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754 results found.
76 pages of results. 261. Spectres [Books] [de Grazia books]
... help others. The prognosis of the group is poor. Studies of the aftermath of Hiroshima have shown this to be the case. Each succeeding horrible sight is seen by eyes becoming too jaded to respond. We should bear in mind, too, that Hiroshima was a local event, a minute fraction of what many a fossil agglomeration and extinct volcano chain tells us once happened. When we see millions of trees all felled at once buried in the Fens of England, a blast many times greater than Hiroshima has to be postulated. After the explosion and tidal wave of Krakatoa, a survivor spoke of scenes "too horrible to remember; incidents that reminded of the animal instinct ...
262. Alternatives in Science: The Secular Creationism of Heribert Nilsson [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 4 (Summer 1982) "Evolution, Extinction, and Catastrophism" Home | Issue Contents Alternatives in Science: The Secular Creationism of Heribert Nilsson Bennison Gray The memorable exchange of letters in KRONOS about the baleen whale found standing on its tail in a diatomaceous-earth quarry in Lompoc, California, concluded with Frederic Jueneman's lament (1977) that secular catastrophism is less heard of than is sacred catastrophism. Perhaps there will be some consolation in learning that secular creationism is hardly heard of at all. Yet it does exist. There are reasonable alternatives in science that the establishment never acknowledges. The increasing popularity of Biblical creationism as championed by the ...
263. Abbreviations, Glossary and Bibliography [Books] [de Grazia books]
... ); (1963: 219, 219) Aller, Lawrence H. (1974), "Star" in Ency. Brit., Macro. 17 (Chicago), pp. 584-604; (p . 603) see Ross Alvarez, Luis W., et al. (1980), "Extraterrestrial Cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction", Science 208 (6 Jun.), pp. 1095- 1108; also, Russell, Dale A., "The Mass Extinctions of the Late Mesozoic", Scientific American 246 (Jan. 1982), pp. 58-65 Alvarez, Walter, see Alvarez, L. W. Aristotle, On the Heavens, ...
... the nucleus would form an active volcano, large or small as the case might be, the remainder fell behind, or around, over a wide area. This is shown more clearly in a later chapter concerned with the composition of meteoric bodies. As a general rule it may, therefore, be laid down that the oldest lands betray extinct volcanoes and the younger ones, because laid down last, possess active ones. Yet this is not precisely correct, for the reason that any predominant volcanic mass or masses may survive in the oldest lands. It is the case in several of the Polynesian Islands, where volcanic activity was more pronounced formerly than anywhere else in the world ...
265. The Burning of Troy [Books] [de Grazia books]
... and succumbed to exhaustion in the hot ash-laden and gas-polluted air, the fall of ashes was not great enough to bury houses. The fall-out colors are not well-described; at least white, gray, black, brown, green, and red material was mentioned. Examining the territory around Troy (modern Hisarlik), we find no active or extinct volcanoes [21]. Mount Ida, famous in Homer, is 30 miles to the Southwest of Hisarlik. It is not reported as an active or extinct volcano. At 30 miles of distance, in order to have caused an ash-rain that would bury Troy, it would have had to explode in successive bursts of fury, exceeding ...
266. Forum Part Two [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . It started during the early 1980s, when Louis Alvarez and his colleagues discovered anomalously high concentrations of iridium in the clay layer which marks the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K /T ) boundary. Since iridium is not found in these extreme concentrations in the Earth's crust it was linked to iridium-rich cosmic agents which, subsequently, were made responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. During the last decade mainstream scientists and the obedient public have gradually accepted the idea of global disasters caused by extra-terrestrial bodies. The most important factor for this paradigm shift, however, was the testability of this catastrophe hypothesis. If, as was claimed, a global disaster of cosmic origin had ever struck the Earth ...
267. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... events combined with an unwarranted extrapolation to global impact". Perhaps some examples may be, but Earth in Upheaval does contain a wealth of evidence on catastrophes of a global extent; and it was written without the benefit of the enormous amount of research carried out during the last two decades, showing almost incontrovertible correlations of such phenomena as faunal extinctions, tektite falls, volcanic maxima, climatic changes, glacial retreats and advances, sea-level changes and geomagnetic reversals. Gould, like every good geologist, should be well acquainted with the scores of papers on these correlations in Nature and other journals. Gould's next criticism, "the exclusive use of outdated sources", is pure nonsense. ...
268. A Rage to Deny: The Roots of the Velikovsky Affair [Books]
... onto the world because that is desperately how we want to see it. When we contend that the cosmos was hot balls of fire and explosion but now it is settling down to a perfect clockwork, that life was reptiles and dinosaurs and giant animals but now it is settling down, that the earth experienced impacts and ice ages and vast extinctions but now it is settling down, we can see that this is merely a myth which we have created and which we then blindly extend to civilization (people were savage and wild and primitive but now they are settling down) or to religious values (societies were pantheistic, sacrificial and polytheistic, but now the true religion is perceived ...
269. Kronos Vol. VII, No. 4 Summer 1982: Contents [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII, No. 4 Summer 1982 Texts Home | Kronos Home KRONOS A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis Vol. VII, No. 4 Summer 1982 Evolution, Extinction, and Catastrophism TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 How to Defuse a Feud Norman Macbeth 5 Editorial Postscript C. Leroy Ellenberger 8 Alternatives in Science: The Secular Creationism of Heribert Nilsson Bennison Gray 26 Ever Since Darwin: A Review Peter J. James 33 Darwin's Unfalsifiable Theory Tom Bethell 38 On Velikovsky and Darwin Lynn E. Rose 40 Beyond the Mountains of Darkness. The Search for the Ten Lost Tribes Immanuel Velikovsky 48 On Comets, Comet-Like Luminous Apparitions and Meteors Ilse Fuhr SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT - Catastrophism and ...
270. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the excavation to a parallel-sided gouge in the Earth that afterward fills with water. A few thousand years later, a geologist comes along with a strip of geologic record that stretches those few abrupt minutes into gradual millions of years. If modern theories of astronomy and geology are vulnerable to chromatographic suspicion, can biology be far behind? Speciation and extinction events color large areas on the paper of evolution. If they began as catastrophic ink blots, the chromatographic properties of natural selection would slowly but surely bleed those colorful moments into pastel millennia. A bit of color has been restored to moments of extinction with proposals of impacts from asteroids and comets. It's fairly easy to kill off large ...
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