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1190 results found.
119 pages of results. 721. Aeon Volume IV, Number 4: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... which he has lectured in the United States and England. James E. Strickling is an engineer in the telecommunications industry. His avocation, however, ranges far beyond the sphere of his profession. Long engaged in independent research in natural science, ancient history, and prehistory, he has published various philosophical and analytical papers dealing with creation and evolution. He is also the author of Origins: Today's Science, Tomorrow's Myth. Tammy Jo Eckhart received her MA in Ancient History from Columbia University in New York City and has recently been accepted to a Ph.D . program in Ancient History at Indiana University at Bloomington. She has published scholarly papers and book reviews together with poetry ...
722. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... OVERSEAS PUBLICATIONS SCIENCE TEXT BOOK CONTROVERSIES AND THE POLITICS OF EQUAL TIME (D . Melkin) is currently available from Val Pearce, (57 Meadway, HARPENDEN, Herts) although the stock of this book is limited. The book has been issued from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a comprehensive summary of the controversy over the question of evolution. The price: U.K . - £3 .20, Surface - £3 .60, Airmail - £5 .70. \cdrom\pubs\journals\workshop\vol0303\21news.htm ...
723. On Number as Artifact (Part 3: Conclusion) [Journals] [Horus]
... about number have changed. But the numbers themselves have stayed the same, and in many cases so have the problems to which they refer. No cataclysm of any imaginable sort could possibly act to alter the nature of acoustic science and the scale comma. they are there for all time: one of the great intellectual challenges in man's mental evolution. Thus to track the history of thought it is now incumbent upon prehistorians, as Nicolas Rashevsky advocated, to turn to number. But not as a pure mathematician - rather as early man himself did. Two man's earliest sciences were harmonike and astronomy. There seems little doubt that modem-day musicians and archaeoastronomers have something to tell us. ...
724. Planetary Motions, Egyptian Unit Fractions and the Fibonacci Series [Journals] [Horus]
... pp. 7-10. Bunt, [see note #3 ] mentions the relation 1/n - 1/(n + 1) - 1/n (n + l) . 13. See Nature, (Nov. 1979), cited in J. M. McCanney, "The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies, Part ll," KRONOS IX:3 , (1984). In criticism to reference #7 of McCanney, C. Leroy Ellenberger says that series of twelve numbers cited are not the "ages of world events," but merely the generally accepted horizons for genealogical ages. C. Leroy Ellenberger, " ...
725. Aeon Volume II, Number 1: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... and to foster a wider debate as to the interpretation of new data. AEON will pursue an interdisciplinary approach. In addition to providing a service to researchers in catastrophist studies, we offer the general reader the possibility of sharing in exciting discovery. AEON is not an institutional journal with a finished product. The papers presented here are still in evolution, looking for comment and criticism from others. Publication in this symposium will, as a rule, involve little or no refereeing and minimal editing, with the primary responsibility for technical accuracy and proofreading resting on the contributors themselves. Specialists in the affected fields are asked to challenge the presented views or to offer alternative explanations of the data ...
726. What's in a Name? -- Venus "The Newcomer" [Journals] [SIS Review]
... be drawn up for words whose counterparts occur in more than one language, following the threads of phonological development, are not dependent on their origination from one "Indo-European tongue" (though morphological considerations strongly suggest such an ancestor); but they do demand general relative chronologies and geographies to supply a hypothetical course of development, whether by direct evolution or by cultural borrowings. Similarly, the general trend outlined by the hypothesis can be made equally valid for both evolutionary and catastrophist schemes of the development of human culture, as it postulates in any case a series of seemingly random mutations occurring after varying intervals and accomplished - often in groups - fairly swiftly, like those postulated by some ...
727. The Extended Habitation Zone [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Press 1974. Written By Andy Lloyd, email: andy3751@hotmail.com Habitability of Planets Around Red Dwarf Stars adsabs.harvard.edu/abstract_service.html Habitability of Planets Around Red Dwarf Stars by Martin J Heath, Laurance R. Doyle, Manoj M. Joshi, Robert M. Haberle in Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, v. 29, Issue 4, p. 405-424 (1999). Recent models indicate that relatively moderate climates could exist on Earth-sized planets in synchronous rotation around red dwarf stars. Investigation of the global water cycle, availability of photosynthetically active radiation in red dwarf sunlight, and the biological implications of stellar flares, ...
728. Focus [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... known. The rate at which plate tectonic processes are said to occur on Earth is something of a controversy, and the driving mechanism is something of an uncertainty. In the haste to bash the "Velikovskian cult", they have resorted to the uniformitarian theory of plate tectonics, requiring a great age for Venus, and a slow "evolution" of planetary features. Once it is realised that Venus is geologically youthful, any plate tectonic movements would have to have taken place at an unearthly rapid rate: a conclusion that earth scientists must shrink away from. It is a dangerous precedent; for if it catches on, the cause of the youthful Venus could be set back ...
729. Aeon Volume I, Number 6: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... and to foster a wider debate as to the interpretation of new data. AEON will pursue an interdisciplinary approach. In addition to providing a service to researchers in catastrophist studies, we offer the general reader the possibility of sharing in exciting discovery. AEON is not an institutional journal with a finished product. The papers presented here are still in evolution, looking for comment and criticism from others. Publication in this symposium will, as a rule, involve little or no refereeing and minimal editing, with the primary responsibility for technical accuracy and proofreading resting on the contributors themselves. Specialists in the affected fields are asked to challenge the presented views or to offer alternative explanations of the data ...
730. Carbon Dioxide Production by K-T Extinction Bolide [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... ), 1095-1108. 8. O'Keefe and Ahrens, Lunar & Planetary Science, 19 (1988). 9. Goody and Walker, Atmospheres. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1972. 10. Berner, Lasaga, Garrels, American Journal of Science, 283 (1983), 641-83. 11. Kasting and Toon, in Origin and Evolution of Planetary and Satellite Atmospheres, Atreya and Pollack, Eds., Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1988. 12. Emiliani, Kraus, Shoemaker, Earth Planetary Science Letter, 55, 317-24. 13. McLean, Science, 201 (1978), 401-406. 14. Hut, Alvarez, Elder, Hansen, Kauffman ...
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