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... is that the Capture Flood, rushing over the tropical belt, flung the animals where they are found. The lacustrine forms are not so very different from the marine forms as to force us to suppose the Great Flood, the flowing off of the girdle-tide, responsible for this distribution. There are two types of volcano: active, and extinct. The latter type again may be subdivided into two classes: long extinct, and recently extinct. The long extinct ones are those whose ruinous cones date from the closing period of the Tertiary Age, when the conditions during and immediately after the breakdown made volcanic activity run very high. (At that time there also formed the great ...
82. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... " Nemesis, a postulated companion to our Sun, whose interaction with the Oort cloud of comets might cause periodic havoc in the Solar System. Now NATURE seems to have backed down on the idea. New calculations show that the orbit of Nemesis would not be stable, the cometary orbits do not fit, and the palaeontological record of major extinctions does not show the right periodicity! Another Iridium Extinction source: SCIENCE 226, p.437 Yet another anomalously high concentration of iridium has been found - in sedimentary rocks of the Canning Basin in NW Australia, dated to c.365 Myr ago and coinciding with a major extinction horizon at the boundary between the Frasnian and Famennian ages ...
... North American Continent with its schists, clays and old red sandstone corresponds (Suess continues) with the same regions of the Old World. That there was a land link at some former time is proved by the fauna and flora. The mammoth, the musk-ox, the elk, the red deer, and many other species of mammals now extinct, or found only in one continent, were formerly common to both. The question is what circumstances combined to cause the musk-ox and Irish elk to become extinct in Europe, the mammoth on both sides, "the simultaneous disappearance over vast areas of whole communities," to quote Suess? The frozen body of an antelope has been ...
84. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to the current popular theory of the demise of the dinosaurs following a massive impact off Yucatan. They say the theory achieved prominence not only because of its exciting appeal but also because its originator, Luis Alvarez, was a Nobel prize winning physicist with tremendous scientific clout. MacClean and Officer believe massive volcanism is a more likely cause of the extinction. Alvarez threatened to wreck MacClean's career and orchestrated a campaign to discredit him. Details are no doubt in Officer's book (see Bookshelf). PHYSICS Einstein again The Times 17.2 .96, Scientific American June 1996, pp. 66-72, New Scientist 31.8 .96, pp. 28-31 and Science Frontiers 103, ...
85. The Continuing Evolution of Evolution [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , 1993); Complexity by R. Lewin (Dent, London, 1993) All who were members of SIS in 1994 should have received as part of their entitlement for that year a copy of my Catastrophism, Neocatastrophism and Evolution. This chronicled how it became scientifically respectable during the 1980s to argue that at least one of the mass extinction episodes evident from the fossil record, that at the end of the Cretaceous Period, could have owed much to the impact of an asteroid or a comet at that time. Even though many scholars still remained resistant to the idea, a catastrophist mechanism had thus become a feature of the mainstream debate about evolution. The views of previous ...
86. Stephen Jay Gould and Immanuel Velikovsky [Books]
... platform in Orkney as at Cromarty is strewn thick with remains which exhibit unequivocally the marks of sudden death. The figures are contorted, curved; the tail in many instances is bent around the head; the spines stick out; the fins are spread to the full, as in fish that die in convulsions. The Pterichthys [( an extinct fishlike animal with winglike projections and with the anterior of the body encased in bony plates)] shows its arms extended at their stiffest angle, as if prepared for an enemy. The attitude of all ichthyolites [any fossil fish] on this platform are attitudes of fear, anger and pain. The remains, too, appear to ...
87. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... deep-sea sediments or ice sheet measurements. However, they end up with so many statistical rhythms' to play with they could just about prove anything, but they conclude that the Milankovitch theory, as currently formulated, does not account for the timing of several major climatic events from 100,000 to 300,000 years ago. Volcanic Mass Extinctions source: New Scientist 10.12.88, p. 23 Geologists who prefer massive volcanic events to impact events as a cause of mass extinctions have so far been unable to explain the evidence of shocked' quartz crystals at some extinction horizons. Now two researchers from Florida have a new volcanic theory which could explain the signs others ...
88. Perilous Planet Earth [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... : The Story of its Decline and Fall .. . and Resurrection: Section A. From prehistory to 1899: Catastrophism dominates for centuries, but then gives way to gradualism: 1. Mythology, religion and catastrophism; 2. Hutton: fact and fiction about the origins of modern gradualism; 3. Cuvier and Lamarck: choosing between extinction and evolution; 4. Natural theology and Noah's Flood: the high-water mark of catastrophism; 5. Catastrophism, uniformitarianism and idealist philosophy; 6. Lyell triumphant: gradualism dominates geology; 7. Darwin and evolution; 8. After the Origin: the triumph of evolutionary gradualism; Section B: From 1900 to 1979: Gradualism reigns ...
89. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... stable states for any given set of conditions, e.g . with a particular concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere Earth may be stable with or without an ice cap. As the CO2 level gradually changes it could reach a point at which it flips into the other state. These catastrophic' climatic changes could explain many of the major extinction events. However, it still leaves the field open for an extra-terrestrial impact for the Cretaceous/Tertiary event as there was no major climatic change at that time. The face on Mars sources: New Scientist 7.7 .88, p. 39; idem 25.8 .88, p. 62 A scientist in Boston ...
90. Catastrophism And Evolution. Ch.15 Cataclysmic Evolution (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... superficial gravel to the action of the Mosaic Flood. For of man, and the works of his hands, we have not yet found a single trace among the remnants of a former world entombed in these deposits."3 So where were the remains of the sinful population? Cuvier taught that man's remains were never found with those of extinct animals. Lyell also declared in the first edition of his Principles that man was created after all the extinct animals passed away; and not until 1858, a year before the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species, did the finds in the Brixham cave shatter this belief in the non-coexistence of man and extinct, or "antediluvian," ...
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