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784 results found.
79 pages of results. 491. Spectres [Books] [de Grazia books]
... of mankind onwards, the very succession of disasters was itself the strongest warning that the past should not be forgotten. The great popularity of the Bible is probably due to the capacity of many of its passages to re-enact the terrible days of chaos and creation. The Bible is instructive, too, on experiences of cosmic darkness. In the Genesis story of creation, the record of man begins in a world growing lighter, but still sunless and moonless. Elsewhere, I have discussed the atmospheric developments that coincide with this account, which is by no means the sole account passing down to us. The cherished light was not to be turned on forever, for the Bible itself ...
492. On Saturn And The Flood [Journals] [Kronos]
... result of its interplay with Jupiter, Saturn became a nova,(7 ) I found confirmed in many ancient sources, in which Saturn is regularly associated with brilliant light; but I was led to this idea first of all by a certain clue contained in the Biblical account of the Deluge. The story as found in the book of Genesis starts with these words: "And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the Flood were upon the earth."(8 ) It is not explained, after seven days of what? Some words seem to be missing here from our text of the Old Testament. It is clear, however, that ...
493. A Chronology for the Middle Kingdom and Israel's Egyptian Bondage [Journals] [SIS Review]
... that it is the traditional interpretation, rather than the text itself, which needs correcting here. The biblical material makes Joseph 39 years old when Jacob and his other sons entered Egypt (Gen. 41:46, 53; 45:6 ), and Joseph was born sometime before Jacob left the household of Laban. The chronology in Genesis therefore allows approximately 30 years between the arrival of Jacob and his sons in Canaan and their descent into Egypt. If the sojourn in Egypt was 400 years, as stated in Gen. 15:13, the sojourn of Jacob's sons in both Canaan and Egypt would be about 430 years in all. It is far more likely that ...
494. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of alternative possibilities explaining why the Egyptians built as they did, no mention of the powerful mythological motives so typical of Velikovsky and so ably developed by such as Dwardu Cardona, no mention of the pillar of fire', the polar mountain', the tree of life', etc. Surely Cardona has not identified the four rivers of Genesis with the Saturnian scenario in vain? I was therefore very glad, subsequently, to see that Jill Abery had restored a balance in her letter on The Genesis Mythology', on p. 38. Personally I wouldn't have thought there was much floral beauty in the giant hogweed to inspire anyone! 4. Perhaps the backtracking oscar should ...
495. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Noah lived in Iraq), Asimov reasons that the waters must have rushed up from the Persian Gulf - "because after all the Ark landed in Ararat, which is north-west of the region from which it started". One wonders if Asimov - author of a pretentious two-volume Asimov's Guide to the Bible - has actually read the section in Genesis describing the Deluge. It mentions torrential rains, flooding waters and perhaps submarine tectonic upheavals, but nothing hinting of a meteor. (To be precisely correct, Asimov should have said "meteorite".) Nevertheless, Asimov is prepared to ignore the meteorites described in Exodus and Joshua and invent one for Genesis. Velikovsky's critics have often ...
496. Kintraw and Bibby (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... were the solifluction deposits at Broadlaw and the man-arranged fabric at Sheephill Fort. It is therefore agreed that comparison between any of these sites in the context of petrofabric evaluation is meaningless. But then I only used the Cary contour precisely in order to illustrate the errors in Bibby's criteria for determining whether a given fabric could be of natural or artificial genesis. I do, however, offer one apology. Bibby did not state that "natural formations always show strong orientations relative to the slope in which they are situated". Those were my own words - but they merely paraphrase Bibby's: "In the diagram derived from scree there is a marked association both with direction of slope and ...
497. The Great Father [Books]
... simply the Greek name for the Babylonian Ea (the Sumerian Enki), worshipped in the city of Eridu at the mouth of the Euphrates. The tradition dates to the earliest stage of Sumerian history, a time when the myths say that Enki and his wife Damkina governed the lost paradise of Dilmun, the "pure place" of man's genesis. They alone reposed in Dilmun; Where Enki and his wife reposed, That place was pure, that place was clean .. . In Dilmun the raven croaked not. The kite shrieked not kite-like. The lion mangled not. The wolf ravaged not the lambs. (9 ) The inhabitants of this paradise lived in a state ...
498. Origins: Today's Science, Tomorrow's Myth, by James E. Strickling [Journals] [SIS Review]
... out to be inconsistent with known principles of physics, then I would suggest that it is more reasonable to question whether the deductions were correct, rather than to claim the need for a new principle of science. As an example of how subjective the interpretation of an ancient story can be, we need look no further than a passage about Genesis quoted by Strickling. When it says, And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night', he argues not only that the lesser' light was Saturn but also, since there is no mention of the Moon, that this must have been captured by ...
499. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... some time. However it seems fair to say that anyone who refers to Manetho for evidence will, in future, have to watch their step. Alasdair Beal Ancient History Study Group, July 1994 A meeting was held on 2nd July 1994 at David Roth's house, with 7 people present. Jesse Lasken gave a talk on The Historicity of Genesis. Jesse Lasken's thesis is that the flood took place in the Indus Valley and was widespread but not universal. There was a highly evolved pre-flood civilisation. There were many survivors who remembered much from their pre-flood times. These dispersed around the world, taking the story with them, and bringing expertise. His dating of these events are ...
500. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... actually given. Roughly ninety pages of text are divided into six chapters, the first five of which deal with archaeology and the Old Testament, from the background of the Patriarchs to the end of the Divided Monarchy. On the opening page of the first chapter we encounter an unwarranted dismissal of certain details from the Bible's picture of Abraham. Genesis tells us that Abraham possessed camels and was "very rich in cattle" (12:16; 13:2 , etc.). Kenyon judges that Abraham and his family were semi-nomads "whose economy was based on flocks and herds of small animals, sheep and goats, not on cattle and certainly not provided with the camel ...
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