8) indicates the following three perspectives: A Great Wind. One is told in Genesis 8:1 that God made a great wind to pass over the Earth, as the waters receded. Winds are a result of temperature disequilibriums. An extreme temperature differential on a global scale will create an extreme wind, extreme in ...
504. Catastrophism and Uniformity: A Probe into the Origins of the 1832 Gestalt Shift in Geology [Books]
... to demonstrate the literal truth of the Bible which declared that God had not only created all the creatures of the earth, but had also brought down the Deluge to punish man for his sins. Shortly after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 when the Catholic monarch was driven out of England, a rash of works appeared eared reconciling the book of Genesis with the new research into Nature. Most successful of these was John Woodward's Essay Towards a Natural History of the Earth, in which he explained the stratigraphic sequence of rocks by supposing that during Noah's flood, all the surface rocks of the earth had been dissolved by the sea, later to be gradually precipitated out into the stratigraphic sequences ...
505. The Heavenly Host [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Circle) where the island of Drepane (" sickle") lay, beneath which was buried the sickle of Kronos. Much of what might be told of angels is sung by Rainer Maria Rilke. Here we have the multi-faceted visions, the mixed love and terror, the mirroring of the human mind, and the sense of co-creatures of genesis long ago. Every angel is terrible. Still, woe to me, I sing to you, near fatal birds of the soul, full-knowing of you... Early-achieved and over-indulged of creation, you high ridges, dawn-reddened peaks of all genesis, - pollen of the flowering godhead, links of light, halls, steps, ...
506. Ancient History Revisions: the Last 25 years - a Perspective [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the Thiele chronology, is identified with Egyptian kings before Tuthmosis III or after Ramesses VI, or both the Egyptian and OT chronologies are revised downwards, which in turn redefines the Shishak placement. Emmet Sweeney, a contributor to many early SIS Workshops, must be congratulated for achieving the distinction of now having had two revisionist books published; The Genesis of Israel and Egypt (1997) [17] and The Pyramid Age (1999) [18]. The latter in particular contains much well argued evidence in favour of a much lower Egyptian chronology, including the elimination of both the FIP and SIP. Although his conclusion that the three Giza pyramids were built c. 870-770BC may ...
507. The Saturn Theory [Journals] [SIS Review]
... undertaking, After publication it became impossible to get the second part of the article published. Malcolm Lowery, our first editor, decided that part two was too speculative', which , in those days, it was. This policy was continued by his successor and this approach was continued until Alasdair Beal became editor and agreed to publish Geological Genesis' which contained all of the material omitted from The Primordial Light'. It would have been better to have published both articles one after the other as the American researchers were confining their Saturnian publications to mythology in the main and Harold felt at that time, in the early seventies, it was important to get something physical and scientific ...
508. Thanatos and Anastasis [Journals] [Aeon]
... East came to believe in two suns. The Sun became "the greater, and [Saturn] the lesser sun; and the two together form[ed] the two chief lights of the heaven, one to serve during the day and the other at night." (25) This last concept is reminiscent of the passage in Genesis 1:14-16 wherein it tells of God creating two great lights- "the greater one to dominate the day and the lesser one to dominate the night"- which may at one time have referred to the Sun and Saturn. (26) The ancient pagan festivals of light, as recounted by Herodotus, Apuleius, and others ...
509. The Science of Evolution (Concluded) [Journals] [Kronos]
... are the work of natural selection." (p . 202) Is this just in reference to the Darwinian doctrine of biological evolution? Will Grassé stand up at the end as a Lamarckian? Not on page 203: "The Lamarckian and Darwinian theories, in whatever form, do not resolve the major evolutionary problem - that of the genesis of the main systematic unity, the fundamental organizational schemes." However, a few pages later, as he begins at last to reveal his theory of internal creation of new genes in response to external influence, he points out that his theory is quite compatible with Lamarckian theory: "The intervention of internal factors in evolution is less ...
510. Vox Popvli [Journals] [Aeon]
... 5. An elaboration of this view may be found in Rupert Sheldrake's book, The Presence of the Past. 6. But see the editorial footnote to Strickling's article in AEON IV:2 (August 1995), p. 85, reference #20. 7. What follows is lifted almost verbatim from D. Cardona, "Unravelling Genesis: A Critique," which paper was read at the Haliburton seminar, sponsored by the Canadian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies, on November 9, 1991. 8. For an overview, as well as a critique, of Zysman's scenario, see D. Cardona, "The Reflective Canopy Model and the Mytho-Historical Record," AEON IV ...
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