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1190 results found.
119 pages of results. 731. A LOOK AT THE FUTURE [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Paper presented at the Univ. Of Lethbridge, May 1974. Publ. in E. R. Milton (ed.), Recollections of a Fallen Sky . Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, 1978. 6. B. Warner: "Observations of Dwarf Novae". P. Eggleton et al. (editors): Structure and Evolution of Close Binary Systems (IAU Symp. no. 73), Dordrecht/Boston 1976, p.125. 7. Short item in Av. Week & Space Tech ., June 25, 1979, p.77. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...
732. Book Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... remarkable is that various West African peoples preserve ancient traditions attributing the lake to the fall of a fiery metallic mass. These peoples include the Dogon, the Bambaras and the Mandingoes. On the rating I give this issue all who subscribe will want to renew their subscription as soon as possible and those who have an interest in catastrophic geology or evolution and haven't yet subscribed will want to correct this omission now. - Roy D. MacKinnon. \cdrom\pubs\journals\workshop\no3\13books.htm ...
733. 18 possible planets lacking a star [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... the scientists have found unusually small, cool brown dwarfs. But, judging from previous sky surveys, it would be surprising to find 18 brown dwarfs concentrated in such a relatively small area, according to Zapatero Osorio and her colleagues. "The most intriguing question now," she added, "is how can we explain the formation and evolution of planetary-mass objects outside the solar system?" The other authors of the study are V. J. S. Béjar, of the Instituto de Astrofķsica de Canarias, in Tenerife, Spain; E. L. Martķn, of the California Institute of Technology, in Pasadena, California, and the University of Hawaii, in Honolulu ...
734. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... the book Velikovsky Reconsidered S. K. Vsekhsvyatskii. Professor Vsekhsvyatskii is presently the head of the faculty of astronomy at the University of Kiev. He has published numerous scholarly articles over the past twenty years dealing with the cosmogony of the various small bodies of the solar system. Prof. Vsekhsvyatskii contributed a paper titled "Indications of the Eruptive Evolution of Planetary Bodies" at the 1974 international symposium Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System - which was read in absentia. \cdrom\pubs\journals\kronos\vol0202\119contr.htm ...
735. Evidence For Global Climate Disaster in 3rd Millennium BC [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Weiss's version of events: The worst dry spell of the past 10,000 years began just as the Akkadians' northern stronghold of Tell Leilan was being abandoned, and the drought lasted a devastating 300 years. The new results illustrate, says Weiss, that climate change "is emerging as a new and powerful causal agent" in the evolution of civilization. ...
736. I Samuel and the Habiru-Problem (Review) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... features of somebody's migration. . . ." Peter van der Veen concludes this section with valuable comments on how ibrīm might have derived from " h abīru to migrate." He states that " 'ibrīm probably evolved out of h abiru (a fa'il form) into a Segolat of the forms fa'il/fi'l. We could reconstruct its evolution as follows: ab/ibray < ibrī with the afformative -aj, -ajum, ī to denote either a gentilic or one's belonging to a certain class; compare Akkadian h upu, Hebrew hopsī "freeman/peasant." I find very little to criticize in van der Veen's excellent use of converging and disparate lines of evidence and his ...
737. Aeon Volume IV, Number 3: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Number 3 CONTRIBUTORS David Talbott, the inaugurator of AEON, was also the founder and publisher of Pensée, which produced the series "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered". He is, additionally, the author of The Saturn Myth and various articles which have appeared in KRONOS and AEON. Edward J. Steele is the author of Somatic Selection and Adaptive Evolution: On the Inheritance of Acquired Characters, and is currently involved in further studies at the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Wollongong, Australia, as also at the Division of Cell Biology at the John Curtin School of Medical Research, Canberra, also in Australia. Ev Cochrane is the author of numerous articles on comparative mythology and ...
738. The Moon In Upheaval [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... data suggest that this may be a result of the greater thickness of the low density crust on the farside....Although this may explain why maria occur only on the nearside, the difference in crustal thickness is still unaccounted for. Either the Moon accreted heterogeneously, or else low density crust was at some early stage of lunar evolution, transferred from the nearside to the farside. A possible mechanism for the transfer of vast quantities of crustal material could involve a major impact on the nearside. (40) If, as is suggested, a stupendous impact on the nearside ejected enormous amounts of material which fell primarily on the lunar farside, the impact would have, ...
739. Aeon Volume I, Number 4: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... and to foster a wider debate as to the interpretation of new data. AEON will pursue an interdisciplinary approach. In addition to providing a service to researchers in catastrophist studies, we offer the general reader the possibility of sharing in exciting discovery. AEON is not an institutional journal with a finished product. The papers presented here are still in evolution, looking for comment and criticism from others. Publication in this symposium will, as a rule, involve little or no refereeing and minimal editing, with the primary responsibility for technical accuracy and proofreading resting on the contributors themselves. Specialists in the affected fields are asked to challenge the presented views or to offer alternative explanations of the data ...
740. Vox Popvli [Journals] [Aeon]
... with an Amazon queen?" and not "Did he marry an Amazon Queen?"; and, finally, the caption on page 79 should have read "Did the Amazon Queen Penthesilea...?" in lieu of "Did the Trojan queen Penthesilea...?" References 1. D. Cardona, "The Evolution of the Cosmogonic Egg" and "The Beginning of Time," AEON III:5 (May 1994), pp. 52 ff. 2. See, for instance, D. Talbott, "From Myth to a Physical Model," AEON III:3 (October 1993), pp. 27 ff. 3. ...
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