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79 pages of results. 321. Khima and Kesil [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the Deluge on the Earth." [1 ] The sentence is said in the name of RABBI SAMUEL. This Rabbi Samuel was regarded as a great authority in the field of astronomy, actually as the Talmudic authority in this science. The Tractate Brakhot so explicitly points to the cause of the Deluge that, before classifying the narrative in Genesis in its entirety as folkloristic imagery (which in part it most certainly is), we ought to inquire: Which celestial body is Khima? In the rabbinical literature Khima is referred to as Mazal Khima [2 ]. Mazal is "planet". Then which planet is Khima? In the Old Testament there are several instances where ...
322. S.I.S Review Vol. IV Nos. 2/3 Winter 1979/80: Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... .S Review Vol. IV Nos. 2/3 Winter 1979/80 Texts Home | SIS Review Home S.I .S . Review Journal of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. IV Nos. 2/3 Winter 1979/80 Contents DR ALFRED DE GRAZIA: In Memoriam: Immanuel Velikovsky 29 DR IMMANUEL VELIKOVSKY: The Genesis of the Jerusalem Scripta 31 Forum: Letter from Dr. Lynn E. Rose 35 Bookshelf: Sagan's Nerve 37 Focus: Dr J. H. Fermor speaks on Velikovsky's 360-day year 40 MICHAEL G. READE: The Ramesside Star Tables 41 DR R. A. McAULAY: "Extra-Scientific" Dimensions of Science 54 DR JOHN DAY, ...
323. Pensée Volume 4, Number 2. Spring, 1974: Contents [Journals] [Pensee]
... 1974 Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered VII 3 "Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System"- A Symposium 9 Three Additional Symposia San Francisco, February 25, 1975 THE DAY OF ATONEMENT 10 My Challenge to Conventional Science Immanuel Velikovsky 15 Mechanics Bears Witness Irving Michelson 23 "Velikovsky's Challenge to Science." The story of a symposium 24 The Genesis of a Symposium 25 On the Need for "Serious Scientific Meetings" 31 San Francisco, February 25, 1974 35 Mulholland's Arguments: A Brief Assessment 38 Electricity Absent from Sagan's Astrophysics 43 A Letter to Science 44 For the Benefit of the Press 47 Review and letters 51 The Atom and Oil Immanuel Velikovsky Cover from Philadelphia Magazine, April ...
324. The Capture of Luna (Life History of Our Earth) [Books]
... (to have a fixed term of reference), is individual for every planet. It is due to the revolution of the planets in the resistant interstellar medium while moving forward through space, which causes their orbits to become reared up against the apex of this translatory motion. This rearing up of the orbits must naturally have begun at the genesis of our solar system. Smaller planetary bodies must experience a greater resistance than bigger ones, and that is why this forward tilt must be individual for each planet. However, the gravitational interrelation of the planets, especially of the major ones, and more especially the powerful influence of the planet Jupiter, keeps this individualism within certain general ...
325. The Literature of the Bible (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... theologian, if he were obliged to describe his God as a dragon-slayer (to mention only one of the more striking attributes of godhead); but the mythologist feels that he has been deprived of valuable material, and for him Yahweh is a serpent-killer after all, a Jewish Marduk, and this fact, though carefully expurgated or idealized in Genesis i, appears in its original simplicity in Isaiah xxvii. The sublimation of the Jewish world-picture was the consequence of a slow natural growth, not of a sudden dictatorial act. So the mythologist, if he is willing to dig, may still come upon fragments of true myths of undoubted originality and antiquity. With these it is as ...
326. A Further Response to Marvin Luckerman [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... C . in the scheme I have proposed), and this does create a problem, since there are biblical references to Beersheba for the periods which Mr. Luckerman mentions. However, we should note that the Bible also contains many references to Beersheba in still earlier periods, namely the age of the Patriarchs and the time of Joshua (Genesis 21:14, 31, 32, 33; 26:23, 33; 38:10; 46:1 ,5 ; Joshua 15:28; 19:2 ), and these also lack corroboration from finds at Tel Beersheba. Neither my theory or Mr. Luckerman's provides a solution to this problem if we confine ...
327. Phillip E. Johnson, "Darwin on Trial" [Journals] [Aeon]
... such technical matters in more detail the reader is specially directed to the late Gordon Rattray Taylor's The Great Evolution Mystery (Harper & Row: New York, 1983), and for an additional look at the human equation to John Gribbin and Jeremy Cherfas' The Monkey Puzzle (Pantheon Books: New York, 1982) and Jeffrey Goodman's The Genesis Mystery (Times Books: New York, 1983). Darwinian evolution has become a complex and labyrinthine aspect of natural philosophy which even the renowned philosopher of science Karl Popper at one time declared was not a scientific theory at all because natural selection attempted to account for everything and as a result explained nothing. But Popper himself was furiously ...
328. C&C Workshop 1992, Number 2: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: C&C Workshop 1992, Number 2 Texts Home | SIS Workshop Home Society for Interdisciplinary Studies CHRONOLOGY & CATASTROPHISM WORKSHOP 1992, Number 2 Society News 1 ARTICLES Geological Genesis by Harold Tresman 4 Chronological Implications of a Proper Identification of the Labyrinth by Jesse E. Lasken 7 A Chronology for Mesopotamia (contra Heinsohn) by A. H. Rees 10 Shamash and Sin by Dwardu Cardona 16 Menelaos Darkness Over Sinai: (Where was Moses when the light went out?) by Emmet Sweeney 18 FORUM: New Chronology Issues (Lasken, Porter, Newgrosh) MONITOR 22 REVIEWS: The Lost History of Ireland: an enquiry into the pre-Christian History of the Gaels - ...
329. Saturday: Introduction [Journals] [SIS Review]
... interest in the Saturn/Earth catastrophe and its corollary, the Electric Universe. This culminated in the article, co-authored with Bernard Newgrosh, The Primordial Light' [SIS Review II:2 , Dec.1977] in which it suggested that at one time the Earth orbited as a satellite of proto-Saturn'. His follow-up article, Geological Genesis', first written in the 60s, was eventually published in C&C Workshop 1993:1 . Born in 1928, a squash playing septuagenarian no less, he leads a very active business life, and is particularly delighted that his sons, Ian and Simon, are following in father's footsteps'. His particular pleasure is to ...
330. The Chaldeans of Sumer [Journals] [Aeon]
... . Samuel Noah Kramer has pointed out that the events in the initial chapters of Genesis-the fall, Cain and Abel, the Deluge, and the Babel of tongues-all had Mesopotamian antecedents; except that, instead of antecedents, one should now read "successors." In literary terms, it is certainly easier to grasp that the simple, austere Genesis accounts should serve as a prototype for more elaborate cultural variations, rather than the other way around. Even within the Jewish tradition, the elaboration of Midrashic legend on the "bare bones" of the Hebrew Biblical texts provide a case in point, as do the accretions of Church legend around the early accounts of the Gospels and Acts ...
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