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1190 results found.
119 pages of results. 711. AEON Back Issues [Journals] [Aeon]
... Configuration * Darkness and the Deep * Indra's Theft of the Sun's Wheel * Velikovsky and Racial Memory * Astronomical Dating and Calendrics. Vol.III: No.4 The Lord of Light * Thanatos and Anastasis * Velikovsky in America * On Mars and Pestilence * Psychoceramics. Vol.III: No.5 The Great Comet Venus * The Evolution of the Cosmogonic Egg * The Beginning of Time * Sothis and the Morning Star. Vol.III: No.6 A Dynamical Objection to Grubaugh's Polar Configuration * Response to Slabinski * "Worlds in Collision" * The Stratigraphy of Ancient Israel * The Saturn Thesis: Questions and Answers * Dragons and Red Dwarfs. \cdrom\ ...
712. Aeon Volume II, Number 3: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... and to foster a wider debate as to the interpretation of new data. AEON will pursue an interdisciplinary approach. In addition to providing a service to researchers in catastrophist studies, we offer the general reader the possibility of sharing in exciting discovery. AEON is not an institutional journal with a finished product. The papers presented here are still in evolution, looking for comment and criticism from others. Publication in this symposium will, as a rule, involve little or no refereeing and minimal editing, with the primary responsibility for technical accuracy and proofreading resting on the contributors themselves. Specialists in the affected fields are asked to challenge the presented views or to offer alternative explanations of the data ...
713. Solaria Binaria [Books] [de Grazia books]
... concepts of time and their visions of events deserve consideration. This consideration and the others advanced before direct this monograph towards resolving the cosmogony of the Solar System into a model of a Solaria Binaria, the last stages of whose quick and violent quantavolution have been witnessed by human eyes. The model stands as plaintiff, confronting the model of uniformitarian evolution as adversary. Although a note on method is appended to the present work, it may be well to stress in the beginning that a prerequisite of scientificity is the ability to suspend judgment on a case being tried. This is especially painful when one is expert on the matter at issue. Even so, a scientist who cannot suspend ...
714. Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic Collisions and Other Popular Theories about Man's Past (Review) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... "favorite" concepts. Then interested individuals will either re-evaluate their ideas in the light of such criticisms- or take them to task. Best of all, some may do both, and ideally this could become a situation of reciprocal enrichment. As Stiebing notes, however, the failure to communicate can have unpleasant consequences, as in the Evolution vs. Creation controversy. Here, the general public- by means of governmental lobbying- is having its say as to what "truths" will be taught in schools. This has the potential of getting out of hand. Academic material cannot be determined by plebiscite, although neither can the public be treated as cult group members, ...
715. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... back volume together £36.20 airmail; subscription to vol. IX and one back vol. (except vol. III) together £36.20 airmail; single back issue III:2 (Velikovsky & Establishment Science) £8 .65 airmail; all other single back issues, each, £7 .60 airmail. EVOLUTION: RECONCILING THE CONTROVERSY (Hadd, US hardback): £10.40 airmail; ditto with any KRONOS volume or issue, £8 .95 airmail. TECHNOLOGY REVIEW (US journal - M.I .T ., issue on Archaeoastronomy, Dec. 1977): £4 .50 surface. REVIEW and WORKSHOP binders ...
716. About the SIS. How to Join [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... assessed Velikovsky's contributions in an impartial manner, sometimes critically but generally constructively. In some fields, SIS contributors have developed his work several stages further and the Society's flagship journal Chronology and Catastrophism Review is intended to provide a forum for this continuing debate in the related subjects of revised chronologies, Biblical studies, mythology, astronomy, catastrophist geology and evolution. In its aim of increasing the possibilities for the exchange of ideas and information within the Society's membership, SIS Internet Digest can be of great value for relaying snippets of information, from the Internet, including reviews, news and articles, and in general for keeping members informed of anything which is going on and likely to be of ...
717. Briefings [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ratios - and the unfettered mind is free to ruminate on "rogue" planets careering across the universe as the result of such an event in another system. (Note: NASA's "protoplanet" should not be confused with Velikovsky's supercomet of the same name: both users of the term intend it to designate an early stage in the postulated evolution of a planet, but the theories clearly diverge noticeably, even to the extent that NASA's "protoplanet" is a planet, whereas Velikovsky's has yet to become one.) Source: NASA News No. 79-46, December 3, 1979. Thanks for suggestions to Ragnar Forshufvud, Eric Crew and Gunnar Heinsohn. - R.M ...
718. Editor's Notes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... are now available to SIS members from the SIS Book Service at the following discount prices: £29.95 (UK) £31.50/$US54.00 (surface everywhere/Europe by air) £36.30/US$62.25 (air mail elsewhere) Trevor Palmer's new book CONTROVERSY - CATASTROPHISM AND EVOLUTION: The Ongoing Debate (430pp., illustrated) is also available to members for £52.95 (UK and overseas, surface mail only). Cheques should be made out to SIS'. Payment in sterling or US dollars only. Sterling from abroad should be drawn on a bank in the UK (unless payment is ...
719. Aeon Volume II, Number 2: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... and to foster a wider debate as to the interpretation of new data. AEON will pursue an interdisciplinary approach. In addition to providing a service to researchers in catastrophist studies, we offer the general reader the possibility of sharing in exciting discovery. AEON is not an institutional journal with a finished product. The papers presented here are still in evolution, looking for comment and criticism from others. Publication in this symposium will, as a rule, involve little or no refereeing and minimal editing, with the primary responsibility for technical accuracy and proofreading resting on the contributors themselves. Specialists in the affected fields are asked to challenge the presented views or to offer alternative explanations of the data ...
720. "Limited Fusion" and "Anode-Stars" [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Planets", SISR IV: 1, pp. 8-11. 10 Ibid. 11 Eric Crew, "Stability of Solid Cores in Gaseous Planets", Kronos 3:1 . 12 Juergens, op. cit., Kronos 4:4 . 13 lbid., p. 12. 14 Sergei Vsekhsviatskii, "Indications of the Eruptive Evolution of Planetary Bodies". Paper read in absentia at 1974 McMaster Symposium on Velikovsky and the Origins of the Solar System, Hamilton, Ontario. 15 Immanuel Velikovsky, "Saturn and the Flood", Kronos 5:1 . 16 Dudley, op. cit. 17 Immanuel Velikovsky, "Epilogue", Worlds in Collision. Copyright ...
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