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76 pages of results. 61. For the Record. . . [Journals] [Kronos]
... (emphasis in this paragraph added). ". . .in catastrophic evolution, the simultaneous mutation of many genes could produce a new species at the first fertilization; all the offspring of a litter could be affected similarly.... The observation that healthy species of animals, like mammoths, with no sign of degeneration suddenly became extinct greatly troubled the evolutionists. This fact is unexplainable by natural selection or the principle of competition; not so by the catastrophic intervention of nature [Cf. W in C, "The Mammoths"].... Natural selection had its role, too, but not in procreating new species; it was a decisive factor in ...
62. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... may have been in the heavens, it was not a detailed mathematical measurement of these which left the structure as we view it today. Jill Abery, 1988 All That Glisters is not Gould Books Reviewed S. M. Stanley: Earth and Life through Time, (Freeman, New York, 1986) S. M. Stanley: Extinction, (Scientific American Books, New York, 1987). The glittering reputation of Stephen J. Gould (see C & C Review IX, pp. 45-48) has to some extent drawn public attention away from another American palaeontologist, Steven M. Stanley. Stanley teaches at John Hopkins University and is a Research Associate of the ...
63. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... small version of the Grand Canyon on the island of Kauai of the Hawaiian archipelago, a group of six trees of a hitherto unknown species of the Hibiscadelphus genus has apparently been found. The genus itself is a small one, confined to the Hawaiian islands and considered, because of its paucity of individuals, to be on the verge of extinction, it being assumed that it was formerly a flourishing group. Are small, struggling groups of organisms, however, necessarily just survivors? In many cases this may unfortunately be true, due to the wholesale destruction of the environment by man, but could some examples represent the potential beginnings of a new species? The Hibiscadelphus genus consists ...
64. Geology And Archaeology. Ch.13 Collapsing Schemes (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... containing fossils and artifacts ' and it repeated itself in a great many places. A. S. Romer brought together a wealth of material to show the late survival of Pleistocene fauna and was widely quoted by archaeologists. A. L. Kroeber sees no easy way to avoid the conclusion that "some of the associations of human artifacts with extinct animals may be no more than three thousand years old" and not "twenty-five thousand years old."1 Like Jones, he assumes that the Ice Age fauna survived until such a recent time by going through a process of slow extinction. But the idea of the slow and gradual extinction of Ice Age fauna is opposed by students ...
65. Poleshift [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... is strongly contradicted by this evidence. Henceforth, I will use the term poleshift to denote both a sudden, large plate tectonic shift with a geographical poleshift. How much each contributed to the changes in climate and meteorological patterns cannot yet be assessed. The problem for the beginning and ending of the Ice Age, like that of the Pleistocene extinction, is still unknown and highly controversial. This is admitted by several scientists who have devoted their lives to Quaternary research. For example, Flint states, "Let us admit at once that we do not know what are the basic causes of climate change. Although nearly 150 years [now 175 years] have elapsed since the Glacial ...
66. A Firmament. Ch.2 To Know And Not To Know (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... numerous animal species at the end of the Pleistocene, or Ice Age, at the beginning of the Neolithic period. I cited a paper that Eiseley published in 1943 when he was with the University of Kansas, quoting an observer of the awe-inspiring scene spread all over Alaska: .. .in certain regions of Alaska the bones of these extinct animals lie so thickly scattered that there can be no question of human handiwork involved. Though man was on the scene of the final perishing, his was not, then, the appetite nor the capacity for such giant slaughter. Because of the wholesale and rapid extermination of fauna, Eiseley maintained, "it seems impossible to attribute the ...
67. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... velocity and leave Mars orbit, for if they were sufficient, Earth ought to receive meteorites of lunar origin. No such lunar-origin meteorites have been found. Readers will recognise here that a Velikovskian scenario solves all the difficulties of their hypothesis. (Perhaps we should start looking for shergottites in the area around Jerusalem?) TEKTITE FALLS AND CENOZOIC EXTINCTIONS It has been suggested that tektites are of extra-terrestrial origin (e .g . see J.A . O'Keefe Tektites and Their Origin N.Y . 1976). Their occurrence has also been linked with the extinctions of the Cenozoic era in a theory of H.C . Urey ( Nature 242, 32-3 1973). One ...
68. Catastrophes: the Diluvial Evidence [Journals] [SIS Review]
... column shows alternate saltwater (marin) and freshwater (eau douce) formations, whilst at the bottom right is a layer of detrital silt' (limon d'atterrissement). As an indication of the speed of action of the most recent of the révolutions, if not the others, Cuvier drew attention to the discovery of unputrified carcasses of large extinct mammals such as mammoths in frozen lands to the north, reports of which reached Paris in 1807. Later, in 1829, Léonce Élie de Beaumont (1798-1874) suggested a possible mechanism for the révolutions, arguing that even if the Earth was cooling slowly and gradually as Buffon proposed, and that the reduction in volume led to mountain ...
69. The Animal that Changed the Course of World History: The Mammoth [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... . The mammoth was a prize catch for ice-age hunters. Its meat was tasty and plentiful. Its hide, sinews, and tusks were used for clothing and for building homes. The very life of ice-age communities depended on this useful animal. When a global change in the climate occurred some twelve thousand years ago, and the mammoth became extinct, humans had to look for another way of obtaining their daily bread- or rather, protein. This critical search ended with the emergence and spread of husbandry and stock raising. These practices, in their turn, changed all humanity, little by little: there followed as an outcome of this situation surpluses of victuals and products for ...
70. Global Catastrophes: New Evidence from Astronomy, Biology and Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... solar system in that era: the presence of at least one giant comet, and numerous smaller ones, on earth crossing orbits, gradually declining in activity between the 10th and 1st millennia BC. He concluded by describing the visual and catastrophic effects that would result from the Earth periodically passing through the ring of debris formed by the comet. Extinction and evolution Biochemist Dr Trevor Palmer After lunch, Dr Trevor Palmer, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry at Trent Polytechnic, took over where Clube had left off by giving a comprehensive overview of the biological effects of meteorite bombardment. Assuming the basic validity of Clube and Napier's calculations, the Earth must have suffered several large impacts during the period since ...
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