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33 pages of results. 81. The Feast Of Light. Ch.3 In Fear And Trembling (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... us as the vegetation which perishes in the flood-water mysteriously issuing from himself..."[3 ] He is also associated with brilliant light; he was dismembered; Isis, his spouse, went in search of his dispersed members; Isis gave birth to Horus whom she conceived from Osiris. James G. Frazer, the collector of folklore, came to regard Osiris as the vegetation god; likewise he saw in Tammuz, the Babylonian Osiris, a vegetation god. Carried away by this concept, he wrote The Golden Bough, built around the idea of the vegetation god who dies and is resurrected the next year. Of Tammuz it is also narrated that he was associated ...
82. Bibliography (In the Beginning: God) [Books]
... . 1932. F. E. Coggin: The Second Story of Genesis. 1938. R. Gordon: Early Traditions of Genesis. 1907 H. E. Ryle: The Early Narratives of Genesis. 1892. R. H. Charles: The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament. 1913. Sir. J. Frazer: Folklore in the Old Testament. 1919. J.F .H .Gunkel: Schoefung und Chaos in Urzeit und Endzeit. 1895. A. Jeremiss: Das Alte Testament im Lichte des Alten Orients. 1930. T. K. Cheyne: Traditions and Beliefs of Ancient Israel. 1907. S. H. Langdon:Semitic Mythology ...
... , with any who obdurately treasured ancient lore and knowledge. However, as happens in all similar cases at all times, a certain amount of traditional material must have been driven underground' and handed on secretly in the form of Myths'. But the Indians of the Tiahuanaco region are not communicative, and only little is known about their folklore and cosmology. All that has hitherto been coaxed out of those proud and silent men is that the great ruined city was built prior to a terrible cataclysm, which they call Chamak-Pacha, the Age of Darkness, and that formerly most of what is now the wide Inter-Andean Plain was a great sea rich in big fish; eventually the ...
84. Paradise -- The Lost Frontier: Early Voyages to the Forbidden Isles [Journals] [Aeon]
... commoners hoping to reach the Promised Land, the only obstacle for ambitious sea captains was the immense distance across the interminable Ocean. Since Paradise was believed to be located on Earth, only superstition and myth served to shut out those who were curious, resourceful, and powerful enough to follow their dreams. Thus, we find in the ancient folklore of every maritime society legends of heroic chieftains who sailed off to Paradise. Even Columbus fell under the enchantment of the ancient legends. And, like his predecessors, he also believed to have found Paradise in the New World. Legends of Paradise Among early maritime peoples, the prescribed route to the Earthly Paradise was by sea. Burial ...
85. Anno Domini Anomalies [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of 33 holes and 32 balls, or pegs. The number 33 can be seen to have had its origin in the study of the motions of the Sun and Moon – but why should it have a connection with a comet, in particular one in the 6th century AD? Why should it have a connection with figures of myth and folklore such as the Tuath de Danaan (= little pieces of the goddess Danaan/Aine, or the god Lugh/Llud)? We know that monasteries in Ireland during the 5th and 6th centuries became centres of learning, attracting monks from the continent. Undoubtedly this knowledge included Druidic traditions native to Ireland, and to Britain and Gaul ...
86. "Nearer The Gods No Mortal May Approach". File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... superseded the high priests, who claimed for themselves the keys to heaven. In the astronomers' view there can be no greater effrontery than the questioning of their truths, and nothing enrages them more than to challenge such a perfect science by recourse, horribile dictu, to the Scriptures as a historical document. That Worlds in Collision contains much folklore, or "old wives' tales," was not so ludicrous as the fact that it brought the Old Testament back into the debate. The citation of passages from the Vedas, the Koran, and Mexican holy books was not so insulting as quotation from the Hebrew Bible. It is irrelevant that this book is among the most ...
87. Mona Lisa And The Antarctic. File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... of feet thick, billions of tons heavy. I agreed to speak but stipulated that my listeners should read my book first. On November 30, 1956, I spoke in Guyot Hall to the graduate students, the seniors, and their professors of the Geology Department on the subject "The Common Frontier of Geology with Astronomy, Archaeology and Folklore." The atmosphere was friendly. During the question period Professor Harry H. Hess, head of the department, participated, too. When the talk was over, he asked me to walk with him in the dark to our homes and continue the discussion. Parting, he gave me his paper on submarine formations in the Pacific ...
88. Bel and Dragons [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... a venomous burning eye and was regarded as the bringer of famine. He caused the bracken to wither as he approached from afar and the grass turned brown and discoloured. As he came closer, the woods and all things wooden grew red and hot and finally they were set on fire and the whole country blazed [3 ]. Irish folklore it seems blames the eye of Balor for the occurrence of black stumps of trees that can be found in bogland. References 1. M Senior, Myths of Britain, BCA, 1979, p. 69 2. According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, Arthur was son of Uther Pendragon - possibly an artificial relationship. Rhys claims Bran's head ...
89. The Battle In The Sky, Part 1 Venus Ch.3 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... an evil monster in the form of a serpent and the light-god who engaged the monster in battle and thus saved the world. The tail of the comet, leaping back and forth under the discharges of the flaming globe, was regarded as a separate body, inimical to the globe of the comet. A full survey of the religious and folklore motifs which mirror this event would require more space than is at my disposal here; it is difficult to find a people or tribe on the earth that does not have the same motif at the very focus of its religious beliefs.(2 ) Since the descriptions of the battle between Marduk and Tiamat, the dragon, or Isis ...
90. O.K. Origins [Books] [de Grazia books]
... which however goes well with the idea that the origin was among "illiterate Irishmen," rather than with the slightly later attribution to General Jackson who was not as uneducated as his detractors made him out to be - unless, which is possible, Jackson, descended of Scots-Irish, did also pick up the O.K . from the folklore of the ancient OC. Significantly, another explanation is that O.K . ' comes from the Oklahoma (note: oc) Choctaw (note: oc) Indian word "oke" (" it is") in an attribution of 1885. (Americans often use a simple "oke," one, not two syllables ...
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