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79 pages of results. 371. Ancient History Study Group, September 1993 [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... that the author(s ) of the system manipulated historical datings in such a way that each date would fit one or more calendars - to the day. Examples: (a ) Noah was 500 when Shem was born and 600 at the time of the Flood; Shem was 100 when Arphachshad was born 2 years after the Flood (Genesis 5:32, 7:6 , 11:10). The system, according to Stenring, gives Noah's age in lunar' and Shem's in standard' years. Tony Chavasse's objection that the Shem difference could be explained by Ham's having been born first is countered by the fact that that Stenring was only going by the given ...
372. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , 1986 This book is an attempt to mount a critique of modern evolutionary theory and of the Creationist explanation of the past. The author does this by first outlining a number of criticisms of Darwinism, many of which have been used by Creationists. He then takes the Creationists to task by questioning their interpretations or reading of the parts of Genesis on which certain of their arguments are based. Having shown that both these viewpoints are faulty, he attempts to outline an alternative. After giving a brief account of Velikovskian catastrophism, the author gives his thoughts on a variety of subjects from the time of the Flood in the geological column (beginning of the Holocene), the Tower ...
373. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Hebrew and Egyptian and pursues links between words and names to Greece, Mexico, various parts of Africa - and Polynesia. He says that Atum appears as Iu-eh-hept ( 'he who comes with peace'). Iu, the son, written in Egyptian, is Iu-su or Iu-sif - i.e . Jesus or Joseph. His Natural Genesis (1883), Ancient Egypt (1907, reprinted in USA, 1970) and Collected Lectures are also recommended. Anacalypsis by Godfrey Higgins (2 vols., London, 1836). This covers a great spread of mythological and linguistic material, with sections such as On the word Aleim or Jewish Trinity', Religion of Zoroaster ...
374. Binkley Publishing Co [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... (1892). Lockyer, J. Norman: Dawn of Astronomy. Massey, Gerald: A Book of the Beginnings Vols. I & II (1881), Ancient Egypt the Light of the World Vols. I & II; Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Mysteries of Amenta (1907); Gerald Massey's Lectures; Natural Genesis Vols. I-II. Morris, Charles: Aryan Sun-myths the Origin of Religion (1899). Olcott, William Tyler: Star Lore of All Ages (1911) A Collection of Myths, Legends, and Facts Concerning the Constellations of the Northern Hemisphere. Pike, Albert: Indo-aryan Deities and Worship As Contained in the Rig-veda. Randolph ...
375. Editor's Notes & News C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2002:1 (Jul 2002) Home | Issue Contents Editor's Notes Various authors since Clube and Napier have raised the question of possible catastrophes in the AD period and in this issue Trevor Palmer and his son James review evidence form the 9th century. David Salkeld's musings about Genesis and evolution started life as an SIS Study Group report but I though it was too good to hide away at the back of the journal. We may return to some of his other work in this area. Trevor Palmer's articles about the AD Dark Ages have brought a lengthy response from a leading advocate of revising AD history, Heribert Illig, leading to long ...
376. Don't Rock The Ark [Journals] [Kronos]
... would strongly suggest that it was buried under very unusual and rapid catastrophic conditions. The vertical orientation of the whale is also reminiscent of observations of vertical tree trunks extending through several successive coal seams. Such phenomena cannot easily be explained by uniformitarian theories, but fit readily into an historical framework based upon the recent and dynamic universal flood described in Genesis, chapters 6-9. Larry S. Helmick, Ph.D . Professor of Chemistry, Cedarville College, Ohio C&EN Letters March 21, 1977: SIR: Dr. Helmick, how dare you imply that our geology textbooks and uniformitarian theories could possibly be wrong! Everybody knows that diatomaceous earth beds are built up slowly over ...
377. Syllabi for Quantavolution [Books] [de Grazia books]
... catastrophic religion in philosophy, ancient and modern. C. Attempts to free religion and philosophy from catastrophe. III. THE SEARCH FOR CATASTROPHES IN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY 7. Archaeology: Levels of natural destruction and ancient excavations. 8. Anthropology: the human species, a prolonged (or brief?) development. IV. THE EXTINCTION AND GENESIS OF SPECIES 9. The Pleistocene and earlier exterminations. 10. Origin of species in catastrophes. V. THE TREATMENT OF COSMIC DISORDER IN ASTRONOMY 11. "Immutability of the Spheres," Plato, Whiston, Laplace, Ovenden, Bass et al. 12. "The Explosive Universe," Hoerbiger, Baker, Velikovsky, Warwick ...
378. Testing Rohl's Test of Time [Journals] [Aeon]
... , not Rohl's, and that the New Chronology in its present form did not initiate that concept. On the other hand, insistence that Joseph was vizier to Amennemes III is David Rohl's exclusive contribution. Be aware, too, that the estimated mid-fifteenth century BC date for the Exodus is in no way dependent upon the New Chronology for its genesis, though Rohl has refined it neatly, nor is the Middle Bronze Age (MBII) alignment for the Conquest of the Promised Land a by-product of the same initiative. Each is intrinsic to Velikovsky's earlier scheme and can continue to exist whether the New Chronology stands or falls. The unvarnished internal structure of the Old Testament chronology produces essentially ...
379. Jubilee, Part 1 Venus Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... rest. The festival of the jubilee, with the return of land to its original owners and the release of slaves, bears the character of an atonement, and its proclamation on the Day of Atonement emphasizes this still further. Was there any special reason why fear returned every fifty years? The jubilee of the Mayas must have had a genesis similar to that of the jubilee of the Israelites. The difference lies in the human character of the festival of the Jews and its inhuman character among the Mayas; but with both peoples it was a year of atonement, repeating itself every fiftieth year in the one case and every fifty-second year in the other. Comets do not return ...
380. Reopening the Sumerian Question [Journals] [Aeon]
... for the entire ancient historiography. Since the biblical narrative indicates that a developed culture existed in Mesopotamia in the time of Abraham, the most flourishing period of Ur was assigned to the third millennium. "Ur of the Chaldees," Abraham's native city, became the "Sumerian" city of Ur. King "Amraphel," mentioned in Genesis as a contemporary of Abraham, was identified with Hammurabi of Babylon. The date of Hammurabi in turn was used to anchor the entire chronology of the "Sumerians" and "Akkadians" that preceded him. By the middle of the nineteenth century it had become evident that the cuneiform script had been adapted for the writing of Semitic languages ...
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