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76 pages of results. 51. Linking Giant Impact Craters to Mass Extinctions [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... 120 members from 20 countries from around the globe and includes some of the leading astronomers, Earth scientists, historians, science journalists and other people concerned about the hazards from space. In addition to the conference topics, many other issues have been addressed on the CCNet over the months, including: The British School of Neo-Catastrophism; The Mass Extinctions Debate; Historical Catastrophism & Civilisation Collapse; Cometary Impacts and the Origins of Life on Earth; Assessing the Impact Hazard: How dangerous are NEOs?; The Implications of Neo-Catastrophism on Science, Philosophy & Religion. The electronic archive of the CCNet can be found at http://abob.libs.uga.edu/bobk ...
52. Arctic Tundra Mammoth Steppe Or Velikovskian Poleshift? [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... in the arctic region, essentially comes down to the food supply. According to Pielou: "The fossil record shows that many species of large mammals lived there [in the arctic], for example, among vegetarians, wooly mammoths, mastodon, woodland muskox, western camel, Lambe's horse, and long-horned or steppe bison, all now extinct. Other, still extant, herbivores were also residents: caribou, tundra muskox, wapiti or elk, and Dall's sheep. Preying on them were short-faced bear, American lion, and the sabertooth cat, all now extinct, and the extant grizzly bear, wolf and wolverine.... The problem is: How did such ...
53. Polymathics and Catastrophism: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Problems of Evolutionary Theory [Journals] [Kronos]
... inferred to have bracketed eras, such as the Mesozoic; meso-catastrophes, to have bracketed periods, such as the Cambrian; and micro-catastrophes, to have bracketed epochs, such as the Pleistocene. At time-zone boundaries, the three types of biological event that signal radical discontinuity with the evolutionary past are, in order of decisiveness: (1 ) extinction, (2 ) speciation, and (3 ) biotic dominance. Unfortunately, biologists are inconsistent in their use of these terms, with the result that further qualifications and distinctions need to be made before they can be employed without ambiguity. The most salient type of extinction is what may be described as phyletic death without issue. In ...
54. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the circles, zigzags and spirals. At Stonehenge itself the erection of 4 bluestones around 2500 BC indicated a change from Moon worship to Sun worship. The mystery of the Long Man of Wilmington, a massive figure carved into the chalk hillside of southern England, has also been solved; he was a surveyor holding his measuring tools. Mammoth extinctions National Geographic February 1992, geographica; New Scientist 2.5 .92, p. 14 A mathematical computer programme run by an archaeologist showing varying population densities of early man and mammoths in North America shows that for thousands of years after the first arrival of men there would be no effect upon the mammoths but when the human population ...
55. On the Disproportion between Geological Time and Historical Time. Part Two - of Earth, Fire and Water [Journals] [SIS Review]
... have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils." [5 ] The one evolutionary burst that created the entire system' is the Cambrian explosion, when in the space of just 5 million years all modern phyla, as well as many phyla now extinct, appeared suddenly out of nowhere [6 ]. Four-fifths of the story of evolution - occupying the 2,900 million years of so-called Archaeozoic rock prior to the Cambrian - must be presumed to have gone on unrecorded. Undoubtedly the most spectacular repository of Cambrian life is the Burgess Shale, where (again quoting Gould) we see ...
56. Life Extinctions by Cosmic Ray Jets [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1998:2 (Dec 1998) Home | Issue Contents Life Extinctions by Cosmic Ray Jets 26 June 1998 From Rolf Sinclair/NSF Physics Division <rsinclai@nsf.gov> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 13:57:27 -0400 (EDT) From: physnews@aip.org (AIP listserver) To: physnews-mailing@aip.org Subject: update.379 Physics News Update The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News Number 379 June 25, 1998 by Phillip F. Schewe and Ben Stein, Life Extinctions by Cosmic Ray Jets. Several reasons have been put forward to explain past periods of mass extinction on the ...
57. The Erratic Descent of Man [Journals] [SIS Review]
... mid-Oligocene epoch, 33 million years (Myr) ago, this cold current between Australia and Antarctica was strong enough to result in the growth of glaciers on Antarctica and the transmission of cooler temperatures to other regions of the world by winds and ocean currents. There was a marked fall in sea level at this time, and scattered episodes of extinctions [17,18]. Impacts of asteroids or comets occurred about 39, 38 and 32 Myr ago, as evidenced by microtektite fields in the Caribbean, but none of these seem precisely associated with extinctions [19,20]. Continental drift was bringing Africa closer to Eurasia, but by 30 Myr ago these continents were still ...
58. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Catastrophism Workshop 1991 No 2 (Jan 1992) Home | Issue Contents Monitor Shades of Velikovsky New Scientist 14.9 .91, pp. 46-49 and 21.9 .91, pp. 30-34 Two major articles by leading professors David Raup and Neville Symonds give more body blows to neo-Darwinism. David Salkeld writes: - Raup's article "Extinction: bad genes or bad luck" is the first instance I've seen of a real discussion of extinction in the conventional literature. I think Velikovsky was invited to debate his evolutionary ideas with an opponent provided extinction was excluded: if that's correct it suggests that the problems Raup is now raising were well known 40 years ago but the climate ...
59. The Establishment of Gradualism [Books]
... catastrophes for, on each occasion, almost all the animals and plants then living were annihilated, a new set emerging in the aftermath, as judged by the fossils found in the rocks. As evidence of the speed of the process, at least concerning the most recent catastrophe, Cuvier drew attention to the discovery of unputrified carcasses of large extinct mammals in the northern ice. Later, Cuvier's pupil, Jean Baptiste Léonce Élie de Beaumont (1798-1874), argued that even if the Earth was cooling slowly and gradually as Buffon had proposed, and that the reduction in volume led to mountain building, then this latter process was still likely to occur in an episodic and catastrophic fashion ...
... in Great Britain in 1994 by the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies in association with The Nottingham Trent University (c ) Copyright Trevor Palmer, 1993 Society for Interdisciplinary Studies ISBN 0 9514307 1 8 Nottingham Trent University ISBN 0 905488 20 2 Cover photograph: Fossil (incomplete) of an ammonoid. The Ammonoida, a subclass of the Cephalopoda, became extinct during the Cretaceous-Tertiary transition. (Photograph: Maggie Martin) Preface Catastrophism, Neocatastrophism and Evolution tells how prevailing views of patterns and processes in the evolution of life on Earth have changed in a significant fashion over the past few years. In 1959, the centenary of the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species by means of ...
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