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1190 results found.
119 pages of results. 741. Aeon Volume IV, Number 2: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... published some of her poetry, together with short fiction non-fiction pieces. James Strickling is an engineer in the telecommunications industry. His avocation, however, ranges far beyond the sphere of his profession. Long engaged in independent research in natural science, ancient history, and prehistory, he has published various philosophical and analytical papers dealing with creation and evolution. He is also the author of Origins: Today's Science, Tomorrow's Myth. Martin Sieff, State Department correspondent for the Washington Times, has twice been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting. He is one of the four founders of the British Society for Interdisciplinary Studies. He has served as an associate editor for the SIS ...
742. How Good A Navigator was Columbus? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the planets, may have been convinced of this as a result of witnessing, in 1692, a modest change in the heavens, not explainable by his Laws of Motion. It is also likely that climate change during the Little Ice Ages was due to modest movement of the Poles. Notes and References 1. Ron Redfern, , The Evolution of Continents Origins and Life, p. 310. 2. Gavin Menzies, 1421. The Year China Discovered the World, Bantam Press, 2002, p. 349. 3. Cecil Jane, The Journal of Christopher Columbus, Anthony Blond & Orion Press, 1960, p. 18. 4. Op. cit., ...
743. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of physics and overturns Newton's Law of Gravitation and Einstein's theories of Relativity. Her ideas are so radical that academic libraries have been warned not to buy the book. Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Darwinism by M.J . Behe, 1996, $25 As the title suggests this is a new slant on the subject of evolution, indicating that more than Darwinistic mechanisms must be involved. The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy by Charles Officer and J. Page, 1996, $23.00 No, not another book about the CT impact but a refutation of this theory by some geologists. It seems that the theory has gained acceptance due more to the pushing power ...
744. The History of Britain Revealed by M. J. Harper (Book review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Catalan, Italian, Provençale and French all resemble each other in the way in which they reflect their geographical distribution, but they do not resemble their supposed Latin mother language to anything like the same degree. Is it possible that written Latin was originally a formal shorthand for communication? In passing, he takes some well-directed swipes at geology, evolution, and historians and their chronologies, with a particularly amusing section about Egypt, the Near East and ancient Greece. His description of how historians deal with the various 500 year gap anomalies in these regions indi- cates more than a passing familiarity with the works of Velikovsky. Harper's turns of phrase are delightful and revisionist readers should enjoy ...
745. Editorial [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Publications As reported in SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Review 1998:1 , the 1997 Cambridge Conference Proceedings have been published, and are available from the Society to members at a reduced price, full details can be found on page 3. And Trevor Palmer who recently stepped down as SIS Chairman has a new book out, Controversy. Catastrophism and Evolution: The Ongoing Debate, (see page 3). SIS Silver Jubilee Event Next year sees the 25th anniversary of the Society, and a combined celebration and conference are planned for 17th-19th September 1999. Some more speakers have been confirmed, and full details can be found on page 5. Balance I've changed the balance of information in ...
746. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... earlier than establishment archaeologists believe. Bye Bye Big Bang: Hello Reality by W. C. Mitchell, $19 95 A massive collection of cosmological anomalies. Acquiring Genomes: a Theory of the Origins of Species by L. Margulis and D. Sagan, $25 95 The authors argue that natural selection is only of marginal importance in evolution. More important is the acquisition of genomes from other life forms. ...
747. Aeon Volume IV, Number 1: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Editor of KRONOS and is currently the publisher of AEON. He is presently preparing two manuscripts for publication: The Many Faces of Venus, and The Mars Myth. Brian Stross (Ph.D ., University of California at Berkeley), Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin, is the author of The Origin and Evolution of Language. He has conducted extensive linguistic and anthropological field research in Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, and has engaged in a study of the Mayan languages. ...
748. In Memoriam: René Gallant, a Pioneer of Modern Catastrophism [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a member. We still hope to see some of the fruits of his research appearing in SISR. For the meantime, a few words from René himself might help to give an idea of his refreshing approach to interpretation in the Earth sciences, as well as his respect for the value of human traditions: "Is the theory of slow evolution or uniformity based on a really scientific' approach? What do we really know of the historical past' (the period for which we have written human records) and what does it represent compared with the length of geological time? At best, written records may refer to times dating as far back as 7000 years from the present ...
749. Catastrophist Geology Year 2, No 1 [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... does it clarify what catastrophist geology is about? does it focus on subjects neglected or tabooed in the mainstream geological journals? Cover design based on engravngs of mammoths in Font de Gaume cave, Dordogne, France. In forthcoming Issue Otto H. Schindewolf (1896-1971) on catastrophism in palaeontology L.I . Salop on glaciation and crises in evolution Haroun Tazieff on the formation of guyots Pietro Passerini on knowledge and entropy Peter Chadwick on creativeity in geology TEMPORARY CHANGE OF ADDRESS From the middle of December 1977 to the middle of March 1978 1 can be reached at the following address: a/s "Schaarweide", Utrechtseweg 75, Zeist, HOLLAND. Mail sent in that period ...
750. Editor's Notes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... : Charles Ginenthal c/o Ivy Press Books, 65-35 108th Street Suite D15, Forest Hills, NY 11375, USA. Workshop Notebooks including slides and background notes: Symbols of an Alien Sky by David Talbott reconstructs the planetary environment when planets moved close to the Earth. The Electrical Universe by Wallace Thornhill gives a new understanding of the evolution of the solar system based on plasma physics. These workshop notebooks are available from Kronia Communications Inc., 8350 SW Greenway, #24, Beaverton, OR 97008, price $24.95 each. The Velikovskian is available from Charles Ginenthal, c/o The Velikovskian, 65-35 108th Street, Suite D15, Forest Hills, ...
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