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33 pages of results. 41. Day Star [Journals] [Aeon]
... for "sun" in the earliest Egyptian and Chinese languages. Yet the image does not resemble the current Sun and no ancient artist worth his salt would ever dream of depicting the Sun in this fashion. That said, the image does suggest an "eye," and traditions of a solar "eye" abound in ancient myth and folklore. The second image in Figure One depicts what appears to be an eight-pointed star set upon the face of the "sun." The third image, finally, depicts a flower-like object set upon the face of the "sun." Hawaiian native engraving "sun" -symbol petroglyphs on smooth lava pavement. Such "sun" ...
42. Myth and Method [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Grant IN THIS ESSAY I contribute to the characterisation of Velikovsky's mythological method and suggest that the proper basis for deciding on its validity lies in the testing of its empirical conclusions. It is not my purpose to attempt an account of the development of his method, rather to describe basic features of it in a mature stage. Among mythic, folklore, saga and ritual texts there are those which can be regarded as embodying models of catastrophic cosmogonic events and their terrestrial correlates. For brevity I shall call the latter texts cosmogonic. Cosmogonic texts can be grouped on the basis of apparent structural similarity of their models. A crucial role in the selection, grouping and interpretation of these texts ...
43. The End. Ch.16 The End (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... south, of various origins, from mountain peak and ocean bottoms-skeletons, and ashes, and lava. Long before the crowd of witnesses finished filing by, we knew that we would not be able to evade the conclusion that global catastrophes have shaken this world of ours. I have not included here the testimony of ancient literary sources or of folklore. Shall I be confronted with the argument that, though the geological and archaeological records speak for catastrophic occurrences in the past, the absence of human testimony contradicts this interpretation of the geological record of recent date? Is not Worlds in Collision a book of human evidence? And was not this testimony disputed because first of all, of ...
44. Worlds In Collision And Recent Finds In Archaeology. Ch.17 Supplement (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... time when the world was in conflagration, when sea engulfed land, earth trembled, celestial bodies were disturbed in their motion, and meteorites fell. My narrative is based on historical texts of many peoples around the globe, on classical literature, on epics of northern races, on sacred books of the Orient and Occident, on traditions and folklore of primitive peoples. The question that arose was: Where is the archaeological evidence? In later chapters of my book I gave such evidence: water clocks and sundials that show a different length of the day or altered latitudes;, change in the orientation of ancient temples which originally faced toward the east but do so no longer. ...
... From "Mankind in Amnesia" © 1982 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Freud's Descent Into Hades By 1913 Freud had parted with Jung, who tended to mysticism, and with Adler, who tended to socialism. In that year Freud published Totem and Tabu, an analytical study of ancient and partly also of modem folklore culled mostly from Frazer's Golden Bough. Freud endeavored to evince from various rites and observances the surviving traces of patricide practices in the cave of prehistoric man: the grown-up sons used to kill their fathers and possess their mothers, a violent act in consummation of the Oedipus complex, the son's sexual attachment to his mother. Freud "felt that ...
46. Moons, Myths and Man [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Aug 1993) Home | Issue Contents Moons, Myths and Man by H.S . Bellamy (Faber and Faber, 1936) This book appears to remarkably pre-empt both Velikovsky (catastrophe and the use of world wide myths) and Clube and Napier (a giant satellite breaking up in the prehistoric sky and being responsible for dragon and serpent folklore etc). It is a read I recommend to Society members and I wonder to what extent Velikovsky was influenced by catastrophic tomes such as this and others by authors such as Hoerbiger, Vail etc. From Bellamy's use of myth it seems to me that Clube and Napier are much nearer to the truth than Velikovsky, despite the extraordinary ...
47. Heracles as Cross-Dresser [Journals] [Aeon]
... the Power, the Glory and the Fortune with which he [the king] operates." [91] The same scholar summarized Sri's symbolic function as follows: "Sri ( 'Splendor') -Lakshmi ( 'Insigne') is the well-known Indian Goddess of Fortune (Tyche), Prosperity (the personified Luck" of western folklore) and Beauty: she is the principle and source of all nourishment, kingship, empire, royalty, strength, sacerdotal luster, dominion, wealth, and species, which are appropriated from her by the gods whose distinctive properties they are." [92] Sri's function in Indian symbolism finds a close parallel in that associated with ...
48. "Heaven and Earth": Catastrophism in Hamlet [Journals] [Kronos]
... attempts to reveal and explain this dimension of drama returns us to the roots of our origins as thinking beings. 1. Hamlet and Greek Myth The first body of legend we shall apply to our play is perhaps the best known in Western culture. There are a great number of parallels to be found between Shakespeare's play and events in Attic folklore, many set forth in Worlds in Collision. In this section, I shall compare Hamlet with two of the greatest Greek tragic heroes, Orestes and Oedipus, to demonstrate Hamlet's kinship to them and then their kinship to catastrophe. Gilbert Murray's Hamlet and Orestes' of 1913 was perhaps the first direct and sustained effort to apply anthropology to ...
49. Collective Amnesia and the Catastrophic Basis of Soap Opera (Concluded) [Journals] [Kronos]
... . Lastly, he seems to suggest that the perception of paradox and ambiguity is almost exclusively the province of the great poets. I do not think this is quite true in the West, for painting and dance and opera can do this quite as well, and it is certainly not true for the East, where religion and myth and folklore are openly understood to embody contradictory yet factual knowledge. Rabkin is too exclusive, for poetry has not cornered the market on symbolic or indirect expression of paradox, and the thoughts it expresses may be more complex than those he enunciates. He is correct, however, and importantly so, in saying that knowledge is the content of art ...
50. The Saturn Theory [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Mars is pointed to as a principal agent behind eclipses' of the ancient sun god [4 ]. While none of these scenarios is possible in the current order of the solar system, each is perfectly consistent with the history of the respective planets in the Polar Configuration as reconstructed by the Saturnists'. The testimony of ancient myth and folklore is equally unequivocal that the respective planets once moved on radically different orbits and rained catastrophe from the skies, even if that message has been overlooked and ostrachized' [5 ] by everyone except Velikovsky. Numerous cultures tell of the time when different suns ruled the heavens. This belief was especially common in the New World: The idea ...
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