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79 pages of results. 341. The Ark of Noah [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... History XI:1 (Jan 1989) Home | Issue Contents Advertisement The Ark of Noah by David Fasold Despite the claim to Hebrew origins and the embellishments of Christendom, the ARK OF NOAH was an old story, even to the Sumerians, and most certainly occurring in a time prior to that chronicled by the Masoretic text. But the Genesis account does stand as an edited and condensed version of man's attempt to faithfully record an event that shook the world. Another world-shaking event: The Ark has been found, but not without controversy, even within the ministries of the Turkish Republic. Now, the best-kept archaeological secret of Anatolia is out in hardback, by the prestigious publishing ...
342. Review: Beginnings of the Use of Metals & Alloys, edited by Robert Maddin [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . How could such a discovery have been made in very much the same way over and over again, at different times and in different parts of the world? It is difficult to envisage the development of the complex pyrotechnology necessary to extract copper and tin from minerals and ores happening on more than one occasion, they say. The actual genesis of the concept is perplexing. However, catastrophists might not be puzzled to the same degree. They are aware of other factors. Metals could have been brought to the attention of inquisitive humans by meteoric strikes, for example. Andrews' book, The Birth of Europe, has a far wider remit. It is all about the ...
343. Book Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the question of the destruction of the world's megaliths depends very much on (a ) the overall violence of the catastrophe and (b ) the solidity of the structure of these edifices. Also, as noted in No. 1, it seems doubtful if these structures predated any but the Venusian catastrophe, which latter was less damaging than the Genesis catastrophes. The Tower of Babel is a possible exception, but anyway, this was destroyed by The Lord'. Point No. 3 is only valid if Mooney's definition of a comet is inclusive of all comets. Point No. 4 depends, of course, on the degree of proximity by which one body comes into contact with ...
344. Isotopic Anomalies in Chronometric Science [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the cosmic ray flux and to variations in the Earth's magnetic field, both of which influence the rate of C14 production from atmospheric nitrogen (3 ). More recent work on the influence of sunspot activity upon C14 formation in the atmosphere, as recorded in tree-rings, indicates that solar activity should also enter into the complex equation which describes radiocarbon genesis (4 ). The universality of the Bristlecone Pine recalibration thus depends on the assumption that although production of Cl4 in the atmosphere may vary, its equilibration over the world's surface is rapid, so that the atmosphere in California is representative of that of the world at large. That this assumption is not necessarily valid is indicated by the ...
345. Pleiongaea: A Myth for all Seasons [Journals] [Aeon]
... imagine where the excess angular momentum came from to make proto-Earth spin so wildly. The capture hypothesis had one of its foremost paladins in the late physical chemist Harold C. Urey. He had urged NASA to bring back lunar samples from the Apollo landings- which they did, 380 kilograms worth- to look for what he thought would be genesis rocks, examples of the very beginnings of our solar system. But skeptics quote book, chapter, and verse of celestial dynamics, which permits capture of a lunar-sized body in only one special case, whereas in all others the presence of a nearby third body is required to effect such an acquisition. The Kant-Laplace nebular condensation hypothesis of ...
346. On Fermor's article on ante-diluvian climate [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... surely right: there is an excellent case for always transmitting it in a catastrophic or at least most violent context. Fermor makes the erroneous assumption that there were no catastrophes before the flood. Not so. A partial Deluge occurred in the time of Enos, son of Seth. Also there is a strong case for taking the events of Genesis 1:2 and 3:8 as being catastrophes (see for instance "The Primordial Light," in SIS: 1:2 ). Finally, the writers of antiquity (e .g . Ovid) who described the climatic golden age ascribed it to Saturn. Saturn has a lot to do with Earth's early history and ...
347. The Hyksos (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... evidence of this fact be found in Arabian sources also? The old Arabian writings, when investigated, provided the desired evidence. I shall therefore proceed to compare the three sources: the Egyptian, the Hebrew, and the Arabian. The Amalekites were an old Arabian tribe who, from ancient days, dominated Arabia. In the Book of Genesis, in a genealogical table, Amalek is said to have been an offspring of Eliphaz, son of Esau, Isaac's son.12 But obviously this statement does not refer to the Amalek who was father of the tribe. The Book of Genesis also has another record: as early as before the destruction of Sodom the Amalekites were at ...
348. C&C Review 2005 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... by Charles Ginenthal - reviewed by Irving Wolfe 60 The Stones of Time: Calendars, Sundials, and the Stone Chambers of Ancient Ireland, by M. Brennan - reviewed by Phillip Clapham 62 Perilous Planet Earth, by Trevor Palmer - reviewed by Alfred de Grazia 63 Stukeley Illustrated, by N. Mortimer - reviewed by Phillip Clapham 64 Resurrecting Genesis, by J. T. Hadd - reviewed by David Salkeld 64 Mysterious Ancient America, by P. Devereaux – reviewed by Phillip Clapham. 67 Editorial Address: Innesfree', Highsted Valley, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 0AD, UK. Editorial team: Jill Abery Eric Aitchison Laurence Dixon Val Pearce Emmet Sweeney David Roth Consultants: ...
349. A Note on the "Land of Punt" [Journals] [Kronos]
... an allusion to the holiness of Jerusalem in early times and to a sanctuary in that place. When the patriarch Abraham returned from pursuing the kings of the north, who had captured his kinsman Lot, "Melchizedek king of Salem [Jerusalem] brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the Most High God" (Genesis 14.18). The name Divine (or Holy) Land, given to the region of Jerusalem in Egyptian inscriptions of the Old and Middle Kingdoms, casts light upon the religious significance of Jerusalem and Palestine generally in the days before David, even as early as the days when the Israelites were still nomads. Since then and ...
350. Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... is highlighted for the chronology of the crucial Middle Assyrian Period. Here, although the eponym data is incomplete, it can be seen to have been carefully copied from an older original, and its witness is to be preferred to that of the king lists which are demonstrably inaccurate and of unknown provenance. Buckfast Abbey 2000 Conference. The Egyptian Genesis: A weekend gathering sponsored by The Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences and Sussex Egyptology Society at Buckfast Abbey, Devon Friday 11th August to Sunday 13th August 2000. Today's new generation of Egyptologists re-examine the claims of an earlier age that the catalyst for pharaonic civilisation came from outside the environs of the Nile valley. Specialists in Eastern ...
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