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76 pages of results. 71. Catastrophism and Evolution [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... /controv.htm Controversy. Catastrophism and Evolution: The Ongoing Debate. A book by Trevor Palmer, Nottingham Trent University, UK. Controversy puts the reader at the forefront of the scientific revolution against traditional views of evolution. The champion of alternative views, Catastrophism, declares that sudden cataclysmic events, such as meteor showers, cause mass extinctions followed by rapid bursts of new species - in direct opposition to the Modern Synthesis of neo-Darwinism, the offspring of Darwinism and Genetics, which maintains that evolution is slow, imperceptible, and progressive. Professor Palmer clearly traces the interactive histories of catastrophism and Evolution from ancient times to the present, contextualizing the struggle for dominance between these fundamentally ...
72. Knowledge and Entropy - an Evolutionary Outlook [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... Earth, mankind has subverted the Earth's scene, and a cataclysm provoked by technical and scientific knowledge could very well be just at the beginning. In the opinion of Murdy (105), the knowledge crisis is one that every cultural species on every inhabitable planet in the universe must surmount. at a point in its evolution, or become extinct'; and in support of Murdy's views Olson (1975) writes: if our planet is at all typical, we can see that the emergence of what might be called "planetary powers" has occurred almost instantaneously in terms of evolutionary time... Because this knowledge crisis emerges so rapidly, it may well be that most ...
73. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... as yet uncoordinated and undirected) doubts regarding the validity of many aspects of gradualistic evolution. However, natural selection rather than gradualism is the true hallmark of Darwinism. After he had proposed variation by adaptation as the means by which species can attain an ever-widening spread of characteristics, Darwin invoked natural selection to explain two well-attested and established phenomena - extinction and diversity. Palaeontological evidence of the extinction of vast numbers of species was explained by Darwin as their failure to compete with surviving species. This idea is now widely discredited: far too much of the evidence points to extinction by catastrophes which were wide-scale, perhaps global in their scope. It is not known whether those catastrophes were of ...
74. Fossil Deposits [Books] [de Grazia books]
... next chapters. What explains the distribution of fossil remains of life, particularly the large number of fossil clusters involving different species? A fossil generally connotes an individual, a herd, or a general disaster. The greater the confusion of species, the more likely an exoterrestrial catastrophe. Given the increase in studies demonstrating an exoterrestrial connection with general extinctions, can natural history be reordered according to the occurrence, frequency, and type of exoterrestrial disaster? And is large-scale extinction possibly or invariably accompanied by large-scale biological innovation? Sounds and sights are ordinarily excluded from natural historiography, because they do not linger and one can no longer find their remains. However, we ask two kinds of ...
75. Agate Spring Quarry. Ch.5 Tidal Wave (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... American Museum of Natural History in New York. This block contains about 100 bones to the square foot. There is no way of explaining such an aggregation of fossils as a natural death retreat of animals of various genera. The animals found there were mammals. The most numerous was the small twin-horned rhinoceros (Diceratherium). There was another extinct animal (Moropus) with a head not unlike that of a horse but with heavy legs and claws like those of a carnivorous animal; and bones of a giant swine that stood six feet high (Dinohyus hollandi) were also unearthed. The Carnegie Museum, which likewise excavated in Agate Spring Quarry, in a space of 1350 square ...
76. Pterodactyls in the Mesozoic: A Flap in Time [Journals] [Aeon]
... that also indicated elevated levels of available carbon dioxide to stimulate plant growth, as well as the development of shell-like outer coverings of invertebrate lifeforms such as the early molluscs. The subsequent Cenozoic Era was the Age of Mammals, in spite of traces of mammalian existence as far back as the Late Permian or Early Triassic; and, whatwith the extinction of the dinosaurs at the close of the Cretaceous, the door opened wide for the advance and development of these furry viviparous animals. What's in a Name Velociraptor, which, despite Steven Spielberg's entertaining accuracy of dinosaurs, did not thrive during the Jurassic but in the Late Cretaceous. (Illustration by Bob Giuliani.) The term dinosaur ...
77. The Exo-Synchronous Molecular Evolutionary Clock [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... size and direction being a function of the characteristics and degree of severity of the episode and thus explain why physiological evolution does not have the clocklike effect of DNA evolution. The effects of the upsets would come into play by natural selection during the relatively benign time between these events. The degree and selectiveness of the destruction of life and of extinction of species caused by the upsets would affect the subsequent competition which would be faced by different species, both surviving and new. The type and degree of change to the physical environment would also affect this same competition. The world-wide effect of an episode, especially of the weaker ones, would not necessarily tend to be uniform geographically by ...
78. Radioactive Fossil Bones (Comments) [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... possible effects of supernovae in the vicinity of the solar system. These would have destroyed the ozone layer and allowed solar ultraviolet radiation to reach the base of the atmosphere relatively unimpeded. A wave of high energy particles could increase background radiation at ground level by some 5,000 times or more. This combination of stresses might have produced the extinctions at the end of the age of reptiles, while being "mild" enough, from the point of view of their climatic effects, to have permitted the survival of small animals in fresh water streams, which depend largely on nutrients derived from land plants. Nearby supernovae are very rare events, and would occur at lethal distances on ...
79. Darwin. Ch.2 To Know And Not To Know (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... passages in Earth in Upheaval): "It is impossible to reflect on the changed state of the American continent without the deepest astonishment. Formerly it must have swarmed with great monsters: now we find mere pigmies, compared with the antecedent, allied races." He continued: "The greater number, if not all, of these extinct quadrupeds lived at a late period, and were the contemporaries of most of the existing sea-shells. Since they lived, no very great change in the form of the land can have taken place. What, then, has exterminated so many species and whole genera? The mind at first is irresistibly hurried into the belief of some great ...
80. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... through our galaxy. A further refinement of this theory is the authors' "supernova" theory. McCrea et al have published a number of papers in recent years attributing the demise of the dinosaurs to an eruption of a supernova: in this paper we find them giving I. Shklovsky credit for his suggestion some 20 years ago that the extinction of the dinosaurs may have been caused by a nearby supernova. Comets are discussed as "close encounters of the third kind", where Lambert and Ralph Glaber get a mention. The idea that life on Earth may have started 4000 million years ago with a collision with a comet (Hoyle & Wickramasinghe theory) is also brought into ...
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