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79 pages of results. 171. C&C Workshop 1987, Number 1: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... 1 Texts Home | SIS Workshop Home Society for Interdisciplinary Studies CHRONOLOGY & CATASTROPHISM WORKSHOP 1987, Number 1 SOCIETY NEWS 1 ARTICLES Tektites, Wildfires and the Extinction of the Dinosaurs by Trevor Palmer 3 Earthquakes in the Early Irish Tradition by Emmet J. Sweeney 4 Problems with the Morning Star by Jill Abery 8 A Critical Re-Appraisal of the Book of Genesis by Damien Mackey, Frank Calneggia and Paul Money 11 The Parting of the Waters of the Red Sea by Ragnar Forshufvud 18 MONITOR : * Electromagnetism-Gravity Link? * Mountain of God? * Mummified Forest? * Ice Age not so Cold! * Deluge Ice Ages? * VLBI Confirms Drift * Oceans of Cometary Origin? * Dark Warmth ...
172. Darkness Over Sinai (Where was Moses when the light went out?) [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... customary to reckon the year by the lunar cycle. Consequently, since the year consisted of thirty days, it was not impossible that some men lived twelve hundred years, for in our time when our year consists of twelve months, not a few men live for one hundred years." The lives of the biblical patriarchs referred to in Genesis (V ; 3-32), including Enoch who died young at 365 years, range from 777 years for Lamech to 969 years for Methuselah. If these are considered to be lunar years' (one complete orbit of the Moon round Earth), then dividing all these ages by 13.37 (there being 13.37 sidereal ...
173. Deluge Warnings (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... warning and raised the man who had uttered them to divine rank. Often, probably, the warning voice was only introduced into the myth on the assumption that as likely as not the ancestor who escaped must have been warned, by his god, or totem, or fetish. The best known of all deluge warnings is that recorded in Genesis vi. 12-18: And God looked upon the Earth and.. said unto Noah. . . The Earth is filled with violence.., and I will destroy them with the Earth. Make thee an ark.. . . And behold, I .. . do bring a flood of water upon the Earth, to ...
174. Sin and the Control System [Journals] [Kronos]
... look for a new set of rules to follow. By doing this, they would become different, and there would be hope for their future. Velikovsky is clearly implying that our ancestors believed that it was through their incorrect behavior that they had brought the catastrophes upon themselves. Is there any scriptural evidence to support this contention of Velikovsky? Genesis 2-3 passim: The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for ...
175. A Collective Amnesia, Part 2 Mars Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... , the post-Exile generations looked upon all these descriptions as the poetical utterances of religious l iterature. The talmudists in the beginning of this era disputed whether a deluge of fire, prophesied in old traditions, would take place or not; those who denied that it might come, based their argument on the divine promise found in the Book of Genesis, that the De luge would not be repeated; those who argued to the contrary, reasoning that though the deluge of water would not recur, there might come a deluge of fire, were attacked for construing too narrowly the promise of the Lord.1 Both sides overlooked the most prominent part of their traditions: the history of ...
176. The Shrine of Baal-Zephon [Journals] [Aeon]
... strange in Joseph's approbation of Baal. Although Hebrew by blood, he too had once been a native of Canaan. Baal would not have been a stranger to him. After all, even Abraham had once paid his homage to a Canaanite deity. (44) In fact, let us be more honest than that. The Book of Genesis does not hide the fact that the Hebrews were prone to idol worship. Just before the tribe of Jacob, who was Joseph's father, went up to Bethel, Jacob found it necessary to confiscate "the strange gods" of his own household and bury them beneath an oak tree near Shechem. (45) Jewish sources go even ...
177. Night of the Gods: The Stone [Books]
... notes to the Revised Version lip. 2 and to, as to the expedient of capital letters; and the statements at pp. vi and 681. 91. The Hebrew here is Elohim = the Els or the Eloahs. 92. Herodian v, 3, 10; Pliny Hist. Nat. xxxvi, 8. 93. Akkadian Genesis (1888), pp. 1, 2, 3. 94. Nasir-i-Khusrau's Journal, Pal. Pilgrims Text Soc. (1888), pp. 27, 28, 43, 44, Sale's Koran, ch.ii, note p; ch.ii, note 1. 95. Perrot and Chipiez, Art darts l'Ant ...
178. The Reflective Canopy Model and the Mytho-historical Record [Journals] [Aeon]
... I read at the above mentioned seminar as also on additional inputs by Zysman himself who saw no reason to keep from me certain weaknesses in his theory which I had originally either ignored for the sake of brevity or, in some cases, even totally overlooked. The manner in which cosmologists have presented the cosmos as described in the Book of Genesis. It is thus only fair that, in evaluating and/or criticizing Zysman's model, my own should be held at bay. The comparison of Zysman's model with the competing Saturnian scenario, while tempting, shall not be relied upon. Instead, the reflective canopy model shall be tested against the mytho-historical record on the basis of which ...
179. New Scenarios for Solar System Evolution [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... between ancient civilizations all over the world were due in our view to the common culture of the survivors of the flood. An impressive amount of evidence of different kind supports this theory. R. Bauval, Cairo: Evidence of civilization on Earth well before the third millennium BC Gianantonio Borgonovo, Venegono Seminary, Italy: the Archaic Elements in Genesis: A Catholic Interpretation The principle on which the first section of Genesis (Chapts. 1-11) is based has quite special features. It is not based upon a scientific foundation but is a "sapiential" reflection using mythical language. The best definition is metahistorical ethiology, i.e . the reaching of the heart of being, ...
180. Thoth Vol V, No 4: Mar 15, 2001 [Journals] [Thoth]
... ] THOTH A Catastrophics Newsletter VOL V, No 4 March 15, 2001 EDITOR: Amy Acheson PUBLISHER: Michael Armstrong LIST MANAGER: Brian Stewart CONTENTS WHEN LOGIC FALLS SLOPPY DEAD . . . . . . . . . . by Mel Acheson THE THUNDERBOLT IN MYTH AND SYMBOL. . . , , , . by Dave Talbott BIG BANG GENESIS . . . . . . . . . . . .a Kroniatalk Discussion- From this new vantage point, it is now possible for the serious student to follow the progression of the symbolic language from first form, or archetype, through later elaboration. The "Saturn model," about which we have spoken so frequently in ...
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