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119 pages of results. 421. The Great Debate [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... His name was Charles Darwin. Herbert Spencer and Alfred R. Wallace each independently came to the same conclusion as Darwin (the phrase "survival of the fittest" belongs to Spencer), but it was Darwin who became the most influential. In 1859 Darwin published The Origin of the Species, in which he proposed his idea of organic evolution through a slow and meticulous process called "natural selection." The main tenet of his theory was that heavy, delicate, or poorly defended species gradually disappear, eliminated (out-adapted, actually) by lighter, stronger, better defended species. Furthermore, said Darwin, natural selection is the prime process at work in evolution. Darwin ...
422. S.I.S. Workshop Vol. 4 No. 4 March 1982: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: S.I .S . Workshop Vol. 4 No. 4 March 1982 Texts Home | SIS Workshop Home Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Workshop Members' newletter Vol. 4 No. 4 March 1982 FOCUS: The Evolutionist-Creationist Battle: A Threat to Catastrophist Evolution 1 A DATE CORRECTION FOR RAMSES II by Lester J. Mitcham 3 THOUGHTS ON THE CAVE OF KAMARES by Jill Abery 4 THE EXODUS IN THE PYRAMID TEXTS? By Walter Warshawsky 5 MORE ON APOLLO by K.A . LeFlem 7 MONITOR : More Evolutionary Problems * Problems of Chronology * The Hittites in Israel * Yet Another Catastrophe Theory * Great American Interchange * Volcanic Origin of Maize? * "Super Lightning ...
423. Clock Unwound. Ch.10 Thirty-five Centuries Ago (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... by the amount of erosion. By counting the annual bands of clay and silt we may find out the number of years spent in their deposition. By studying the rings in old tree trunks we can determine the time of climatic changes as reflected in their growth. The remains of extinct and extant animals-their appearance, position on the ladder of evolution, and state of fossilization-enable us to establish their time of existence. By the content of radiocarbon in organic matter we may detect the time when an animal or plant died, and by the accumulation of fluorine in bones the length of time since burial. Finally, by studying artifacts and archaeologically determinable strata in the lands of antiquity, ...
424. Opening address to the participants (Conference Report) [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2002:1 (Sep 2002) Home | Issue Contents Conference Report Fifty years after Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision: Classical and New Scenarios on Evolution of Solar System. Held at the University of Bergamo, 20/21 October 2001. The workshop discusses a number of issues related to the role of Velikovsky in the cultural history of the 20th century and a number of recent evidence that some claims of Velikovsky are confirmed by observations and computations not available at his time. My thanks go to Emilio Spedicato for providing the talk summaries. Opening address to the participants Nieves Mathews De Madariaga Dear friends, dear friends of Immanuel Velikovsky, dear Emilio. explorer ...
425. On Number As Artifact (Part 1: Introduction) [Journals] [Horus]
... a medieval monk drew this diagram of the relationship between the seven Liberal Arts. Musica is at lower right "Culture," an archaeologist once observed, "is highly perishable and therefore cannot be excavated. "( 1 ) This is not an attitude most today would find encouraging, especially perhaps those who consider themselves students of man's cultural evolution. If culture is what makes us human, then (according to this view) archaeology is not going to be able, in the final analysis, to tell us very much about ourselves. This dark cloud, however, just may have a bright lining. In recent years it has been shown that answers to many questions about ...
426. The Core Ejection Hypothesis [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1989 No 1 (May 1989) Home | Issue Contents FORUM The Core Ejection Hypothesis C. Leroy Ellenberger criticises: In C & C Review X (1988), as in Kronos X:2 (1985), Eric Crew describes a model for the ejection of solid cores from Jovian planets and the subsequent evolution of the orbits of the ejecta to nearly circular terrestrial ones. This entire process is quite impossible and its initiation is precluded by a very simple fact of Nature that Crew refuses to acknowledge. Crew claims that core ejection is facilitated by pressure ionisation producing a positively charged body inside a gaseous planet. He is quite mistaken on this point ...
427. The Electric Universe CD by Wallace Thornhill [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... The Electric Universe CD by Wallace Thornhill Review by Amy Acheson Thoth Vol III, No. 4. Feb 15, 1999 Wallace Thornhill's CD offers a visual invitation to toss aside the straightjacket of paradigm paralysis and explore the universe from an electric point of view. He covers an enormous range of phenomena, from subatomic particles through stellar and galactic evolution, floodlighting our understanding of the universe with insights garnered from mythical symbols, space probes, and plasma lab experiments. As an illustration, let me compare the received explanation with Thornhill's electric explanation for the tail of Halley's Comet, both presented in light of photographs returned by the ESA spacecraft Giotto in March, 1986. The standard theory ...
428. Planet in Crisis: the Earth's Last 12,000 Years [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , until very recently, large areas of the forest were occupied by typical savannah flora and that the similarities of the plants in the still extant but widely sundered patches of savannah actually demand a former continuous contact between them [109, 110]. This conclusion parallels that of ornithologists investigating Amazonian bird speciation [111], herpetologists investigating lizard evolution [112] and archaeo-ethnological studies across the region [113]. This environmental change appears to have proceeded in stages. Radiocarbon dates of masses of fallen subfossil timber underlying today's rain forest, examined at several widely separated localities, show that generally speaking three main episodes of sudden change have occurred, involving destructive violent flooding quite unlike the ...
429. Editor's Notes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... two or three times a year and replaces the old C&C Workshop and C&C Review journals. This issue contains a major reappraisal by Trevor Palmer of the contributions and thinking of Darwin, Lyell and the other major Victorian scientists in the middle of the 19th century - developing the ideas outlined in his book Catastrophism, Neocatastrophism and Evolution. Benny Peiser questions orthodox thinking about the dating and origin of Homer, and Gunnar Heinsohn asks some awkward questions about the archaeology of the Middle East, focussing on the site of Hazor. Phillip Clapham suggests a radical solution to the identity of the mythical substance shamir and I have included a brief review of current debate on Einstein's relativity ...
430. Imaginary and Expected Catastrophes: Apocalyptic Desire and Scientific Prognosis [Journals] [SIS Review]
... shifting of the bodies in the heavens which move around the earth by fierce fire, which recurs at long intervals. ' [35] IV. In 1972, mainstream Darwinism acknowledged that one of its basic premises will never be verified. Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould made known that there is no such thing as a slow and continuous evolution of life forms. The missing links will remain missing. Eruptions of development come about in a punctuated manner which in itself, however, still defies an understanding of its triggering mechanism. [36] In 1977, Canadian mainstream scholars were the first to consider celestial bodies as the agents of mass-extinction on the earth within geological time [ ...
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