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76 pages of results. 91. Geomagnetic Reversals? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... who sees present measurements of the field as evidence of an exponential decay compatible only with a catastrophic origin within the last few thousand years (SISR II:2 , 1977, 42 - 46, with response by John Milsom, and II:4 1978, 110-111). Recently, geomagnetic reversals have been connected with such phenomena as faunal extinctions, ice ages, geological change, falls of tektites, vulcanism and even cultural discontinuities. (For interpretations of the simultaneity of some of these phenomena attributing the events to enhanced radiation, which might be considered in conjunction with a zero-state geomagnetic field, see papers by Schindewolf, Salop, Aspden and Kloosterman in Catastrophist Geology 2 No. ...
... CD Home | Contents Part Three: Volcanic Powers And Limitations II - Volcanoes and their Eruption VOLCANOES are usually divided into three categories: active, those bursting forth into eruption more or less frequently, such as Etna; dormant, those active in historic times, but long quiescent, like Monte Nuovo in the Phiegrean Fields of Italy; and extinct, those which have shown no activity over a prolonged period and yield no sign of functioning, like the volcanoes of South Wales, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall. Yet it is difficult to be sure of any classification. Mount Popocatepeti, Mexico, for example, in February 1925 burst suddenly into eruption after having lain dormant for ...
93. Gases, Poisons and Food [Books] [de Grazia books]
... atmosphere by the repulsion of its surroundings, but driven down to Earth's surface by decrease in the repulsion, until ultimately a "soft explosion extinguished the oxygen available to human and replaced it by methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide or these together. We turn next to the famous case of the mammoths, not waiting for the chapter on extinction [6 ]. One almost should say the "deathless" case, for it has endured the whole battle between catastrophists and uniformitarians, two hundred years - except that now it may even become the case of the "deathless" mammoth, for a late news report tells us that certain Russian experimenters are seeking to unfreeze and clone ...
94. The Siwalik Hills. Ch.6 Mountains And Rifts (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents The Siwalik Hills The Siwalik Hills are in the foothills of the Himalayas, north of Delhi; they extend for several hundred miles and are 2 000 to 3 000 feet high. In the nineteenth century their unusually rich fossil beds drew the attention of scientists. Animal bones of species and genera, living and extinct, were found there in most amazing profusion. Some of the animals looked as though nature had conducted an abortive experiment with them and had discarded the species as not fit for life. The carapace of a tortoise twenty feet long was found there; how could such an animal have moved on hilly terrain?1 The Elephas ganesa, ...
95. 'No Impact': René Gallant (1906-1985) [Books]
... Gallant deserves recall for having helped to establish the important interrelationships between the now sadly separate sciences of History, Archaeology, Astronomy, Mathematics, Geology and Biology in his truly interdisciplinary book of 1964 [4 ] . But opinions of the merits of this book have been as divided as opinions on the meteorite-impact hypothesis' as an explanation of mass extinctions in the geological record. In a letter to me (dated 23/9 /1994) the pioneer of meteoritics, Robert Dietz (1914-1995) [5 ] wrote that Bombarded Earth had "little scientific merit. It is the work of a rank amateur and, if anything, set the science of impactology' back". ...
96. Doomsday: The Science of Catastrophe by Fred Warshofsky [Journals] [Kronos]
... writer, has here produced an excellent short overview of catastrophic theories on nearly everything from the "Big Bang" that could have created the cosmos to the thermonuclear holocaust that may terminate social order on Earth. Of the twelve chapters in the book, the three best seem to me to be those on myths, ice ages, and phyletic extinctions. Admirers of Immanuel Velikovsky will, I think, be almost equally pleased with chapter 3, "Worlds in Collision" (pp. 35-63 in the paperback edition), which gives one of the clearest and fairest summaries of "The Velikovsky Affair" that I have ever read. To be sure, Velikovskian literature is now so ...
97. Epilogue (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... major role in cosmic processes. Youthful features have been found on Venus and Mars. Jupiter and Saturn have been found to be considerably more active than the cold, dead planets they were thought to be. Recent space data have led some astronomers to consider that Mercury, and the satellites of Saturn underwent major orbital changes. Repeated major faunal extinctions are now thought to have been caused by extraterrestrial impacts. Even in the field of archaeology, where the available evidence grows more slowly than in the space sciences, more and more findings have confirmed Velikovsky's earlier claims. On the basis of his understanding that Venus is a relative newcomer to the planetary system, Velikovsky claimed that the planet ...
98. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... herbivores and the environment all make sense. Far from being, as portrayed in lost world' films, roaring statues who would have difficulty catching any self-respecting tortoise, Tyrannosaurus rex could run as fast as today's predators, if Bakker has interpreted correctly the evidence of dinosaur footprints. So, if dinosaurs were so successful, why did they become extinct? Bakker does not doubt the significance of extinction events. The rise of the dinosaurs in the first place was helped by the mid Permian (Kazanian) and late Permian extinctions of proto-mammals. The proto-dinosaurs (thecodonts) became extinct at the end of the Triassic, to be replaced by the dinosaurs themselves, and the high-browsing dinosaurs of ...
99. Darwin In South America. Ch.3 Uniformity (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... . He wrote later that these observations served as the "origin of all my views." His observations were made in the Southern Hemisphere and more particularly in South America, a continent that had attracted the attention of naturalists since the exploration travels of Alexander von Humboldt (1799-1804). Darwin was impressed by the numerous assemblages of fossils of extinct animals, mostly of much greater size than species now living; these fossils spoke of a flourishing fauna that suddenly came to its end in a recent geological age. He wrote under January 9, 1834, in the journal of his voyage: "It is impossible to reflect on the changed state of the American continent without the deepest ...
100. Catastrophism and the Mammoths- III (Vox Populi) [Journals] [Kronos]
... cold-loving species and from representations in paleolithic cave art. To judge by Cardona's example, however, this approach would seem to be subject to misconstruction and abuse. When, unfortunately, Cardona cites the association of mammoth remains with those of ostriches, he is clearly the victim of the loose terminology used by careless writers who often refer to any extinct elephant species as "mammoths", whereas the taxon with which we are concerned is specifically the woolly mammoth, i.e ., Mammuthus primigenius. Just as Cardona is to be forgiven for such credulity, so ought he to be excused his interesting, though irrelevant, 160-word digression upon the vexed issue of just how straight the ...
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