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76 pages of results. 41. The Geological Record And Changing Forms Of Life. Ch.15 Cataclysmic Evolution (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... Darwin did not even take into consideration. What kind of an answer to his problem, therefore, could Darwin propose? "Blank intervals of vast duration, as far as the fossils are concerned, occurred. . . . During these long and blank intervals I suppose that the inhabitants of each region underwent a considerable amount of modification and extinction. . . ." Hence the parallelism of changes in fauna and flora in similar strata around the world is not a true time-parallelism. "The order would falsely appear to be strictly parallel." Darwin then considered "The Absence of Numerous Intermediate Varieties in Any Single Formation," and wrote: "If we confine our attention ...
42. Catastrophic Events & Mass Extinctions Impacts & Beyond [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2000:1 (May 2000) Home | Issue Contents Catastrophic Events & Mass Extinctions Impacts & Beyond CCNet, 6 January 2000 Vienna, 9-12 July 2000, Geozentrum, University of Vienna, Austria. You are cordially invited to participate in the international conference on Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond, to be held at the University of Vienna, Austria, from Sunday, July 9, 2000, to Wednesday, July 12, 2000. Possible topics include, the following: * Crises in Earth history * Proterozoic Snowball Earth * Late Devonian extinctions * Permian-Triassic boundary * Triassic-Jurassic boundary * Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary * Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary * other boundary events ...
43. The Erratic Descent of Man [Books]
... molecular clock could not exist was a reaction to a particularly bizarre piece of theoretical nonsense, orthogenesis, that had entranced evolutionary biologists for several decades early in the century. The notion was that evolution was driven internally and inexorably in particular directions and at a steady rate. According to this theory, sabre-toothed tigers were the agents of their own extinction, because, having begun to elongate in dramatic fashion, their long, curved canines were destined to grow longer still, eventually leaving the animals incapable of closing their jaws. Extinct, with their mouths agape. Similarly, certain oysters, Gryphea, alive in the Mesozoic era evolved themselves out of existence, because, following an internal ...
44. Quantavolution of the Biosphere: Homo Sapiens [Books] [de Grazia books]
... From: Solaria Binaria, by Alfred De Grazia and Earl R. Milton Home | Issue Contents CHAPTER TWELVE Quantavolution of the Biosphere: Homo Sapiens Subjected to the effects of an unstable star, Earth's biosphere quantavoluted by extinction and genetic realization into the present form. To be emphasized here are the recent wave of genetic realization and the advent of Homo sapiens as an observer of the history of Solaria Binaria in its last stage. Radiometric chronology and geochronometry based upon gradual stratification are incongruent with the model of Solaria Binaria. The fossil record, which is the guarantor of traditional geochronometry for the phanerozoic era, is generally acknowledged to be fragmentary, disjointed, and anomalistic (Ager, ...
45. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... or from north-north-east to south-south-west, as at present is the direction of the Ecliptic Pole, so at one time that part of the earth was the position of the then North Pole. By a series of huge dumpings or deposits, by means of tremendous impacts, was age after age built up, and by the linear direction of volcanoes extinct or alive can a prior period of the world's history be identified. Such is the theory advanced. It is shown how these meteor deposits, volcanoes, gradually cool and die out like a fire unless they are renovated by other meteor impacts which may strengthen and increase them as is the case with many volcanoes. An active volcano, ...
46. Were All Dinosaurs Reptiles? [Journals] [Kronos]
... perished, but before perishing it left its mark- its footprints. The antiquity of the geological strata in which fossils are found is measured by tens and hundreds of millions of years. However, all conclusions of geology must be revised in a very definite manner. It is possible that not tens of millions of years lay between the full extinction of the large Dinosauria and our age, but only some thousands of years. The evolution of species, as it would proceed in a world not disturbed by catastrophes, would require for its course quite a different span of time than if cataclysms intervened; cataclysms could do in only hours or weeks for what evolution would require millennia to ...
47. The Velikovskian Vol. III. Nos. 2-3 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1997:1 (Sep 1997) Home | Issue Contents The Velikovskian Vol. III. Nos. 2-3 The Extinction of the Mammoths (303pp) by Charles Ginenthal, is a special double-issue of the Velikovskian. Did the mammoths live in Alaska and Siberia during the Ice Age? Pollen research emphatically denies this. Could the bones, tusks, and bodies of mammoths have been buried gradually and preserved in the tundra? Recent studies prove this could not have occurred. Did the poles of the Earth shift, and is there fundamental evidence to prove this? Yes! Plant geography presents solid support that the orientation of the poles was less oblique when ...
48. Book Review [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... due to the same preconceived idea. South America, effectively isolated as a land mass during most of the Tertiary Period, became connected to Central and North America via the Panamanian Isthmus during the Pliocene Epoch. The preconceived orthodox idea is that in the resulting mammalian exchanges and consequent Darwinian struggle for existence the northern types proved superior and caused the extinction of many southern types. Myers, after incorrectly inferring that Simpson is telling how the "geologic joining of South and North America during the Pliocene" was responsible for "a climax of extinctions and speciation some 5 million years ago", finally laments Simpson's lack of comment about the workings of evolution and the causes of these extinctions: ...
49. The Velikovskian Vol. III, No. 2 & 3: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... From: The Velikovskian Vol. III, No. 2 Texts Home | Velikovskian Home The Velikovskian The Journal of Myth, History and Science Vol. III, No. 2 & 3 (1997)Quota pars operis tanti nobis committitur CONTENTS The Problem of the Extinction. The Age of Man in America. The Hunting or Blitzkreig Theory. The Climate Hypothesis. Arctic Tundra: Mammoth Steppe or Velikovskian Poleshift? The Environment and Preservation of the Mammoth. Radiocarbon Dating the Extinction. Poleshift. Uniformitarian or Catastrophist? Ice Age Theory. Poleshifts, Catastrophes and Myths. Did the mammoth live in Alaska and Siberia during the Ice Age? Pollen research emphatically denies this. Could the ...
50. On Ecological Niches in Evolution [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... ) a new - often more hostile - environment is created which should apply a lot of pressure for change; and (b ) a seemingly valid alternative explanation would be that the ecological niche' thesis is itself invalid. In any case, does new' in this niche context mean the vacation of one or more existing niches by the extinction of a previously extant species' (which is what lines 15-16 suggest); the extension of an existing type of niche into an area previously classified as of a different type' - as, for instance, when the sea invades erstwhile dry land (see line 19); the creation of a type of niche that did not ...
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