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119 pages of results. 481. The Book Case [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VI No. 2 (Winter 1981) Home | Issue Contents The Book Case EVOLUTION: Reconciling The Controversy John R. Hadd. $7 .50 (US Dollars), $10.50 overseas airmail. 96 pages, hard cover only. Address orders to KRONOS Press, Glassboro State College, Glassboro, NJ 08028. \cdrom\pubs\journals\kronos\vol0602\096books.htm ...
482. To Begin the World Over Again [Journals] [Aeon]
... electromagnetically coupled to both smaller- and larger-scale fields, promising interactions of forces. Because most of these bodies are radiating away energy, it is likely that their energy production, even their motions, are driven from outside. Because electromagnetic forces are so much stronger than gravitational forces, our highly developed (mechanical) theories of the origins, evolutions, and dynamics of stars and planets will be upset. Celestial formations we can scarcely imagine (mechanically), but which space instruments are now observing, can be explained electrically without the ad hoc subterfuges proliferating among conventional theories. A universe bursting with plasma instead of speckled with isolated billiard balls explains: Why the spiral arms of galaxies ...
483. On Morrison: Some Final Remarks (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... opportunity to test Velikovsky's theories, I will limit my discussion to these two objects. Let me begin with the "Coup de Grāce" issue of surface relief on Venus as an indication that internal energy is not a major contributor to the high surface temperature. Juergens (IV, 71-74) has confused this argument with my discussion of thermal evolution of the planet, and as a result his criticisms are off base. The argument from surface relief is independent of any assumptions concerning the past history of the planet; its strength lies in its ability to define an upper limit on heat conducted from the interior today. (Note that the argument was also published in a more technical ...
484. Magnetism [Books]
... are able to measure with accuracy the present-day variations of the geomagnetic field, they often encounter great difficulties in determining the magnetic conditions which prevailed before 1580. Reliable data exist since 1580, enabling us to follow the magnetic changes which have occurred since that date. Before that, assumptions based on scattered measurements have to be made regarding the field's evolution, with all the inconveniences this method implies. The present author does not claim to solve the difficult problems which confront the scientific world in this domain; he will only endeavour to draw some tentative conclusions and to make some suggestions in the light of the Theory of Impact, hoping that they may help to find the answers to elusive ...
485. Modern Origins of Flat Earth Theory [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... their personal ideas, recognized the job becomes easier if everything that preceding them is thought to be from an era of darkness. The darker the past, the brighter and more irresistible new ideas seem to be. The myth that people used to think the world flat was cultivated throughout the 19th century, particularly gaining ground from 1870-1920 during the evolution debate. It even became a key thesis of Boorstin's popular book The Discoverers, published as recently as 1983. There is actually little evidence of flat-earth thinking prior to the Enlightenment and much showing its sphericity was known. St. Augustine (400's) observed the Bible gives no description on the shape of the earth, thus was an ...
486. Origins-- Today's Science, Tomorrow's Myth - by James E. StrickIing, Jr. [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. XII No. 1 (Winter 1987) Home | Issue Contents An Extraordinary New Book! Origins- Today's Science, Tomorrow's Myth - by James E. StrickIing, Jr. An Objective Study of Creationism, Evolution, and Catastrophism A uniquely objective evaluation of both of the major contenders in the creation-evolution controversy. In addition to an examination of the major fallacies of Darwinism, the book details an unprecedented critique of the Creationist position, with an alternative sought within a catastrophist framework. Intriguing investigative studies with respect to certain origins and "nonorigins' within various disciplines are also included- both natural and cultural. Among these, "The Tower of Babel and the Catastrophic ...
487. SIS Spring Meeting 9th April 1983 [Articles]
... (Poster) SIS Spring Meeting 9th April 1983 Speakers: PROFESSOR ALFRED DE GRAZIA (New York University) Homo Schizo- the Catastrophic Evolution of Man BREAK FOR LUNCH PETER JAMES (History Editor, SISR): The Sea Peoples and Philistines DAVID ROHL & PETER JAMES (co-organisers of the SIS 10th Anniversary Tour of Egypt), will give a brief slide presentation and description of the proposed tour, followed by an OPEN FORUM DISCUSSION A MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY, 9th APRIL 1998 (11 AM- 5:30 PM) Admission free Refreshments available THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 7 RIDGMOUNT STREET, LONDON WC1 (nearest Underground, Goodge St. ...
488. Aeon Volume VI, Number 6: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... fall of Star Woman, her association with the Warrior Hero, and their unifying cosmic relations. Page 11: The Opening of the Mouth Ritual- Part III Ken Moss The conclusion of a definitive evaluation of the Egyptian rite in question, stressing comparable ceremonies and associated beliefs from Mesoamerica, and how they relate to events that transpired during the evolution of the proto-Saturnian system. Page 21 Citing the Work of Others: A Critique Lewis M. Greenberg A reproach to those who often fail to cite previous works, thus often appearing as if they were the first, or only ones, to address the topics they choose to broadcast. Page 35 Science, Technology and the Chronology of ...
489. C&C Review 1989 Issue (Volume XI): Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... )Contents Dr John J. Bimson: Shoshenq's Palestinian Campaign: a reply to Shea 2 Disputing Dr Shea's novel interpretation of Shoshenq's list, Dr Bimson re-examines the place names and shows that problems remain for the identification of this pharaoh with the Biblical Shishak. Dr Trevor Palmer: Towards a new Evolutionary Synthesis 4 What are the major ideas in evolution today, and where are they leading? Dr Palmer examines current evolutionary thinking, and its history, and finds a diversity of ideas in a synthesis which is as yet incomplete. Dr Richard Huggett: Drayson's hypothesis: the Earth's tilt cycle 12 The tilt cycle hypothesis of Alfred W. Drayson, a 19th century catastrophist, is re-evaluated ...
490. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. XI No. 3 (Summer 1986) Home | Issue Contents Contributors Ev Cochrane (M .S ., Iowa State); Mr. Cochrane has studied psychology and genetics, receiving a degree in General Graduate Studies. He is currently preparing a book on biological evolution and one on Greek mythology and religion. Sean Mewhinney; A resident of Ottawa, Ontario, Mr. Mewhinney has been working seasonally as a taxation clerk for the past eight years. His avocation is ancient astronomy. Lynn E. Rose (Ph.D ., University of Pennsylvania); Dr. Rose is Professor of Philosophy at the State University of New York at ...
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