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79 pages of results. 241. Joseph and Imhotep [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... god was Khnum. King Djoser then had a dream in which Khnum told him that the "Nile will pour forth for thee, without a year of cessation or laxness for any land." Also "The starvation year will have gone and the (people's) borrowing from their graneries will have departed." In the last chapters of Genesis in the Torah, the Old Testament of the Bible, there is an account of seven years of famine in Egypt. Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob (Israel) was sold into slavery by his brothers and was taken to Egypt where he served an officer of the pharaoh. He spurned his master's wife and wound up in ...
242. The Charisma of Moses [Books] [de Grazia books]
... might have for the people of Israel, and indeed for everyone, including Aaron but with the possible exception of his devoted aide-de-camp Joshua [15], is suppressed; he scarcely permits himself to use Yahweh to express love for the people. In the Pentateuch, forms of the word "love" occur only 41 times, disproportionately in Genesis with 15. (see Table II) Yahweh's "love" for the people is mentioned seven times, Moses' love for the people not at all. The duty to love Yahweh receives 13 mentions, love among individuals 13, social love 5, and the love of pleasure and things 3 16]. For every word of ...
243. Planet of the Greeks by Meres J. Weche (Book Review). C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... years). Adam's sons are linked to Egyptian gods, partic-ularly Seth. The following links are made: Adam's two pillars of knowledge/Pillars of Hercules; Abel/Ta-Seti; Cain/Aha-Menes; Adam/Osiris; Eve/Isis-Hathor; The Typhonian serpent Sebau in the Khemetic Book of Coming Forth by Day'/The serpent in Genesis. The epic of Gilgamesh is the basis for the story of Noah. The latter's name is derived from No or No-Amon (Thebes). IV 2730-2400 According to Weche, the first pyramids were the Gizah 3 by Khnum-Khufu in the 2nd Typhon Season. The Dashur bent pyramid was built by Sneferu in the 4th Dynasty. The Dynastic ...
244. Jupiter God of Abraham (Part IV) [Journals] [Kronos]
... If thunderbolts from Jupiter can reach Io, they could easily have reached the Earth had it been, at one time, even if only transitorily, in close proximity to the giant planet. 21. The Brimstone The Biblical narrative does not attribute the destruction of the Cities of the Plain to a thunderbolt. The catastrophe, as described in Genesis, is said to have been caused by a rain of fire and brimstone,which is sulfur.(Footnote: * But cf. the article by Myers on brimstone that follows. What is curious is that the ancients, as Velikovsky pointed out,(298) also connected sulfur, or the smell of it, with thunderbolts ...
245. Uniformitarian Or Catastrophist? Ice Age Theory [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... regions, simply fails. To show how terribly flawed and unrealistic this new explanation is, I present, with the permission of the author, a thorough analysis of it. Michael J. Oard, a creationist and meteorologist, and decidedly not a Velikovskian, in an excellent chapter of his book titled, An Ice Age Caused by the Genesis Flood, (1990) reports the following: Requirements for an Ice Age By Michael J. Oard How much climate change is required to account for these ice sheets? In other words, what are the requirements for an ice age? Scientists have debated these requirements for years, and have reached a reasonable consensus. Some scientists once ...
246. Bibliography [Books]
... G. Morley, Popul Vuh (Norman, 1950) B. L. Goff, Svmbok of Prehistoric Mesopotamia (Yale, 1963) Ignaz Goldziher, Mythology Among the Hebrews (New York, 1967) Robert Graves, The Greek Myths (New York, 1955) Robert Graves, with Raphael Patai, Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis (New York, 1966) L. Grevan, Der Ka in Theologie und Königskult der Ägypter des Alten Reichs (Gluckstadt, 1952) Jacob Grimm, Teutonk Mythology, J. S. Stallybrass, trans. (New York, 1966), 4 vols. Rene Guenon, Le Roi du Monde (Paris, 1958), ...
247. Imaginary and Expected Catastrophes: Apocalyptic Desire and Scientific Prognosis [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ' manner to the message of the coming kingdom of God' [24]. These men were right so far. Two and a half millennia could not prove them wrong. This may well be a world record of non-falsification. The great rabbis also turn against astrology by denying such influence upon Israel "which has no planet". Genesis 15:5 is interpreted as meaning that God said to Abraham Thou art a prophet and not an astrologer' [25]. Since the celestial catastrophes had come to an end, the sacrificial rituals, which reenacted them to calm down the survivors in a play therapy manner, [26] could also be abandoned. Therefore, ...
248. The Israelites and the 18th Dynasty [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... -- AGED 137 YEARS died soon after Levi his son and successor MALOL the Oppressor and Pharaoh of an Exodus The date of Levi's death and hence that of Magron's is calculated as per Figure 1. Twelve children were born to Jacob in the north during an apparently minimum period of approximately fourteen years [8 ]. From the details in Genesis it is difficult to ascertain during which part of his twenty-one year stay these fourteen years occurred, but in order to conform with Genesis 29:20-29, the last fourteen year period is used in this paper. The deaths of Levi and Magron, therefore, seem to have occurred about 15-16 years after that of Joseph. Figure 2 ...
... includes such flowerless ones as grow from the top only, and whose stems consequently do not increase materially in bulk, as Mosses, Ferns, Lycopodiums, Equisetums, &c . The trunk of a tree fern is a good example. They are also called Acrobrya. Etym., aicpov, acron, the top, and ytrartj, genesis, increase. ADIPOCTRE. A substance apparently intermediate between fat and wax, into which dead animal matter is converted when buried in the earth, and in a certain stage of decomposition. Etym., adeps, fat, and cera, wax. ALBITE. See "Felspar." ALEMBIC. An apparatus for distilling. ALG. ...
250. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... supposing that our earliest ancestors went through an aquatic phase. Origins of Agriculture in Europe by I.J . Thorpe, Routledge, 1997, £50 An erudite appraisal of the mass of new evidence for the period of transition between the Mesolithic hunting and gathering societies and the Neolithic farmers. Gods of Eden, Egypt's Lost Legacy and the Genesis of Civilisation by Andrew Collins, Headline 1997, £18 99 Yet another book claiming that the pyramids date back way before the Pharaohs, inferring that there was an earlier, technologically advanced society. It presents new evidence from Egypt, Kurdistan and Eastern Turkey. Martian Metamorphoses: The Planet Mars in Ancient Myth and Religion by Ev Cochrane ...
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