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119 pages of results. 431. A Life's Work? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... & Catastrophism Review 1994 (Vol XVI) (Oct 1995) Home | Issue Contents A Life's Work?work reviewed: Scientific Prehistory by Melvin A. Cook (the sequel to Prehistory and Earth Models) Cook's 1966 book Prehistory and Earth Models set out radical and challenging ideas about radioactive dating, ice ages, continental drift, geology and evolution, combining original thinking with thorough scientific analysis. Prehistory and Earth Models was only made available on a small print run, with few copies ever reaching the general book trade, and as a result copies are very hard to find. It was reviewed in C & C Workshop 1988:1 . Scientific Prehistory is potentially even more exclusive ...
432. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Society News 1984 Spring Meeting A highly successful general meeting was held on the 24th March 1984 at the Library Association. The speakers were M Rene Gallant, author of BOMBARDED EARTH, who gave an erudite, entertaining and stimulating talk entitled Early Historic Man - Catastrophism & Calendars' and Prof Chandra Wickramasinghe who introduced the audience to the topic of Evolution from Space - Interdisciplinary Evidence', a recent theory developed by the speaker with co-author Sir Fred Hoyle. After the two talks David Rohl and Peter James gave a short slide show covering many of the sites to be visited during the forthcoming tour of Egypt as a prelude to the rapidly approaching departure date. A full account of the ...
... of a New Culture The Enigma of Tiahuanaco The Mightiest Stones in the World The Problems of the Slanting Strandline The Selection of the Site The End of a World The Calendar of Kalasasaya Postscript 6 The Mightiest Stones in the World The style of the Second Culture Period of Tiahuanaco is megalithic', but not cyclopean'. Though its history of evolution is quite unknown, it does not seem to be descended directly from cromlech-like or dolmen-like primitive stone pilings, those first steps of prehistoric man towards architecture. The tendency of all architecture everywhere in the world was, and is, to reduce the size of the building elements bricks, squared stone blocks, slabs, etc., and ...
434. Comets, Meteorites and Earth History [Articles]
... SPRING MEETING 24th March 1984 Speakers RENE GALLANT (author of Bombarded Earth): " Early Historic Man- Catastrophism and Calendars " BREAK FOR LUNCH PROFESSOR CHANDRA WICKRAMASINGHE (Head of the Dept. of Applied Mathematics & Astronomy, University College, Cardiff, and co-author, with Sir Fred Hoyle, of Lifecloud and Diseases from Space): " Evolution from Space- Interdisciplinary Evidence " A MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY 24th MARCH (11 a.m . to 5 p.m .) admission 50p refreshments available THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 7 RIDGMOUNT STREET, LONDON WCI (nearest Underground, Goodge Street) for further information write to: THE SOCIETY FOR ...
435. Conclusion (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... a large area of disagreement, but our debate, orally and in writing, was carried on in the spirit of mutual respect and friendliness. Our last long conversation took place on April 8th, five days after your interview, and nine days before his death. He was rereading my Worlds in Collision and he said some encouraging sentences-demonstrating the evolution of his opinion in the space of 18 months. I assume that the expressions that you mention were not used by Einstein in the meaning you have unintentionally given to them. I think that upon searching your memory, you will find that the predominant feature of his in speaking of my book was positive and not negative, sympathetic and ...
436. Velikovsky and the Decline of Medieval Cosmology [Articles]
... longer a comet but an asteroid in a very similar orbit, makes it almost 98% certain that we were in the presence of a really fantastic event, that is almost certainly a 20 km comet was in an Earth-crossing orbit and breaking up, round about 2500 BC. Now it's quite clear, from what one can calculate about the evolution of the meteor stream and the evolution of a comet, that this would have been a sight or a spectacle that anybody on Earth couldn't have missed. And part of the argument that we've put forward in our book is that it was such a vivid display it actually dominated all the theorising that anybody indulged in in relation to the ...
437. Is Gravity Necessary? (A Response to Charles Ginenthal's Electro-Gravitic Theory) [Journals] [Aeon]
... wrote the book, Worlds in Collision, the mechanical world view of Isaac Newton ruled astronomy. By proposing that the planets had changed orbits recently, thereby sometimes coming to close proximity with cataclysmic results, Velikovsky attracted scorn from many astronomers. Even when data from space probe after space probe indicated that the believed view of a quiet birth and evolution of the Solar System was no longer warranted, few scientists bothered to examine Velikovsky's work seriously. Worse, the conspiracy of silence which was imposed by powerful scientists in 1950 upon Velikovsky's work remains essentially intact today in the halls of Academia. As a result, thirty-eight years after its first printing, Worlds in Collision is still an unknown ...
438. The Velikovskian Vol. IV, No. 2: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... From: The Velikovskian Vol. IV, No. 2 Texts Home | Velikovskian Home The Velikovskian The Journal of Myth, History and Science Vol. IV, No. 2 (1998)Quota pars operis tanti nobis committitur CONTENTS Metamorphic Evolution , Charles Ginenthal Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, by Richard Milton ; Reviewed by Roger W. Wescott The Relevance of the Velikovksy Scenario to the Homeric Question , Hugo Meynell Reviewing Velikovsky's Venus and Mars Theories , Donald W. Patten A Tale of Two Venuses , Charles Ginenthal Chain Reactions -A Victory for Mars , Lynn E. Rose Contributors Charles Ginenthal is the author of Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky and co-author of Stephen J. Gould and ...
439. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of interest in the Sourcebook Project, which aims at "the collection, organisation and publication of information about unusual phenomena and curious features of the natural world .. . to challenge science with data not easily explained (or not explainable at all) in terms of current scientific theories." Strange Planet deals with geology, hence Uniformitarianism, Evolution and the theory of ice ages come under scrutiny, using material from the scientific literature of the past 130 years. Three-quarters of the articles collected here come from the mainstream of scientific publications, Nature, Science and the Bulletin of the Geological Association being well represented, the remainder being culled from what Nature has termed "the pseudo scientific ...
440. Inherent Origins of the State (Hegel and Freud) [Journals] [Kronos]
... while still maintaining all these earlier forms, which now become legitimized differentiations within it. The Hegelian view of the state described above is the state seen essentially "cosmogenically, " as an institution built up through Spirit's thrust towards self-realization within the whole of reality. Of course, the development of the state per se is and has a dialectical evolution through history as well. It is this as a permanent entity going through the stages of its own phylogeny and as the form of a particular people engaging in their own ethnogeny. And, if one looks at the history of this phylogenic development of the state as such as Hegel expresses this in The Philosophy of History- one finds ...
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